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    1. Overlapping time and saving Jim Carrey

      by , 11-18-2010 at 09:56 PM (Dreaming on my feet)
      Type: Non-lucid, DS
      Vividness: 7/10
      Lucidity: 1/10

      I'm in a small carpeted basement of this girl's house, and there is a stack of pillows against the wall which I immediately think is a grow room for whatever reason, and it turns out I am correct. There is a rather small square shaped crawl space in the wall which apparently leads to a grow room, but she says [some name] the guy who actually takes care of it doesn't like her showing people. Then I see the shadows of his footsteps near the entry of the room and decide that I want to spy on him, so I run up a flight of stairs that are incredibly similar to a childhood house of mine, but then the stairs continue, and are very windy and massive, going up a down in ways similar to a roller coaster but not so extreme , I crouch down and wait for him.. He comes up the stairs and walks over to a computer desk, and I realize that he can plainly see me and I'm actually quite close.. not a very successful ninja. He calls me down and asks me to check out this projector- apparently he is producing and selling a new movie and is going to project it in a room and wants me check if the screen is large enough, which I affirm it is because it's massive. There are a bunch of oak desks with cell phones and other weird paraphernalia that are apparently related to the movie. Other DC enter into the room and the dream fades

      This dream is important to me since it is another occurrence of a suspected common dreamsign of mine- huge spiraling/twisting staircases, paths, or roads which are an incredibly obvious impossibility in waking life . I will use this as a visualization for becoming lucid this week.

      Jim Carrey
      I'm riding on a bike in a city [similar to Boston which I just visited], riding through many shops, restaurants, a writers guild [?], all of them are empty and incredibly elegant decked out with hanging glass and crystal lights, dark oak woodwork on the benches tables and walls, white drapes and large windows. Made my way to a main road, and now there are cars and people walking about normally. I ride down the sidewalk but feel out of place.. the shops I just rode through felt like they were from another time period . I felt like I was experiencing two time periods simultaneously in the same city. I ride away from the buildings and wonder what it would be like to attend a food market/buy food in the older times as I cross a large road. I come across a large open area, with green grass and some sparse trees and what seems to be a market of sorts. There is a pretty huge hill next to the market which is also incredibly thin, [definitely physically impossible, looked like a poorly rendered video game environment] and I decide that I'm going to instead ride to the top of the hill to collect some rare fruits instead of shopping at the market. So I'm pedaling my butt off up this mountain while hearing the people below playfully joking at me since it's so silly. The terrain changes quickly under my wheels from grass to rock to dirt to snow, I'm so high up I can't even see the market. I reach the top of the hill, there's a small area next to the path and I find Jim Carrey looking like a bum laying in a pile of leaves! [haha!!]. He's unable to move for some reason [faking injured?] and I think "Well, I didn't find any fruits but if I save Jim I won't look so foolish", so I pick him up and put him and his bags on a nightstand which is now behind me instead of a bike [looks just like the nightstand next to my bed, probably appeared as I wondered how I might transport him on my bike] He's in some weird sort of character acting completely pathetic and demanding and ridiculous, so I let him fall off of the shelf that he's laying on and he looks up at me full of mock hurt/ offended.

      Hilarious and fun ending to a very enjoyable and abstract dream. Funny that I missed the DS of my bike morphing into my BEDSTAND. hahah.
    2. must..summon..strength..t o post

      by , 11-17-2010 at 08:24 AM (Dreaming on my feet)
      Hi DV

      Been away for two weeks, moved back home from upstate Michigan and then took a trip to Boston.. I've got so many pages written down though that's intimidating to sit down and record the dreams I've had.. I've been having consistent lucids though and have been continuing in my dedication and progress to cultivating dream state awareness! Hope everybody has also been enthusiastic in pursuing this common goal.. have awesome lucids tonight!

      Goal of the week: Get on DV and record all the LD's I've had since my last post, plus a good memorable dream or two with insights.

    3. Stress = bad recall

      by , 10-29-2010 at 12:19 AM (Dreaming on my feet)
      Well, no dreams since I'm short on time. I'm moving Monday the 1st and I'm sad to be leaving where I live now, and don't know what I'm going to do when I leave really.

      As a result, I'm stressed kind of and have had practically no recall the past several nights and no lucids also. Taking the time to just.. do some personal analysis from my DJ which I've been getting a lot out of.

      Good lucids to all, and to all a good night.


