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    1. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      LOL @ steaming. Yes, this is quite the visual effect. Especially after my two 60-pound dogs have done their work.
    2. OpheliaBlue's Avatar
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      Not wrapped. It was steaming though
    3. gab's Avatar
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      I suspect the "tootsie roll" was not really a "tootsie rool". Unless it was still wraped. Just saying : D
    4. OpheliaBlue's Avatar
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      Haha yeah, a little neighborhood Chihuahua produced the yellow snow, right next to the frozen tootsie roll

      It was funny too, because it was no further than the end of the sidewalk. "It's coooooooold holy hell gotta make this quick!!!"
    5. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Lol CL. You know, I got to see some real yellow snow today. For a Texan, that's saying something

      Ice robot looked a bit more like Tonatiuh
      LOL. Congrats on seeing the Yellow Snow of Texas. You did say "see" rather than "produce", but I noticed you were vague on this point.

      Wow, according to Google Images, the Tonatiuh look must have been really cool!
    6. OpheliaBlue's Avatar
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      Lol CL. You know, I got to see some real yellow snow today. For a Texan, that's saying something

      Ice robot looked a bit more like Tonatiuh
      Updated 12-07-2013 at 07:52 AM by OpheliaBlue
    7. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Nice!! Yes I, too, love that Robo Quetzalcoatl Snowman! I'm way impressed that you pulled off the Christmas Miracle of going to bed at 3 AM and still doing such quality LDing.

      I remember the snowing task well from last year! Hard to believe that it's been a whole year since then. I was even listening to you and RC podcast about these tasks... the one with the little Christmas music kind of tinkling in the background. I mean, tinkling as in the musical sense, not in the "yellow snow" sense, ha ha...

      Anyway, great work!
    8. NyxCC's Avatar
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      Congrats on the lds, OB! Really cool with the robo aztec snowman.

      The great thing about this month's advanced tasks is that we may have to practice weather manipulation too!
    9. Xanous's Avatar
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      Sweet LD sis.
    10. gab's Avatar
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      I opened my eyes and was in my room and in bed, per pretty usual.
      Man, I gotta re-read this more often. That's how things start to work for me, by me reading it and believing it.

      I already did this twice when WILDing. But both times I was not able to keep my eyes opened. They were like on a bungy-cord, being pulled shut. But I have seen myself on a sofa, same clothes, same position and everything as I knew I was. So friggin realistic. I wanna start my wilds like that. Have to work on keeping my eyes opened. Thank you for posting this.
    11. NyxCC's Avatar
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      Congrats on Totm, OB! Really cool as always!

      Similarly to CL I was like oooh a waterfall! Angel falls! Hopefully this dream will help me get waterfall schema infected and finally complete a Toty.

      And there's something about chewing gums and lds...
    12. Xanous's Avatar
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      You make me laugh. I always love your LDs.
    13. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      LOL. Love it! Another great one from you! I love how a lot of your lucids have so much humor. Congratulations, too, on Task of the Month!

      By the way, that part with the chewing gum was completely hilarious (and completely gross!)

      Oh by the way, when you were heading toward that waterfall I halfway thought you might just do Angel Falls Task of the Year from out of nowhere!
    14. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Congratulations, Ophelia, great dream! I love that whole dream feast you got to partake in. That has got to be amazing, particularly for someone who knows how serious baking is done. I'm such a fan of dream food.

      Cool of you leaving them 80 bucks, too, ha ha...

      The War of the Cloud Jellyfish was awesome, too... just the right amount of excitement but all under control. I've got to get better at getting into these semi-hostile, exciting scenarios in lucids without letting my emotions get away from me. It sounds like you hit it perfect! Got to really hit that ideal zone where it's almost "lucid dream as really amazing video game".
    15. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      LOL. This one's great. I love that your internal organs were a bunch of steaks, not to mention zipping yourself back up after opening your abdomen with a dentist's pick.

      I really got a kick out of that clock too. Great job!
    16. cosmodius95's Avatar
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      That was quite entertaining to read. Congratulations on achieving TOTM!
    17. TranquilityTrip's Avatar
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      My comment on this dream may be very late (in comparison to when you posted the dream), but I am so intrigued by our dream sense that I couldn't possible give up the opportunity to ask you a few questions.
      1: Did you actually feel pain when the animal had bitten your arm in the dream, or did you assume you felt pain without any real memory of it actually occurring?
      2: Did you actually taste the candies you had eaten?

      1B: If you truly did feel pain, do you believe the pain was completely manifested from your own mind or is it possible that the sensations of pain were incorporated into your dream by a real life event that occurred while you slept? (Perhaps a bug bit your hand?)
      2B: If you truly did taste the candy, do you believe the sensations of taste that you felt were completely manifested from your own mind or is it possible some worldly event occur that forced your brain to incorporate the sensations into your dream or risk waking you up? (Perhaps your nose caught a scent of blueberries as you slept?)

      Hope to hear back soon as I am VERY interested in how our senses operate as we dream
      P.S. Nice dream btw
    18. NyxCC's Avatar
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      Awesome dream OB! Congrats on the extra creepy basic task execution! I loved the blueberry and cherry taste of the candy and the tongue straining.

      Very impessive self control despite the little bugger!
    19. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Hey, congratulations on the lucid and TotM! I love the idea of spending a lucid dream laying in bed eating Halloween candy. Why the hell shouldn't we be able to spend an LD doing exactly what we want (aka lying around in bed eating junk food.) Great way to start things nice and easy and get a task done while hardly moving a muscle. I guess last month you could have called someone on the phone, but that's not quite as much fun as this. =)

      Plus, I always like these positive lucid food experiences. I think lucid food is amazing. Early on I kind of bought into the schema that the experience of eating would disappoint in LDs, but my experience has been that the opposite is true. Lucid food's amazing more often than not!

      Nice job handling the little critter. I swear that for a second I thought you were just going to pop both him and the candy into your mouth, lol.
      Updated 10-03-2013 at 09:27 PM by CanisLucidus
    20. Bharmo's Avatar
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      Wow, nice dream! Loved specially the upside down part. I need to try and feel that!
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