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    Thread: Shared Dreams: See you on the Moon!

    1. #326
      Jesus of DV Achievements:
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      <span class='glow_0000FF'>Man of Shred</span>'s Avatar
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      Language Confusion

      I'm in a city at night walking with someone and Asuka. I don't realise it's Asuka tho. She is in an elaborate Kimono with her hair tied up similar to the picture in Raven's wedding dream. She say's something. '... Tokoro de"
      I say "Who's place are we going? I recognise that word. tokoro. I remember that lesson. To say 'my place' you say 'Watashi no tokoro de".

      The people with me just give me a confused look.


      I am in Juargawn form. MoSh wants me to help him find Asuka. I find him. I tell him she's near us. He tells her to stop hiding. She giggles. He gets frustrated. She asks me if I think she should stop. I tell her, "Maybe a little less."
      She feels bad, and appears in front of him, wearing a kimono, with her hair done up. They kiss, and cherry blossoms fall. I blush, and turn around. Damn, I still can't whistle.
      The Best of my dream journal
      MoSh: How about you stop trying to define everything, and just accept what you experience, and explore it.
      - From the DJ of Waking Nomad!
      Quote Originally Posted by The Cusp View Post
      I'm guessing those intergalactic storm cloud monster bugs come out of sacred energy vortex angel gate medicine wheels.

    2. #327
      Jesus of DV Achievements:
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      <span class='glow_0000FF'>Man of Shred</span>'s Avatar
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      Drunk Driving

      I was in some car drinking MGD. I was on my way to pick someone up. I find a place to park but i have a bit of trouble parking. I keep switching from forward to reverse until i am finally parked. I realize I'm picking friends up from an AA meeting. I throw my MGD bottle in the backseat. It is half full but no beer spills out.

      T enters the car with a child and some other people. I am apprehensive about driving them since they don't drink and I am slightly drunk. More people pile into the car and I begin to feel really guilty. I go to tell T of my dilemma, That i don't want to drive them this way. Before i say it she says "I know... And it's ok"

      Wow T wrote me back on Facebook and said she remembered the dream!
      The Best of my dream journal
      MoSh: How about you stop trying to define everything, and just accept what you experience, and explore it.
      - From the DJ of Waking Nomad!
      Quote Originally Posted by The Cusp View Post
      I'm guessing those intergalactic storm cloud monster bugs come out of sacred energy vortex angel gate medicine wheels.

    3. #328
      Jesus of DV Achievements:
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      <span class='glow_0000FF'>Man of Shred</span>'s Avatar
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      Am I the only one to keep this thread going???

      Weird woman

      I was in some house cottage. There was a creepy woman who looked like the woman from Raven's dream when she fought in Loaf's inner world.

      I was in a living room and This Woman walked by with a small girl with black hair. The woman Was Ranting and Raving about something. for some reason i thought they were actors in a TV show like "little house on the prairie" or something. The Creepy woman took the child into anohter room and locked the door.

      Suddenly I heard music blaring through the house. It was some heavy metal music. I thought maybe the music was a cue for the show to start. or it's theme. The music was so loud that i thought a band was playing. I ran out of the living room and into the kitchen looking for the band. But instead i saw a huge Stereo System on the counter.

      Raven's Dream:

      Quote Originally Posted by Raven Knight View Post
      I fell asleep with my light / sound machine on and slipped into a WILD. My plans for the night included helping to make sure Asuka made it safely back to MoSh's inner world, seeing what extra protection can be provided for that inner world to keep her safe there, locating MoSh's pokémon, and then going with MoSh to the moon to see if he meets up with a friend of his from another site. My WILD begins…

      I was in a green meadow outside of a small house. Vegeta was there with me as was Q and Asuka. A portal opened. Another Q and MoSh came through. The portal stayed open. The second Q said that the portal was secure, time to take Asuka right through. So we all went through. On the other side we exited on a street near a house. I looked back at the portal. People came out. Q, MoSh, Vegeta, another Q… and that was it. Where was Asuka?

      "Um…" MoSh was looking around, "Where's Asuka?"

