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    1. #1
      Oneironaut BonMotGuy's Avatar
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      Too aware of my physical body to successfully WILD...Help!:o

      Whenever I try to WILD, the farthest I am able to get is my body feeling extremely dense. I also slip into daydreams that make no sense at all. I get completely absorbed in these daydreams, but then I catch myself slipping into unconciousness. But when I realize that I am slipping into sleep, I feel like I am yanked back into complete awareness of my physical body. Its either I go unconcious defeating the purpose of the WILD or I cannot fall asleep! Does anyone know how I can get through this?
      "Deep in the meadow under the willow, a blade of grass, a soft green pillow. Lay down your head and close your eyes, and when they open the sun will rise."
      -- Katniss Everdeen

    2. #2
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      Well you just started to WILD, right?

      WILDing is one of those techniques that for some people, it just takes time and practice. It's different for everyone. It could be that you just aren't relaxed enough. Some people have trouble relaxing and staying relaxed. I recommend looking into relaxation texhniques online and see If that helps at all. If not, it could be the time you are getting up to WILD. You could be getting up too early or late.

      WILDing is all about experimenting with different things. Try put different things (the time, relaxation techniques, visualization techniques, etc) You just need to stay consistent and keep trying. It's only been a month since you joined Dreamviews! Hard work will pay off! Good luck!

    3. #3
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      If you want a lucid dream the only thing to do is to lay still and wait for the physical body to fall asleep and remaining aware. I did this by listening to 50 minutes of guided relxation and OBE guides just to keep my mind awake. Then I wait for memory impressions which is a memory of seeing or hearing or feeling something for a short second. Then when I hit rem my thoughts go vivid and with a little pracctise you can enter the dream here, because you are basically already in it. The hard part is to not focus on the physical body again by misstake and return to that focus.

      I have just watched a seminar by Thomas Campbell (former NASA physicist) and he talks about how out of body experiences and how exploring different realities is possible and he explains it by physics.
      It sounds crazy I know, but if you are a matrix fan like me you will love it, because you will realise that the real life almost is like the matrix, you need to be conscious to experiene the larger reality.
      Ok we are not trapped, we are just not aware of ourselves and our reality. And he can basically go to that place, dream astral or what ever without being in REM.
      That's just a little motivation for you, and if your interested just type in his name on youtube.

      Either way meditation is the best way to go to succeed with both of these things. With meditation you learn to not block out the non-physical world with thoughts and worries.
      Yeah the buddhists were right, although they still strive for enlightenment and because of that they fail... xD

      But by pracctising meditation you will learn to be conscious which is the key to successfully lucid dream or have an obe, it's all the same just different awareness.

      Good luck!
      Last edited by Choi; 03-15-2012 at 09:10 AM.

    4. #4
      Member Robot_Butler's Avatar
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      Like anything else, this just takes practice. You are aiming for a trance state, where you are deeply relaxed, and your mind is calm, but active. It is not a normal state of mind. It takes effort and direction. If you just lay down and wait for it to happen, you will be disappointed.

      What sorts of visualizations or meditations or exercises are you currently doing? If they are not working, you could try something new. Most WILD guides will have some suggestions.

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