First post of mine on here and forums in general

Okay so I have been thinking bout Lucid dreaming the past couple days and have tried to wild the past 2 nights. I have yet to try WBTB before which i understand is supposed to help.

My first attempt I didn't have high expectations and just sort of thought about nothing just let everything in general come(which is EXTREMELY hard to do now KNOWING that it is what your supposed to do) and then all of a sudden I got the "vibration" feeling. Now the "vibration" feeling in my mind was associated with bad dreams because growing up whenever I got this feeling it was literally always before a bad dream. A dream I remember specifically when I was younger was walking around my house and then all of a sudden feeling the vibrations and then walking into my moms room and seeing her but it wasn't really her it was a very mean version of her who tried to attack me. So the first attempt at WILD was stopped once I felt the vibrations as I wasn't expecting really much my first attempt.

My first question is simply how close was I to lucid dreaming and/or how close is that feeling of vibrations to lucid dreaming?

My second and third attempts are similar to each other. I will start trying to get relaxed then I will get comfortable try and get my mind right and then my body will feel pretty comfortable then my body will sort of get to a point which isn't really SP but like a sort of stuck feeling but not in a claustrophobic type of way but I sort of idk cant really feel my legs and arms or they may feel like they are in a different position than they actually are. Then my eyes are closed and I will be counting or doing some other technique and I will be just relaxing and maybe the faintest sort of HI you can think of sort of shows up but at this point I kind of say to myself(not on purpose) okay HI is here dont focus on it think about something else and by that time it is completely gone and sometimes get frustrated and at that point nothing is going to happen.

I guess I just I don't really understand how I am to just let HI happen knowing what HI is and what it is leading to. I'm not overly excited or nervous. How does someone like myself skip the "Okay HI just appeared dont focus on theeeee..........oh shucks there gone" sort of phase. Will doing to WBTB method help with any focusing issues I have?

Oh and one more question...I live by a freeway and laying in bed I constantly hear cars buzzing by a lot of the time and it never really bothered me until I read about people who "highly" suggest having a completely silent environment because sounds can jolt you out of being relaxed. Now the question is can't someone learn to be around sounds and remain relaxed? Well I'm pretty sure the answer is yes but if anyone has any other experience with canceling out noise or not thinking about noises that are unavoidably there, than I think hearing about them would help me. Thanks