      After looking around briefly we all headed back through the portal to find out where we had lost her. Back inside my inner world we found Asuka sitting on the ground looking quite surprised and disappointed. When we returned she ran over and jumped on MoSh. I asked what had happened and Asuka said she had hit a solid wall, just like when she was following MoSh the first time. This time the portal had closed behind us. I focused on using Through the Never and on getting to MoSh's inner world. We all went through again… and we arrived with no Asuka! Asuka was once again still back in my inner world. Ok… this wasn't working. On the third try I opened the portal and Vegeta sent a blast of energy through. The same energy signature as Asuka's energy, but a lot more powerful. There was an explosion from inside the portal. This time we went through we all made it, and the portal closed behind us. Finally. We were in MoSh's inner world, all of us. Asuka was hanging all over MoSh. They disappeared into the house.

      Ok, I thought. Now I wanted to see about security. A song by Metallica came to mind. "Let us have peace, let us have light, let us escape the cruel night. Let us have time, let the sun shine, let us beware the deadly sign." A sphere of energy began forming around me, rotating faster and faster. It was dizzying to look at it for too long. I kept focusing on the song. There were energy beams coming from both of my hands, which were out to the side, adding energy to the growing sphere of energy. The energy was a mixture of gold, blue, and white. The sphere grew gradually, I was adding energy the whole time until it seemed to surround the entire world. The idea was for it to surround all of, or at least a significant portion of, MoSh's inner world. The song ended, the energy beams stopped, and I could still see the glowing energy field in the sky. It looked strong enough, now we just had to see how well it hold up. I was a little drained. I sat down there to rest for a bit.

      I sat there for a couple of minutes and then got up. I was about to go into the house and see if MoSh still wanted to go the moon. I decided maybe he was having private time with Asuka. I would look for his pokémon instead. I headed up a hill behind the house. It was getting dark. I could see the house down below.

      *Brief Awakening: I woke, rolled over, and fell asleep focusing on returning to the dream where it left off.*

      I was wandering on the hill behind MoSh's house.

      "MEW!" I yelled out, "EEVEE!" I wondered if I really expected anyone to answer me. I continued looking around, silently this time.

      I heard a commotion back down in the house. What was going on down there? I headed back down the hill. Something went flying overhead. I wondered what it was. I followed it with my eyes. It landed in the top of a tall tree. I could now see a spider silhouetted in the tree. The spider was huge. I saw a long black web shoot out towards the house. I looked at the house and saw Asuka near a window. Was that thing trying to grab her? I jumped into the air and grabbed the web. It was sticky and dark. It had dark energy. It was ice cold. Witchblade made a barrier between me and the web. Since the web had grabbed something the spider pulled it back. She was now holding me right in her face. She was butt ugly!

      She pulled me up right beside her face and looked at me closely. She wasn't pleased to see me.

      "Hi," I said as I smirked at her, "What? Were you expecting someone else?"

      "She looked pissed. She tried to toss me aside. I used Battery to call a bolt of lightning down on her head. She dropped me and convulsed. She was completely sparking. I focused on the song Enter Sandman by Metallica. The spirals of energy came from the sky and into the sky, opposite energy forms. That created a large explosion around the creature. For some reason I didn't want to waste time with this bitch. I used Crush 'Em by Megadeth to compress the thing into a small orb and then threw it through a portal into the void. I then headed back down to the house.
      Raven's dream 2:

      It looked like MoSh was about to say something else but a man appeared out of nowhere. I didn't recognize the man, but MoSh clearly did. The two of them started talking. I felt a bit drained so I sat down on the surface of the moon. I watched MoSh and the man talking to each other. I thought I was hearing what was being said but the words slipped away from my mind as quickly as they were spoken. Great. Another reason for MoSh to think I'm useless. I shook my head to get rid of the last of the negative thoughts. I saw MoSh give the other man something. I couldn't see it well but it looked like the other man put it around his neck. I thought it must be an amulet of some kind. They talked for a bit more and then the man disappeared. MoSh came back over to me.

      "Asuka's probably waiting in the springs," I said, "Let's not keep her waiting for you." I managed a smile. I opened a portal to the biodome near the hot springs. We emerged there. Asuka was in the water in a bikini. The bikini was lavender with pink designs on it. MoSh got in next to her. He indicated I should get in, as I needed healing. I told him I would get it elsewhere. I had the idea I would be killing something in the water if I let off my remaining negative energy in the water. I told him I was about to wake up, anyway. I was right about waking up. I woke.

