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    The Labrynth of the Mind


    by , 12-08-2011 at 04:43 PM (943 Views)
    I took 100mg of vitamin b-6 before bed. I also took some cough medication before bed, which may or may not have had an effect.

    Job interview

    I have an event going on on the same day as a job interview. The interview is at 3:30, and I want to be sure to leave the event (archaeology dig?) by 2:30 to get there. It is just across town, but it will take about a half an hour to get to where the interview will be.

    When I arrive at the place where we are having the event, I find my grandmother baking something. Or at least mixing something in a big bowl. She tells me that what she is making required $1000 worth of maple syrup. She points to the bowl.

    "$1000 worth, and this is all I got for it," she says. I look at all the bottles next to her.

    "How many bottles did you get for $1000?" I ask.

    "Twelve," she says. I see that there is some syrup left in some of the bottles, and suggest that she add some more, but she explains that the syrup has to be specially prepared in order to be used. You can't just pour it straight from a bottle. And apparently she doesn't use all of the syrup in each bottle. She asks me to pick up a new bottle from the store though.

    I go out to do something with the other people there. One of the people is my former supervisor/co-worker. After we are working for a while, I remember that I have the job interview. I look at the clock, which I think says it is just after 2:00, but it really is after 3:00. I work for a bit longer until I realize it is about 3:30. I have 10 minutes until the interview, and I hop into the car and start driving.

    I don't exactly know where I am headed, but I have a GPS. I try setting the GPS while I am driving, but I can't see what I am doing very well so I pull over. I still can't see what I am doing very well (because it involves reading and entering words and numbers in a dream, but I don't realize that). I think that perhaps I should call the place I am going to try to set up a different interview time, or push it ahead to 4:30. I look for the telephone number of the company, but I have a hard time finding that as well.

    Light up night

    The small town that my cousin lives in is having a light up night. They were lighting up a Christmas tree, which only had one or two bulbs on it. They light up other things, but in the end only a few bulbs are lit for light up night. I am talking to my cousin about this later.

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    1. DreamingProphet's Avatar
      Job interview dreams usually tie into being uncertain about the future. At least that's how it is for me when I dream about them. It's that feeling of not having enough to sustain myself, or being worried about an upcoming event. And then there's having to impress the person doing the interview. Lots of factors play into this one. Being late for the interview takes those feelings of uncertainty and turns them into an "if only" or a "what if" feeling, where you feel as though you have lost out on something, something important. Something that could have made your life better but didn't. I'm not saying this is what the dream meant, but I have had a few of these types of dreams in my days.. and they are usually a fairly stressful dream to have.. at least for me anyway. Hope this helps..
    2. cedward1's Avatar
      Well, I was contacted by an employer yesterday wanting to interview me on friday, so it is probably about that. But I think there is a lot of the "what if" kind of thing. I just have to remember to do a reality check at the interview, because the next time I am going to a job interview it could very well be a dream.

      I just wonder what the syrup mixture represented. It seemed to be important, and it made no sense.
    3. DreamingProphet's Avatar
      sorry lol.. I was half asleep when I read your post and somehow managed to miss the whole syrop thing. Very interesting indeed.. although I have no explanation for why she would need $1000 worth of syrop.. and why she wouldn't use all the syrop in the bottles. I guess the best thing to do is ask how the dream made you feel at that point.. might shed some light on the meaning of it.
    4. cedward1's Avatar
      I'm thinking it might be my attempts to do a WILD. I keep trying to count, or do multiplication in my head and focusing on numbers to keep my mind awake. That may be why I have had dreams lately focusing on specific numbers.