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    by , 02-16-2012 at 10:02 PM (760 Views)
    Very successful night for me! OBE & LUCID!

    At first I experienced an out of body experience. It was about 12 am. I was dozing off on the couch, unwilling to drag myself into bed as my boyfriend was playing a computer game. He was chatting with his cousin who I could hear over the computer speakers and there were also some game battle sounds coming out. I thought that I had gotten up off of the couch and had walked over to look over his shoulder at the computer screen. I bent forward, resting on the back of his chair and rubbing his head with my hand. I started to make my way to the kitchen when I felt for a moment like I was being pulled back to the couch. This moment was very fast and then I “woke up”. I was back lying on the couch in my original position. It felt very strange, not at all like a dream but something more. Another strange note I have to add, when I leaned on the back of Allen’s chair and rubbed his head, he didn’t respond at all. This would be unusually of him not to at least say hi or something.

    I was in a fancy condo on the water. There was an upscale party going on, we were all in cocktail dresses drinking champagne. I went outside on a balcony. I was a clear night sky and very warm out. I could see a giant cruise ship that was literally right next to the condo but bellow where I stood. Madonna was having a concert on the cruise ship and I could hear her singing “Lucky Star”. People were lounging in the pool and the decks were flooded with on lookers. This made me think back to “holy ship”, a dance cruise I wanted to attend but didn’t. Allen was next to me and I told him that we should attend the next dub/dance cruise that we could. He agreed but said that it wouldn’t be as good as the one we missed. I agreed and was disappointed.

    Was in my apartment. I noticed that the ends of my hair looked blonde. I went to the mirror to confirm and it was blonde. I knew right away that I must be dreaming because I recently dyed my hair dark. I did a nose plug reality check just to confirm, plus I think it feels cool =) and sure enough I was dreaming. I though to myself that I should just run through the door like in my first lucid when I was 8. I started to run at it but chickened out at the last second. I stopped and kicked the door and it was hard. I knew that I could bust through it if I mentally tell myself that I can and believe in it but I found it to be a waste of time and I chose to just open the door and walk out of it. It was beautifully warm and sunny. I stopped for a moment and closed my eyes to let myself feel the sun on my face. I started to walk the parameter of my apartment building while running my fingers along its walls. The building squished under my finger and felt like sandy putty. I found this to be really cool and I kept squishing the building and putting my finger prints in it. Then I got the weirdest desire to take a bite out of the building. I squished a bunch of it into a ball and it tasted like apple cinnamon. I turned back to the sun and tried to think of what I should do next. Should I fly? Make a portal to somewhere else? Summon my DC minions?? I was so content and at peace just standing there that I decided it really wouldn’t be a waste to just enjoy the feeling of lucidity. I closed my eyes again with the sun beaming on my. (mistake but I don’t really regret it) Everything turned into a white light. I am not sure how much time passed here but I forgot about the fact that I was dreaming. I was in a new dream now where I was at a Mexican convenience store. It was super hot outside and I was buying ice cream. I put one in my pocket and the man warned me that it would melt there. I quickly unwrapped it and ate it. I stepped outside. There scenery around me was like a dry desert. Everything was destitute and baron. I walked around the store casually. I knew I was waiting for someone but I cant remember who. I wake.

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    Updated 03-18-2012 at 09:59 PM by 44380

    Tags: obe


    1. DaTechnoKing's Avatar
      That's awesome. I enjoyed reading it.
    2. lucidkara's Avatar
      Haha, thank you! I enjoyed the experience.