      My dream:

      Meeting Lucidja

      I was standing on the Surface of the moon. Q was standing nearby with Asuka. I was looking at Lucid Ja. Asuka said "Give him the gift". I then Dropped a necklace in his hand with a stone attached to it. "This will help keep the dark energies away from your dreams." I told him.
      Limo Crash

      I was in my inner world looking at a street from 3rd person view. I was watching a long white limo I was driving. I couldn't turn it properly and watched it turn too shard right into some sort of Dump truck.

      After the crash i was standing behind the kimo looking at the scene. i panicked and went to run across the street towards my house, But the travick was too fast and heavy. A guy called Loaf, flew right out of the crash and when he landed he was on a bicycle. He pedaled over to me with Rage in his eyes. he yelled.

      "the crash victims are going to Kick your ass. If they won't I WILL". He then shook his head and pedaled away. I saw an opening in the line of traffic and I ran across the street and into my yard. I stopped at the garage veins pumping with adrenaline. I thought "if people are going to fight me. I better practice."

      I then went into the opening moves of my Tiger and Crane form. Asuka came out of the house, gave me a puzzled look. "oi, Rob! Nani shitte no?" (hey, Robert WHat the hell are you up to?)

      I said I was getting ready to fight the people that i killed in the limo crash. Asuka looked towards the street and saw a bunch of people trying to run into my yard but bouncing off an invisible shield. "Mou" (geez) she said, rolled her eyes and walked back into the house.

      Loaf's dream:

      Part 3

      EDIT: I remember even more, I'll put it down as part 3.

      I am in the car with my family. My dad is driving. As we go along we see an aeroplane. It starts to crash from the sky. My dad wants to see it, so he takes his eyes off the road and watches it. I am screaming at him to pay attention to driving, literally tugging him by the shoulder. Everyone in the car is shouting and going crazy. There is a large truck heading our way. The plane goes down and crashes and my dad sees it, but by not paying attention our car darts about the road and crashes violently into a ditch.
      The Best of my dream journal
      MoSh: How about you stop trying to define everything, and just accept what you experience, and explore it.
      - From the DJ of Waking Nomad!
      Quote Originally Posted by The Cusp View Post
      I'm guessing those intergalactic storm cloud monster bugs come out of sacred energy vortex angel gate medicine wheels.

    4. #329
      Jesus of DV Achievements:
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      The great diverge

      I don't know where to start with this one.

      I was sliding down a water slide. I reached the bottom and instead of splashing into the water I was suddenly in my room on my dream laptop.
      I was readinga message from Leo Zumi? That name was familiar. but not correct. The last name was off. Zagumi perhaps? no. Zagami. YeS LEO ZAGAMI! His message was hard to read. Damn dream words anyway. All i made out was "Under Attack". Under attack? who? him? or me?

      I found myself floating above outside a mall. 3 Women were standing in a triangle holding hands. I wondered what they were doing. As I was thinking this I was walking down a hallway in my house My mother was standing by the garage door which was also a bathroom. She yelled Inanities at me as i walked by. I stepped into the garage/bathroom. I went to the mirror and opened it. I didn't feel like looking at myself right now. I grabbed my toothbrush. I looked around the rest of the small shelves behind the mirror.
      No toothpaste. I closed the mirror and looked on the counter by the sink. Still no toothpaste. fuck it I thought and splashed water on my toothbrush. I'll bear the pain of no toothpaste. I began brushing. it was uncomfortable. At least i was getting the scum off... My dentist would be happy at least. I looked up at the mirror. I was hoping the scum on my front teeth was gone. But i wasn't looking at my reflection.

      I saw my laptop. I was sitting there at my laptop. Forget Leo's message I thought, i better check Mortal Mist and See if The Cusp Remembered my dream about him. maybe it was a mutual dream?
      I went to his DJ. He indeed had an entry about me. it read "I talked with Man of Shred in a dream. he had a lot of bogus ideas. him and his dreamshare crew are a bunch of idiots". At least he remembered the dream... as for the rest. what a prick. Fuck it. I'll add it to the dreamshare thread anyway.