      REA>/,AA'L'I'T'Y CHE`EECC`KKKK~~K!!!!!!2@@!!!!!
    4. huge friends make me lucid

      by , 10-25-2010 at 11:24 PM (Dreaming on my feet)
      Type: Lucid, quick, Nose-plug RC
      Vividness: 5/10
      Lucidity: 5/10

      Big Friends
      I was in a place that looked like a movie theatre, not sure why I was there but I wasn't really thinking about that, I was talking to three of my best friends, S J and M. I ask all of them if they want to go out and do something and they all are acting quite stand-off ish saying "No, we're going to go to Colorado and go snowboarding." I notice that I am having to strain my neck looking upwards to see their faces, and they seem to be about eight or nine feet tall, and my friend M has his arm amputated just above the elbow and it's bandaged in white gauze. This is strange so I do a nose plug RC and breathe in three times successfully, and I'm aware that I'm dreaming.

      I don't bother trying to talk to my friends since they have been stand off-ish anyways, so I walk up a slight incline and enter a semicircular shaped restraunt, with big windows and booths against the wall like any classic diner. I focus on all the different people sitting in the booths, and recognize a girl R that I had dated for a little while two years ago, and approached her at the booth. We both just looked at each other and didn't say anything, which is a very nice encounter. At this point I can't think of anything I want to do in this restaurant so I pick her up in my arms, and jump into the air and spin to try to create a new dream scene. The only problem is that I wasn't focusing on maintaining lucidity while changing the scene, or imagining where I want to end up, so I lost R and found myself only semi-lucid in a new dream scene.

      I'm in a public place, some vague looking American east coast city, I do a nose plug RC several times and it works, but the dream is fading quickly and I get nervous yelling stabilize! since there are so many people around me [waking residue since I have a room mate next door to me, paper thin walls], I think about doing some different things but the dream keeps fading and a lose lucidity .

      MM so that's it! LD 4.
      I spent the night before this going over my DJ from the last month, putting together dreamsigns and thinking about the nature, common trends and dimensions of my dreams. I also slept in from 12:30-7:30, then got up and walked around outside for an hour and focused on my senses, very beautiful brisk morning, all the trees bare and the ground frosted, no sounds at all from birds singing or cars passing, even the dogs weren't barking. Really nice. Then I went back to my room feeling refreshed and spent about an hour sitting quietly reading my DJ and doing visualizations. So yeah, I guess you could call this a WBTB/DILD induced?

      Anyway, short but sweet. I've tried to transition the scene in 2/4 lucids and failed both times. Got to read up on it more and hang a reminder list next to my bed .

      I met my goal of having 2 LDs by Oct 31st, then again met my "extra credit" goal of having 4 !! So I'm happy about that and feeling inspired.

      I hope everybody is having fun lucid dreaming and are meeting their own goals and feeling great about it!
    5. Little girls are in fact EVIL

      by , 10-21-2010 at 10:48 PM (Dreaming on my feet)
      Type: Non-lucid, vivid, memorable
      Lucidity: [1/10]
      Vividness: [9/10]

      A family reunion at a resort settled on the side of a gorgeous beach, rock faced cliff leading down to the beach, huge glass doors, the whole shibang. It's a beautiful sunny summer day, dark green foliage and healthy trees everywhere, white sand. All is well, children playing, until one of the Aunts of the family notice the youngest child of the family is missing, a little girl. The whole family searches around the house, no girl - spreads the search outside around the house toward the beach, everyone is calling for her. As more time passes without finding her, the girl's mother becomes more and more frantic and paranoid [as any mother would in the situation]. Since these huge rocks [like Red Rocks in Denver, except normal looking with green moss] are right behind the house, the mother is convinced she's fallen off and everyone heads down to the beach below and recruit the beach goers for a search party. A bell sounds in the distance and everybody gathers around - a man sees something in the near distance floating in to shore.

      The scene skips to flashes of some pictures of the little girl laughing and playing with a guy in his early thirties probably, pretty normal looking, that somebody must have taken earlier that day, showing that she must have been abducted by this man and killed. The family finds the work-place of the guy since he is nowhere to be found, a video rental/convenience store, and go there late at night after they hold the girl's funeral on the side of the hill near the place she died.. The father of the girl walks behind the counter and register and holds him up against the wall by his throat, acusing him of what he did and getting angry, not shouting angry but more of a morbid/calm/sad anger instead of hysterics. The whole family files in behind him, takes pictures of this happening, and proceeds to walk around the store like tourists, beach clothes, big glasses and all, checking out the movies available and eating food off the shelves [evidently terrorizing the guy]. Some of them go outside to smoke periodically. They leave after a bit , silently staring at the clerk [stealing lots of stuff from the store as they go], push him over and say "This isn't over."

