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    Timothy Paradox

    1. 21-03-20 Seeing Mom

      by , 03-20-2021 at 05:35 PM
      I had the most intense dream last night. I was watching a video of the day of my birth on a TV screen. My mom (died December 2019) was in the hospital bed, cradling "baby me". I started getting emotional. Next thing I know, I am IN the scene, physically standing next to the bed. Mom and the baby are gone. Suddenly, mom is standing next to me. I basically launch myself into her arms, holding her tightly. All I can utter between sobs is "mama, mama". I had a very strong feeling that this was really her somehow, not just a dream character. But knowing the dream was multi-leveled, I know that can't be true.
      Tags: birth, mother
      non-lucid , memorable
    2. 16-07-10 Dreams on Demand

      by , 07-13-2016 at 06:48 PM
      Lots of dreams today. My sleeping "pattern" is getting more f*cked up by the day. I sleep from 5 to 15 these days (5AM to 3PM). And when I wake, I can "choose" to re-enter a dream in seconds, "on demand". My memories of these dreams are crystal clear after I wake.

      In the first dream I had traveled back in time, and witnessed my own birth. I was talking to a doctor. Suddenly, he got an alert and rushed to the delivery room. I followed him through a narrow, white corridor, while recording him with my smartphone. I remembered an earlier scene, in which someone showed me a (real, not digital) photo album with pictures from my birth... and the picture I looked at was one of the doctor running through a narrow, white corridor in front of whoever took the picture - exactly what I was seeing right now. After waking up, I concluded I had to have been the one who took the pictures before I traveled back. Temporal paradox! We were in the next room, and the baby was born. Somehow, my mother (or father) weren't there. I said something to the doctor. Perhaps I suggested naming him (me), because my mother wasn't there anyway.

      I was a character in an RPG game. We were in some kind of dark, partially flooded dungeon. Two guys went on ahead to retrieve an item (they had to get in the water, and dive under some kind of gate/fence) - but didn't return. I went after them. I dived, swam and retrieved the item they wanted. The boss and our mage were indeed dead. When we got back, another person said he could use the item to forge some kind of armor for me. I wasn't sure if that was a good idea. It was still early in the game.

      The dream took place in a post-apocalyptic desert. We (me and another guy) were in the dunes, surrounded by tall "zombies" of sorts (a kind of mythical undead, not your average zombies). We found a Jeep, and used it to drive through and away from the Z's. I had a lot of fun with this, driving up and jumping down the dunes while driving with one hand. We got to an large abandoned city, covered half in sand. I descended down some rubble, onto the street. Suddenly, a guy appeared on top of the rubble we came from. He was some kind of badass, and owner of Jeep we stole to escape. We seemed understanding of our situation. I think he had a rifle (AR15 type), and started to explain to us how to use it. Given his apparent experience and air of badassary, we decided to listen.

      In this dream, there was a guy who had stolen something, or was transporting something. He'd swallowed it, or carried it under his skin like some drug dealers do (or like the opera singer in "The Fifth Element". I was just an observer, not an actual character. The badass future version of Claire Bennet had captured him. She said she would cut it out of him, but she said it in such a menacing way, you had to feel sorry for the poor guy.

      I was looking at a painting, and discarded it for another painting. I was using them to travel through time.

      I was watching a movie with my mother. At some point I thought I recognized "Caroline", a girl I used to know in middle school. My mom said it wasn't her. It probably wasn't.