Hey everyone

So, now that I'm going to try to get back into lucid dreaming (as long as impending school matters don't get in the way), I definitely want to try out WILD and hopefully make some actual progress unlike last time.

The other day, I think I may have had an accidental WILD using my brother's snoring as an anchor, which sounds strange (and it is) but I kind of understand the process behind WILD a lot better now. Either that, or I know how I got into a short LD in the way I did at the weekend.

Basically, I was falling asleep normally (except this was after a hectic day and I was quite sleep-deprived so I was going to bed a lot earlier than normal), and once I got into sleep, I kind of realised a weird noise was still there which made me think 'Oh shit, that's my brother and I was awake just a few seconds ago', and then I just tried to rush myself into a proper LD without stabilising the dream or anything which was a bad idea, although every mistake is a learning point

Anyway, I had problems before with WILD and I still have them now which I'm hoping a more experienced WILDer may be able to help me with. Whenever I wake up, I usually don't stay up for that long, just normally take a quick trip to the toilet and come back to my room to fall asleep within a minute of waking up (although last night I had a look at the blood moon which was cool ), which means I constantly fall asleep due to lack of concentration on my WILD anchor, which is just me repeating a mantra in my head that I will stay aware when I sleep.

I could try to stay up for longer but often I find that this doesn't really affect my concentration on the anchor and I still fall asleep in the same amount of time as normal, or if not, I stay up for way too long and have trouble getting back to sleep.

I don't really know what I should change my anchor to because it's clear to me that my current one isn't working for me. I live with my brother and mum so any ideas of anchors or anchors that work for you would need to be suitable for me to use if I have to be considerate of other people trying to sleep too. If you have any tips on how to improve my concentration/awareness while WILDing as well, they would be great because if I could improve my awareness, I might still be able to continue using my current anchor.

Thank you to anyone who can help!