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    Hopeless Wanderings

    Bloody Hawaii Murder

    by , 06-15-2011 at 07:13 PM (488 Views)
    I forgot much of the details.. like I always do these days... but here it is.

    Me and my sister where getting ready to go on our Hawaii trip(we leave July 1st in real life ) and we were packing up and saying goodbye and stuff but my sister had a nervous look on her face. She said she wasn't sure that she could go because she didn't have any tampons. I told her she could just use mine and then we got going. I remember asking her which island we were going to visit first, I think it was Oahu. We got into our hotel room and it was really nice. I don't remember anything during this part.. the next thing I remember is packing up to go to the next island. I think we were there with a group of people, mostly adults. We went to the elevator and my dad was there for some reason and me and him stepped into the elevator with the intention of going to the first floor. Other people joined us in the elevator, I think some of them were part of the group we were with, and we missed our floor. I had a bad feeling in my stomach and i knew something was wrong. The elevator took us to the basement floor where we got out and I saw the group of friends(or atleast I thought they were our friends) standing around. Everything seemed fine until this girl with a blond ponytail gave an evil look and whipped out her gun and started running and chasing and shooting everyone. She was supposed to be in our group of friends but she turned against everyone and went crazy, shooting everything in sight. It was a bloody murder. This murder scene replayed for a second time, only I expected what was about to happen this time so I grabbed a gun and got ready. I'm not sure what happened next..

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