      Focus switches to the clerk ,sitting on the ground behind the counter with a kind of confused, thoughts burning through his head - he never abducted any girl. He was spending his break on the beach, and happened to walk past a little girl with a sunhat and dress on. She looked up and smiled at him, and as if the rug was pulled out from under his feet, the world turns hellish - black stormy sky, the girl has become a nude red demon with distorted and malicious looking features, and the ocean has morphed into a swirling vortex of fire and lava. The demon grabs his leg and starts hauling at his leg, pulling him into the ocean of fire. He loses conciousness, and comes to his senses lying on the beach, alone. He looks into his lap, where the family threw the pictures of him playing with the girl happily, hauntedly.

      After this I'm on the hill where the girl is buried, digging through her coffin, which is like a shell of a coffin around hers, so she's not lying there dead or anything. It's dark out, waning moon and lots of stars, it seems that the hill is near the backyard of the supposed abductor. I'm looking through this bag and I find a comic, which shows the entire dream I just had, and at the end it shows this place 2,000 years later, and the place where the girl pulled him into the fire, there is a swirling rock formation that resembles the vortex that had appeared. This adds to the creepiness of the whole thing, and I run down to the water to investigate. I'm wearing beach clothes, feel the cool sand under my feet. Incredibly clarity. Well, there's nothing there, just an ordinary beach, and I run back up to the coffin to fetch the comic book to show my friends, but when I look it is no longer there! I don't feel compelled to open the casket, nor fearful of it particularly, but close the coffin and start heading to my car. As I do my black cat Tori runs past me and meows, I chase and pet her a bit [ADHD LOL] then dash to my car to drive off quickly since I'm trespassing on this guy's property. I get in, foot on the break, try to quickly search for my keys where I usually stash them - find it! - fumble a bit and stick it into the ignition, lights on, turn the key and the car won't start and I wake up.

      This reinforces, yet again, that driving a car is one of my most frequent dream activities, for whatever reason. I've been in a car in several dreams just in this past week. I've resolved to do an RC every single time I get into a car from now on . If I'm in a car and realized I haven't RC'd yet, then I missed the target but RC anways. This way I'll have it in my head "did I RC when I got in the car?", and if I didn't I might think to myself "Well how and when did I get in this car? Who is with me?" and might impel me to examine my situation more intently and BAM LUCIDITY.

      well.. that's the plan at least.
    6. Majestic Leaves Have Fallen

      by , 10-13-2010 at 01:34 AM (Dreaming on my feet)
      Another dream that's really hard to explain aside from what I wrote down, so I'll use the same method as my last DJ post.

      1) Cutting down trees, cut them down to clear out a space for an area to build a house. Picking up old roots and pieces of wood from unever, loamy, dark and healthy soil with two other from where I live.

      [I then wake up and read or meditate for a bit, then back to sleep]

      2)Building a house without nails, and C confesses to a girl on the scene, maybe to H, using or with a stuffed animal in a cute indirect fashion which is characteristic of him. Switching to a School-ish/auditorium type building, very huge and grandeur, dark maple banisters and wall design, big off white/dark wall lamps and chandeliers, dark red or brownish wall color like the Fox theatre in Detroit. C is completely passed out drunk [he usually doesn't drink much] after being turned down. Scene loses much sensibility, I'm exploring the vast space of the hall/room with my vision, and kick a soccer ball very high and break a lamp. This all switches to me and C on stage with what appears to be a class, all dressed in tuxedos, with my dream being presented or displayed on a big projector screen, with an audience, ending in applause.

      [Not sure if the whole dream was being played on that screen or if it was just part of a transition. ]

      3)Dream flashback of a dream I had many years ago, like ten years again, of playing soccer at the horse race tracks downtown at my hometown, viewing the game and events from the view of a bird flying around. I'm running around after that, not sure from what, some group conflict with an older team chasing after me or something.

