Well I recently just got back into lucid dreaming after about a year long hiatus and I used to be really good at WILDing. But I've had some random lucid dreams throughout that period and I thought going back at it would be a piece of cake but it's not.

Anyways, when I used to WILD, I would just lay in my bed for a while, then go into sleep paralysis that would last for a few short minutes then the next thing I know, everything is silent and still and I know I've entered a dream. So that stillness and silentness was the cue for me to open my eyes (not my physical eyes) and I would stand up from my bed and do whatever I wanted to accomplish if I reached a WILD. *sigh* For eg. my first one was that I ran out of my house, gave myself a jet pack and flew to an island, then walked on water, then flew some more and then lost control and fell into the water in where the impact felt so real I woke up!

So I tried to WILD recently and I did the usual, lay in bed, went through sleep paralysis but something was off. A dream was forming and I could see and feel everything happening but I couldn't control it or see myself in it physically. I dreamt about something back in the medieval times and was observing the battle of a bunch of knights and I could the feel of the wooden entrance of this castle being lowered down. I wanted so much to be part of the dream somehow but I couldn't and it still felt like sleep paralysis to me because once it stopped, everything was still and silent but I just knew I wasn't in a dream anymore. I awoke to find myself in my bed disappointed :'( What just happened there? I mean, I did WILD kind of right? And a whole dream just passed through my eyes.

What should I do??? Oh and thank-you for taking the time to read this! I really appreciate it!