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    Lucid dreams, False instability, stubborn lights and wafer walls.

    by , 08-25-2016 at 04:03 AM (372 Views)

    I was in high school and most of the teachers were either characters from Naruto (My teacher was Kakashi) or characters from Overwatch. We were being taught how to make a philosopher's stone. I put my finger through my palm and immediately went to stabilize it since most of my lucid dreams recently struggle to be stable. I felt everything around me until I was teleported upstairs in my home. There was a dim light in my room but the stairs were unlit. I wanted to go downstairs but with no light I knew it would rapidly destabilize the dream. (False memory). I knew that after a lucid dream destabilizes you start losing control of muscles in the dream and I struggled to move my legs. (False memory).

    I flipped the light switch and the light worked. Three of one of my pets were in the kitchen. It was creepy seeing three of the exact same pet. I thought how it may be that he loves sleeping in different positions in the kitchen. I went to the TV room which also had lights off and the light switch didn't work. I wanted to say “Lights on!” but they only flickered. Strangely I didn’t actually open my mouth or use my vocal cords. It felt like an inner voice from in me spoke. (It wasn’t my voice IWL either). I felt like stabilizing more so I licked the wall and remembered people saying how delicious walls were.

    I ripped some brown pieces of the wall off like they were paper and then started eating them. It was the most delicious wafer I had ever had, flawlessly and absolutely perfect. It had enough sugar to complement the taste, but with no over sweetness drawback after taste. The chocolate was extremely high quality and similarly had no bad aftertaste. Eating it though only slightly sated my hunger in the dream though. (Right after I woke up from the dream I was pretty hungry). The dream ended after I indulged myself in more wall after wall.

    I've been having tons of lucid dreams recently that lasted only a few seconds because of rapid destabilization. Almost instantly after I become lucid the world's light completely dies off leaving me usually in dark rooms in the middle of nowhere. I also notice that in my dreams whenever I'm outside its almost always night. Even in the rare lucid dreams where that's not the case the scene before me usually disappears and I'm left in a void for several minutes until I lose lucidity. (By void I mean an area where I can not sense anything whatsoever, and am left only to usually semi-lucid thought). The problem is this happens so quickly after I gain even a small amount of lucidity I can very rarely actually bring myself to the next level of lucidity, resulting in these very unsatisfying and quick ending lucids. Does anyone have any advice for what I should do? I actually had two lucids last night, but the same thing happened to the first one.
    Saizaphod likes this.

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    lucid , non-lucid
