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    28-30-Dec-2016 - 3 WILD, 1 OBE- Damien, The King's palace, trap a drake, Fight dragon in the Nether

    by , 01-01-2017 at 10:33 PM (568 Views)
    28-Dec-2016 - WILD Damien, The King's palace, OBE, ride horse, trap a drake

    WILD: Almost immediately I am in a sort of ancient bar, with wooden furniture, I meet a guy in scaled armor with fur, a silver greatsword behind his back. He's got long black hair; we talk, his name is Damien. We order two beers, we receive them in dark mugs, we cheer and drink them
    I am with my wife, can't recall where. We teleport to a modern city, under a bridge. A "small" drake (5-7 meters wingspan perhaps) flies below the bridge, breathes some fire to us. I protect the both of us by raising my arm
    I am with a king at his palace. There is also the king's attendant, following us. The king is telling me something. I notice that, while the king seems trusting me, the attendant is suspicious.
    After a very vivid walk in the palace, the king leaves me with his attendant, who takes me to the room where I should sleep.
    Then he tells me why he's not trusting me: he knows I am a vampire. I am surprised, as I have no clue of that. The rooms is small and cozy.
    I feel and see my feet moving upwards, until my body is horizontal

    Then I feel my body in bed, run by a very strong current. I know I can exit my body. I try, exerting much pressure, I manage to get out, but soon find myself back in bed.

    Again, strong electric current flowing through my body. This time, after the initial strong push, the exit is easy.
    OBE: I think I am in the same room where the attendant left me. There are two small beds to the sides of a small, white room with low roof.
    I exit the room, reach the stables, where I mount a black horse and ride it.
    After some riding in a country scenery, I meet the drake again, and this time I fight it.
    It's small and not very powerful, I parry a fire breath, then shoot it down with some arrows.
    When it falls to the ground, among some black rocks, I go there and find it.
    It's wounded but not dead, I calm it with a hand on his forehead, then talk to it, asking where I can find the big dragon that's leading the invasion. Dream fades here.


    29-Dec-2016 - Short WILD

    WILD: I attempt fighting the big dragon.
    In a small house I meet Santa, talk to him, he find one of his flying reindeers dead outside, he says he's going to help me on my quest against the dangerous beast, but dream fades.


    30-Dec-2016 - ND forgotten + WILD Fight dragon in the Nether realm

    ND: In the morning I remember a ND where I was remembering (FLD?) a previous dream, where I suspect I was dreaming and most likely did an RC.

    WILD: Start in my tower, I find a chest containing many objects, which I observe and manipulate. Then I use the portal, ending up in a world similar to Minecraft Nether: it's made of red rock, although smooth, and it has a ceiling; there is also lava. It has many high pinnacles of rock, and also some man-made structures like stairs or portals. There are also several natural "balconies". It's really an interesting place, and hard to navigate without flying.

    I appear close to a teleport on one of the pinnacles, not too high. I descend it, then walk, climb few high rock pinnacles, until I reach a conic hill; it's looking like a volcano, and inside it I find my dragon !

    It's a huge black dragon, with a horny head and a massive scaled body. It flies up, soon attacking me with an immense fire breath. I do not even dare to protect myself with my arm, instead I use the rock pinnacles as protection. The fire breath melts the red rock away, wich slowly curves and drips. Ouch ! Better watch out in this fight !
    I also guess my fire abilities are useless against it, and resort to some different elemental magic: frost.
    I shoot some arrows to its belly, but they have very small effect. However, the frost shards I shoot from my hands are more effective, and I detect some suffering on its side.

    Always using the red rock as protection from its fire breath, which keeps melting them, I climb to an high balcony, close to a ceiling area.
    The dragon does not see me there, and from that point I hit it with a series of powerful frost shard.
    Then I talk to it from the distance, asking it to withdraw the Earth invasion

    Recall is poor here, can't say what happens, then dream ends.
    DawnEye11 and obfusc8 like this.

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    1. DawnEye11's Avatar
      Even if we don't know how it ended, it sounds like a fun fight.