      4)J, my sister, is in a kitchen with the lights off. Mom and dad are asleep in chairs at a table, there are three doors leading to the room, all of which are open. I walk in one of them, and Jessie is holding knives and appears to be gaurding/watching for something at the one door which leads outside. I immediately go to grab some knives, and try to find the best knives that are usually in my kitchen where I currently live. I have trouble finding the one I really want, a sharp heavy chef's knife with a black handle, but settle for a thinner one, longer and also pretty sharp, wooden handle but not as effective. I grab two actually. I am waiting for whatever is out there but it doesn't come, so I walk through the door to find out what is there, J is warning me not to go out, asks "what are you doing?" and I ask her if she wants to come along or not while walking away over a huge open grass feild on a slight hill, trees without leaves bordering the land further away, feeling of just before winter like the weather actually is now, cloudy cold and windy. There is a big log cabin about 100m away in the distance I start to walk towards it. Jessie finally leaves the room and starts to follow me, a bit of a ways back.

      Two military looking vehicles pull up, like quads but with six wheels and big, camofl. They stop close to me and I tell J to run back inside and she does. One is an officer, the other a soldier type. Officer trying to like.. befriend me, decieve me despite that they are obviously antagonistic and he is being decietful. "We can all get along", but I'm not buying it and not talking at all really. I have the knives hidden behind my back, temporarily forgotten. I go closer to the gaurd, and jump up to his level, like I'm flying or floating, to intimidate him/ a show of my powers, I see his gun though and say "holy shit that's so cool!" and we nerd out about his gun, one side automatic, but the butt of the gun can kind of disconnect/dislatch and can be used as a handgun. He's explaining it to me and the officer throws me his to look at it, and I examine the gun. Looks similar to an xbox controller, really boxy but not squar, buttons similar. I keep talking about it jovially while sizing them up, then shoot the officer twice, he tries to zip away but I kill him and his vehicle flips. I immediately dives sideways, and slow motion the gaurd and I use our pistols and shoot all our clip at one another. I kill him in the end and am unharmed.

      I go back inside to J and parents and thte dream fades and I begin to wake up.

      **I didn't get up immediatley and record dream, didn't even move at all, which led me back into the dream scene and a FA. Testifies Alan Worsleys method of entering back into Lucid Dreams and creating multiple LD's in a row using FA RCs.

      5) I'm sitting back in the kitchen I was just in with J, this time with two people I live/work with, like we're at breakfast. Same table we have, wooden, but darker and with boards instead of a big flat surface, kind of like a picnic table. I tell them I had dreams about C, and N tells me she had one about me too and begins to tell me, and I start to write hers down with a red pencil but it keeps smudging and breaking. I remember I need to record the dream I just had and appologetically interupt her and begin writing down the dream I just awoke from, in a red pencil also.. Then I realize I'm dream again and forcefully wake up and decide to record the dreams I just had since they were so intense and vivid.
      SO, once again I had a FA involving the kitchen where I eat breakfast and the people I'm with, and also another dream scene where I'm writing in my dream journal. Last time this happened my DJ was college lined, which is not in actuality, and this time I was writing with a red pencil, which I do not write with in actuality.

      I was at a house building site earlier in the day which explains the wood clearing dream, and was in a similar location. The second dream, in the auditorium had a very intense and epic feel to it, not negative in any way though. KInd of strange.
      The last one with the gaurds was similar, interesting and q uirky, potential nightmare material but didn't turn into one at all.

      I must resolve to RC every time I write down something in my DJ, since I have FA and often drift back into sleep and dream that I am writing down the dream I just awoke from, almost every day even, especially if i hit snooze. This is effective especially when I don't move a muscle upon waking. Thankfully my alarm is customizable and I set it just to go off after ten/20 seconds so I can accomplish this.

      Good dreaming all, hope this was entertaining.
    7. Rescuing Survivors

      by , 09-29-2010 at 12:35 AM (Dreaming on my feet)
      I'm living in a city with a river and bridge dividing it in two, as I can see from aerial perspective. A huge transport/trade ship gets hit by a bomb on the river, I overhear conversation that it's a series of attacks and that the water is so cold that the men overboard will die if they don't get out within ten or fifteen minutes. I'm running toward the waterfront with a friend who I can't identify, we find part of the waterfront that isn't blockaded/fenced of and start shouting "Hey! over here!" as some members of the ships crew float relatively close in the water. We help haul up about five men onto the pavement. They are all foreigners, mostly black or asian, and have a very strong/calming presense about them. We're all sitting down on the concrete, knees to chest relaxed. Lots of fences and square concrete buildings, no signs or beautiful scenery, very plain, grey skies.

      Updated 10-08-2010 at 12:06 AM by 26388
