Name: Rebecca Monaghan
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance: Petite and attractive. Caucasian, reddish brown hair, with brown eyes. Dresses fashionably(clothes her mother buys her), though she isn't obsessed over appearance.
Personality: Brought up Christian, though harbors a strong doubtfulness(though not complete disbelief) of any kind of "God" due to her tendency to rely on logic, reason, and proof. Parents smother her with gifts but little love, though she could care less about material things. They work often and pay her little attention, but she doesn't care much. She doesn't even consider them her parents because of the relationship they share. She is popular with her peers at school, but secretly doesn't think much of most of the people she knows. She has been in many relationships, though only agrees to date in order to spare the wooer's feelings. She is not opposed to a relationship, though isn't interested in the types of people she is around. Very bright and resourceful. Strong-willed. Doesn't always think before she says things, and her remarks can sometimes be very cutting, but she is a good person on the inside and tries to help others when she can. She can also be very sarcastic and rude when agitated. Has a temper that she doesn't show often, but if provoked it's hard for her to contain her anger. Afraid of spiders, and freaks out at the sight of them.
Waking life: Quite popular, a freshman in the later part of the school year. Does not go out looking for conversation/human contact on her own, though is cordial when approached. Makes all A's. Has plenty of money due to her parents wealth, and so spends freely. She is responsible however, and rarely spends money since most of her needs are met. Hopes to become a photographer. Has a brother in college, Walker, whom she loves very much.
Dream Life: A natural lucid dreamer, and very much prefers the dream world to waking life. Prefers dream characters to real humans, because she knows "she can always trust herself". Has a gray, nameless cat that was a constantly recurring dc and eventually valued as a sort of dream companion. She enjoys exploring the dream world. She remembers all of her dreams and has amazing control. She will also not harm a dream character unless they present a threat to her. She tries not to control them as she finds it more enjoyable when they are allowed to act as they normally would. Though she is a natural, she has experimented with different induction techniques just out of interest. She has never attempted the WILD, due to fear of sleep paralysis/hallucinations.