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    Hopeless Wanderings

    "Hold me fast, 'cause I'm a hopeless wanderer
    I will learn, I will learn to love the skies I'm under"

    lucids(new style)
    lucids(old style)

    Completed 2015 Lucid Goals:
    [X] fly
    [X] walk through walls
    [X] ask a DC the meaning of life
    [X] visit space

    Completed 2016 Lucid Goals:

    [x] summon someone(summoned M)
    [x] get an answer(kind of, but want to try again)

    2018 Dream Goals:

    [x] reach 200 entries
    [ ] reach 50 dream entries for the year(CURRENT COUNT: 9)
    [ ] Meet M again
    [ ] ANSWERS
    [ ] Meet someone dead IRL
    [X] Be ES
    [ ] Have 10 lucids(CURRENT COUNT: 8)
    [ ] Memorize a good chunk of a song playing in my dream and write it down
    [X] fly(why not I guess)
    [ ] build something(like a mini-world, house, bridge, etc)

    Current re-occuring dream themes: being in high school or college

    Total LD Count(only counting the ones recorded here): 67

    Happy dreaming!

    1. Murder and Creepy Neighbor

      by , 01-10-2016 at 06:44 PM (Hopeless Wanderings)
      D1: I was at a train station in the middle of the woods with some people. A murder happened and me and the people I was with were responsible. We somehow compacted the body into a small size and threw it in a small trashcan in the bathroom. We were scared that our DNA was all over the trash can and the body, but lots of other people using the bathroom also used the trash can so their DNA was added to it. The whole dream was spent trying to cover up this murder/not get caught. The dream started to repeat itself. At one point in this dream, we somehow compacted the body into small cubes and I shoved them in my mouth to hide it. I woke up gagging.

      D2: I was at my boss's house and he was showing me his dogs, as I was going to pet-sit for him while he was away. He showed me into the basement where he would play with them. There were 3 medium-sized dogs. His neighbor's house was connected so when he saw us he came to say hi. His neighbor was an older man, maybe 60 ish with graying hair. We were in the basement and I was standing next to this neighbor and my hand accidentally grazed his thigh. "Did you do that on purpose," he asked, flirty. "No!" I replied. "Yes you diiiiid" he said, creepily. Then he started touching me inappropriately. A girl next to me saw and started telling him to stop. We went up stairs and I started freaking out because I knew I would have to come to this house several more times to look after the dogs. I started to have a panic attack.
    2. Library Murder

      by , 12-11-2015 at 06:59 PM (Hopeless Wanderings)
      Just had to write this one down even though I don't remember most of it. It was one of those dreams I just loved, I don't know why, but it was just emotional and... fun? I don't know, but I really enjoyed it for some reason.

      I was at the library. There was a guy there who did something bad, I don't remember what, but I shot him and killed him. I didn't get convicted of his murder so everyone hated me for it because they knew I was guilty, but I knew I had killed a bad man so I didn't care. After that, when I entered the library people would alienate me and give me angry looks. Everyone hated me. I was told that I was not allowed in the New Materials section for some reason, but I needed go to that section because I wanted to find a book that was written about me and the murder I committed. I could have told someone to find the book for me but I didn't want anyone to know what book I wanted, so I just wandered the library quietly.

      So that's it. Again, I don't know why but I really enjoyed this dream. It's really hard to get the feel of a dream down in writing. It's like I enjoyed the fact that people couldn't stand me... weird.
    3. Bloody Hawaii Murder

      by , 06-15-2011 at 07:13 PM (Hopeless Wanderings)
      I forgot much of the details.. like I always do these days... but here it is.

      Me and my sister where getting ready to go on our Hawaii trip(we leave July 1st in real life ) and we were packing up and saying goodbye and stuff but my sister had a nervous look on her face. She said she wasn't sure that she could go because she didn't have any tampons. I told her she could just use mine and then we got going. I remember asking her which island we were going to visit first, I think it was Oahu. We got into our hotel room and it was really nice. I don't remember anything during this part.. the next thing I remember is packing up to go to the next island. I think we were there with a group of people, mostly adults. We went to the elevator and my dad was there for some reason and me and him stepped into the elevator with the intention of going to the first floor. Other people joined us in the elevator, I think some of them were part of the group we were with, and we missed our floor. I had a bad feeling in my stomach and i knew something was wrong. The elevator took us to the basement floor where we got out and I saw the group of friends(or atleast I thought they were our friends) standing around. Everything seemed fine until this girl with a blond ponytail gave an evil look and whipped out her gun and started running and chasing and shooting everyone. She was supposed to be in our group of friends but she turned against everyone and went crazy, shooting everything in sight. It was a bloody murder. This murder scene replayed for a second time, only I expected what was about to happen this time so I grabbed a gun and got ready. I'm not sure what happened next..
    4. The Longest/Scariest Dream in a Long Time

      by , 07-19-2010 at 05:22 PM (Hopeless Wanderings)
      regular dreams: 7-19-10

      Let's Have a Lucid!

