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    Baby Raccoons and the End of the World

    by , 12-05-2011 at 04:45 PM (1294 Views)
    Today's dream:

    I was at Marie's old house. I was talking to a little girl. She showed me a raccoon that they had found. I went to get my camera, but before I could get a picture she had let the raccoon go. I was disappointed. But then I saw that the raccoon was still on the porch. In fact, I saw that the raccoon had babies. They were falling out of a crack in the wall.

    I think there was a problem so I picked them up and put them in my purse. I then saw that I had my pet mouse in my purse too. I was a little nervous. I didn't want it to get out and lost.

    [There is a big gap in the dream that I don't remember.]

    I was then with Jeff on a small boat coming into Los Angeles. There had been a big flood. We heard on the news that people had been calling this the "end of the world." At first I thought they were overreacting. Then I looked and realized just how bad it was. The water went all the way up to the downtown area. The large buildings were all abandoned and some were leaning or floating in the water. Los Angeles was almost entirely destroyed. Of course this was "end of the world" stuff!

    At some point I got off the boat I was on and swam into a building. I saw a guy there taking care of an animal. I went closer. "Is that a ferret? " I asked. "Yes", and he told me how he had been taking care of it since it was the only living thing left that he knew of. I then pulled my purse out and told him that I had raccoons. But I wasn't sure how they had done because I had been in the water and I hadn't checked on them for so long. As we talked our voices had an odd surreal quality to them. I wondered if this was how all survivors of the "end of the world" sounded.

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    1. DreamingProphet's Avatar
      when you dreamt of seeing los angelas in this state, how did it make you feel. were you excited, sad, scared, what? usually when I dream this stuff, I get this feeling of peace come over me, like it's finally happened, and i'm a survivor, things will be different now
    2. Twoshadows's Avatar
      Well, I'm not sure I would call it "peaceful" exactly. But in most of my "end of the world" or disaster dreams I usually have a sense of fulfilled expectation, kind of like you mentioned. It's like I knew it was coming. I don't like it, but there is a relief when it finally does happen and then I can just deal with it. I hope that makes sense.

      Thanks for reading my dream.
    3. DreamingProphet's Avatar
      yes it makes sense I have had several of this type of dream, lucid as it gets too. The thing for me is that I really do believe things are going to happen soon. That's why I call myself dreamingprophet, I believe many of my dreams will become a reality for me and for everyone soon enough. I haven't started posting any of my end of the world type dreams yet tho. But the most important part of dreaming and of remembering your dreams is how they make you feel. If you take more note of how the dream made you feel as opposed to what the dream was actually about, then you will get more and more lucid dreams. At least that's been my experience Interesting for you to share this though, I'm glad I'm not the only one that dreams of these things
    4. Twoshadows's Avatar
      Your "China Invades" dreams caught my eye because I have had several friends who have had dreams about the Chinese invading. They are all very similar too. The Chinese are going from house to house rounding people up and shooting them while my friends are trying to escape to the mountains.

      I hope you post some of your end of the world dreams. It would be interesting to compare them to my dreams and dreams that my friends have had. I, too, believe that people can have prophetic dreams.

      And thanks for the advice to pay more attention to my feelings in dreams. I'll try to write more of that up.
    5. DreamingProphet's Avatar
      hehe thanks My end of the world dreams are really the bread and butter of my dreaming. The stuff I have posted so far is just to get warmed up for the good stuff. A couple nights ago I witnessed the entire planet turned into molten liquid by an alien ship (which I was aboard). yet another lucid dream to add to the stack of dreams I need to write out Thanks and i'm glad you enjoyed my posts. More and more will be added as time goes on. I can remember hundreds of dreams i've had, I remember my dreams more clearly than I remember real life!
    6. Twoshadows's Avatar
      So are you just writing these up from memory? Or do you have them all written down somewhere? I have to write my dreams down or they fade. I love to go back to my Dream Journal and read dreams I had over 5 years ago that I had totally forgotten, but after reading can remember so clearly. Funny how that works. I have been reading a bunch of older dream today as I continue to transfer my dreams from my grandfathered dream journal into my newer DJ where I can tag and organized them better. I have sooo many dreams to transfer. It'll take me a long time.

      But anyway, I look forward to you posting more incredible dreams.
    7. DreamingProphet's Avatar
      Thank you Yes, the dreams I have posted so far are from memory. Some dreams I remember clearly I had 15 years ago. I remember a dream I had which I will not be posting since it's waaaay too long to post, but I remember it clear as day. Lasted the entire night, 8 solid hours of dreaming. Gotta love tequila! lol
    8. Caden's Avatar
      "Baby Raccoons and the End of the World " A sentence not seen every day.
      My last end of the world dream, a few months ago, was pretty cool and I should post it some time. The world was destroyed but split into different worlds which you could see up in the sky very close together. Very Inception like.
      Twoshadows likes this.
      Updated 12-07-2011 at 07:10 AM by Caden
    9. Twoshadows's Avatar

      "Baby Raccoons and the End of the World " A sentence not seen every day.

      My last end of the world dream, a few months ago, was pretty cool and I
      should post it some time. The world was destroyed but split into different
      worlds which you could see up in the sky very close together. Very Inception
      Sounds like a very interesting "end of the world" dream. So were people still living on all the split worlds? Did you post that dream yet?
    10. Caden's Avatar
      Didn't post it and yes there were people densely living on all the worlds, I could see there buildings from my world.