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    KingYoshi's Dream Journal...My World is Different

    Lucid Dream 184: The Lake Party

    by , 03-02-2011 at 01:35 AM (958 Views)
    February 28, 2011
    Lucid Dream 184: The Lake Party
    Series: The 108 Stars of Destiny, Episode 2
    around 4:00am

    Category - Party/Sexual

    Before becoming lucid, I remember a brief cave scene and something about a war. The next thing I remember is becoming lucid on the back deck of a lake house. I never performed a RC, I just knew I was in a dream.

    I looked out and small grassy knolls were scattered around the area. The clarity was superb. There were a whole bunch of jews and arabians gathered around the lake house. They seemed to have been segregated, with jews on left and arabians on the right. They all were sitting around and mingling with one another as if they had been waiting for a while. I walked up to the back balcony, raised my hand and said, "Attention!" They all turned and looked at me. I then said, "Now you must fight over the holy land! Fight over Jerusalem!" They all repeated after me like robots, "Fight over Jerusalem!" I spoke again, "Yes! Now lets hear you say it like a Jamaican! Hey, lets fight ova Jerusalem, mon!" They all attempted to use a Jamaican accent, but it wasn't pretty. I then shouted, "Ok, now its 80's rapper time! 1, a 2, a 3 to the 4...lets start a fight on Jerusalem's floor!" Everyone's attempt at 80's rap was even worse than the Jamaican one. I laughed and noticed there were three people who looked out of place. In the very center of the crowd on top of the tallest knoll in the area, was one white guy and two black guys who were sporting hip-hop attire. I shouted to the crowd, "Lets leave it to the professionals. For your entertainment, I give you...Rapper's Delight!" The three guys began singing Sugar Hill Gang's, Rapper's Delight. All the arabs and jews began dancing (or rather, trying to dance to the music). I watched this bizarre scene for a moment and laughed at some of the dance moves.

    I looked just below the deck and saw an attractive blond standing on the ground. I whistled at her like she was a pet and motioned her to come up on the deck. The two bouncers posted at the stairs allowed her through. She began to talk about it being an honor to meet me or something, but I just placed my hand on top of her head and pushed down a little. She smiled, unzipped my pants, and began blowing me. It felt extremely realistic at first, so I began breathing slowly to keep the dream stable. Suddenly, I began to feel it less and less, so I said, "F*** it!" and began ramming her head. She was now pushed against the guard rail with her mouth open and I was face f***ing the hell out of her. The dream started to become fuzzy. I heard a seductive voice behind me say, "Be careful or you will lose the dream." I stopped and began to stabilize. Once stable I stood the girl up. I asked her if she wanted anything, and she said, "A picture." I laughed and said, "OK." I told her to get naked and she did. I then bent her over and and began pounding away, I shouted, "Take a picture!" A camera man ran out of the back door and snapped a picture with a high tech fancy camera. The picture immediately printed and he began shaking it like old school. He then gave it to her. The dream started to fade again, so I stopped. I stabilized once again and was surprisingly able to stay in the dream.

    They chick began looking for her clothes and I said, "You don't need clothes. In fact, no one does." I looked out into the crowd, which was now made up of college aged guys and girls, and shouted, "Everyone take off your clothes! What kind of party do you think this is!?!" They all stripped. I then heard someone clear their throat behind me. I turned and saw my friend Shawn and Aaron, Kate Beckinsale, and another woman. I said, "Relax! We aren't stripping." I looked at Kate and said, "Well, you are as soon as we get back to the castle." She smiled and I turned to the other woman. It was Gaia (Jamie Murray) from the show, Spartacus: Gods of the Arena. I spoke, "Oh and you will most definitely be joining us." She smiled and said, "It would be my pleasure." I winked and then told everyone to follow me to our bar. I walked down the steps and into a bar area. The bar was a little underground and had small rectangular windows lining the top of the room. Out of the windows, you could see bright green grass and a lake. On one side of the bar, the water was covering the window and I could see a large dragon like creature swimming around in the lake. The water was crystal clear. I looked at Gaia and spoke, "Not only will you join me and my queen in the bedroom, but join us as a member of the Royal Family." She smiled and told me that she needed a little convincing. She then began massaging "me" under the table with her foot. I stood up and took her and Kate's hand. I then walked them behind the bar and into a back room. It was a bedroom that was dimly lit with candles. I sat on the bed and watched Gaia and Kate undress and began kissing and rubbing on each other. I laid back and Gaia proceed to sit on my face. After performing oral on her for a while, we returned to the bar. Gaia accepted my proposal and joined us. Gaia becomes the 4th star of the "108 Stars of Destiny". She is known as the "Temptress Star."

    I turned to Shawn and Aaron and said, "Well now that business is over...what should we do?" They looked at me weird so I told them that we were lucid and should do something cool. They were completely useless coming up with ideas though. Aaron suggested we play hide and seek. I laughed and told him no. Shawn's suggestion was to kick a puppy. I laughed once again and a puppy came running into the room. Shawn gave it a gentle nudge with his foot. I said, "Dude, you are dreaming...that puppy isn't even real. If you are going to kick it, then f***ing kick it!" I then swung my foot back and booted it out of the nearest window. I told them to think of something cool while I stabilized. I stared at the bar t.v. and noticed a football game was on. It was the Denver Broncos vs. the St. Louis Rams. I watched it for a moment and saw a punt return where the returner was going crazy and made like 7 people miss, but ended up getting rocked and gained only a couple yards. I remember thinking, "Where the hell was the blocking?" Mike D was now with us and he suggested that we do shrooms. He pulled out a bag and we all ate some. The bar and the dream around me began to melt. Suddenly the whole scene melted and I was in a solid white void. There was no floor or any type of structure around me. I was just floating. I suddenly heard some music playing. The music slowly turned into a loud beeping. I noticed it sounded like my alarm clock. I then woke up and immediately wrote down the dream.

    the, 108 Stars of Destiny
    NEW 4 - Gaia - The Temptress Star

    Series Details
    Welcome to the epic dream series known as, "The 108 Stars of Destiny." Follow me as I build the most powerful army the dream world has ever seen. Along with the help of 108 key recruits, I take on the dream world and elevate to god-like status! Will anyone stand in my way? Stay tuned for more entries to the series!

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    Updated 03-20-2011 at 07:38 AM by 22654



    1. USA's Avatar
      The part about kicking the puppy made me laugh so hard!

      And also you must have some good times at dream parties lol
    2. KingYoshi's Avatar
      Ah, yes I've been known to have a wild dream party or two . This may have actually been one of my more tame parties, lol.
    3. rynkrt3's Avatar
      I know this is late, I'm just now reading the series. I started rollin when you mentioned face fucking her
    4. KingYoshi's Avatar
      Lol. Yeah, in dreams I'm not exactly known for being the classy type .