      (this is not the one that the title is referring too)

      Me and my cousin Em and her dad were all in my basement, attempting to have lucid dreams. We had mats rolled out on the floor underneath the pool table and we were discussing how to have lucids. I think I fell asleep at one point, and may have had a dream within a dream. I don't know why I never bothered to do a reality check since we were talking about dreams and attempting to have a lucid one. I also remember my cousin wetting her pants for some reason..

      The Killer Teenager Out to Get Me and The Death of An Innocent Teen

      This dream was extremely long and vivid. Several times during the dream I woke up and fell back asleep.

      I was at my house with my parents when some kids came over to my house. They were all teenagers, and I only got a good look at one of them. He had long black hair that went down to his shoulders and a black baseball cap on(He looked kind of what Criss Angel looks like now, only younger). I don’t know why, but they wanted to hurt me for some reason.

      They came into my house and I told my parents to stop them. I can’t remember much from this part, but I do remember that they beat me up and my parents finally stopped them and they ran away. Those filthy scumbags.

      Then, my parents told me that they were going to do some grocery shopping or something. I couldn’t believe that they were just going to leave me after all that had happened. The teenagers were still out there and they knew where I lived. I went into my dad’s room and tried locking the doors but one of the doors wouldn’t work. My mom tried to help me fix it but it didn’t work. They left anyway, and I started freaking out. I locked all the doors in the house and then locked myself in my room(even though in RL there’s no lock on the door). After awhile of sitting in my room, I decided to come out for some reason, I think I wanted to get something. I went into the living room and turned around to look out the kitchen door. The black haired kid was standing right at that door, looking in through the glass.

      I started to freak out. I double checked all the doors to make sure they were locked, grabbed my phone, and ran into my room. I hoped that the guy didn’t see me grab my phone so that he wouldn’t know I was about to call the cops.

      Then I woke up. I thought about trying to have a lucid dream, but I really wanted to continue on with this dream (even though it was scaring the hell out of me) and watch that stupid kid and his friends get arrested. But it didn’t exactly work like that.

      “911 what's your emergency?,” some lady said on the other side of the phone. For some reason, she was so quiet that I couldn’t hear her. I had to ask her to repeat herself several times before I could finally make out the words. I wanted to be sure that I was calling the right number. “There’s this kid trying to get inside my house! He beat me up yesterday. Please send someone over now!” The lady replied “Okay, we’ll send someone over.”

      I don’t remember a lot that happened next. I think the teenager and his friends came back, and some of my friends came over. We played this long game of cat and mouse. Sometime, we appeared to be at the park instead of by my house. I just remember running for a long time. He would occasionally catch up to me and grab me, but then he just sort of let me get away again. I was wondering why the police didn’t show up yet so I called them again and told them to send a police car immediately.

      There was a huge group of people now. I didn’t know most of them or where they came from. We were on this balcony type thing in the park and the police still weren’t showing up. The black haired guy caught me again and I turned around to see a crowd of people, some sitting in bath tubs. My friend was one of them, just sitting there with a gun in her hand. I wondered if she was going to kill the guy who was after me. There was this guy in a bathtub across from her who was one of her friends. I don’t know why, but she held the gun up and just shot him in cold blood. I was in shock now. I watched the water in the bath tub turn red. Where the hell were the cops??? I looked for any sign of a police car. The park was right by a police station, so you would think that they would be here by now. I finally saw a police car come by and park by the scene and below the balcony. There was a policewoman and a policeman. They shouted “Everybody get down here!” or something like that.

      I followed everyone down the stairs until we came to this circle of chairs. There were around 20 or so people sitting. “You could have gotten here sooner!” I shouted at the policewoman, who looked annoyed. Then I took a spot next to my friend who shot the guy. Everyone had blue cups in their hand with some kind of liquid and a tablet. The policewoman said something like “It will help with your headache.” I chewed and swallowed mine, and was relieved that it didn’t taste like anything. After everyone finished their drinks, we started talking about the accident. I think the policewoman said something like “Okay, raise your hand if you think Ali killed this man.” Everyone but Ali raised their hand, including me. Ali looked sad and kind of guilty. I don’t remember anything else we discussed in that little circle thing.

      After that, everyone went home. I don’t know how I got home, but I appeared to walk in the door and my cell phone rang right away. It was Ali. “Did you tell your parents?” I asked her. She told me no. I walked into my room and my mom followed me. I was still in shock from what had happened. My mom said that I needed to wrap gifts for someone’s party. I told her no. I started crying on the phone with Ali and said to my mom “I can’t, I just can’t.”

      Then I woke up.

      Updated 07-26-2010 at 06:28 AM by 23237 (spelling fail)