      I was looking down at the outdoor mall scene again. The 3 women were standing in a triangle holding hands. I saw two people approach them. There were leaves swirling around the two people. the leaves turned into mist. They looked familiar. but i couldn't put a finger on it. It was a man and a woman. The woman grabbed one of the 3 women by the arm and tugged them tightly. The woman in the triangle wouldn't budge. The woman who was pulling said to the man. "He's caught in a love triangle he can't get out of." him I thought... Those are all women...

      My perception of the event change. I saw myself, Asuka, and Sydney sitting in the hallway by the garage door from the inside all holding hands with their eyes shut.. The door was left open.
      That's right! I thought. I had invited Sydney to my house before i fell asleep so that me, her and, Asuka could share energies to create an inner dream!... then why was i floating above them?

      I was in my garage/bathroom brushing my teeth. I saw something in my perphials. I looked to the door that entered the house I saw clouds of dark energy seeping into the garage. A voice in my head sounded. it said "Vex is wanting to dream with you again... she has questions."

      "Not now" I said to the voice speaking to me. "I don't want to expose her to dark energy. Critical stage... Dark energy would ruin it... Wait a minute... Why was there Dark energy in my inner world?"

      I was floating above myself, Asuka and Sydney. I saw two dark specters surrounding them. Sydey had created a tight forcefield around us, combining our energies, to keep the dark energy out. There wasn't too much dark energy surrounding the two people tho. I could make them out. It was A and P. My Old foes. I floated as a point of conciousness into the garage where myeself was stinding at the mirror brushing. I entered his body. I was now staring at the garage door where A and P were trying to pull me from the dream triangle. A said "They are creating a strong forcefield. I can't pullthem from the triangle."

      "HEY!" I shouted at them. They Turned and looked at me. A did a double take... "WHADDYA THIK YOU"RE DOING?" I yelled at her.

      "You fucking Bastard!" A screamed at me.Her and P then charged at me.
      We then had begun something like a Kung fu fight in my garage. Our arms sped up faster than the eye could see.

      But she had not charged at me at all. She was still standing there....

      "You've Got no Fucking right!" she yelled at me.

      "No, YOU'VE got no right coming into MY HOUSE and MY DREAM. Especially when I told you a bazzilion times to stay the hell out! That Child Sydney is already stronger than you. You can't even get through her force field. It's Game over... Now LEAVE!" I said. I was getting angry. VERY ANGRY!

      "No!" She yelled like a 4 year old having a Temper Tantrum. "You're hurting her. You're doing things to her... Worse than a snuff film!" She stammered.

      "What the hell are you talking about?" I said. "Look at her." A was Still transfixed on me. "LOOK AT HER!" I yelled. at A. "Does she look like she's being harmed in any way?"

      A looked confused. "What are you doing there?" she asked indicating to the three of us sitting in a circle.

      "We're creating an inner dream." I said. " I thought i had told you about that before... and BTW Before YOU showed up we were all dreaming about being at a Waterpark..."

      " BULLSHIT!" She yelled again. "You're doing MORE than that."

      "That's true." I said. "All three of us Are sharing our energy. It helps her get stronger... you know that. It helps my recall at times. Nothing wrong is going on at all. Asuka is sharing her Energy. Raven once joined in as well. Now Why are so fixated on me still? Is it Really about her?"

      "It's true, He's helping me" Sydney chimed in while she briefly broke out of trance.

      It looked like A was about to say something but she knew she was beat. But she Was stubborn. I cut her off and went into a rant. " BY THE WAY. I know for a Fact that she doesn't like P."

      "THAT'S RIGHT" Sydney Chimed in again.

      " And did you know that for a while. P unknowingly created his own false image of Sydney in his own inner world for a while and didn't know? That's right the one that he thought was confusing me with him." I put my hand over my mouth concealing a laugh."There's NO FUCKING WAY. anyone could confuse me with him. That would be like confusing a Toad with a Swan. You say That I am hurting her. I ask you to look at her again. When she was released from you she looked like a malnourished five year old. After a few months of my 'hurting her' She looks as healthy as ever. Her dreambody looks like she's pushing 10 years of age now."

      both A and P were both shaking with rage. I knew they were about to attack. "You got no Fucking right" A yelled again. but her words sounded empty. I made a pushing gesture with my hands and transparent Vectors shot out from each hand. The ends went into A and P foreheads and I lifted them from the ground.
      "Now what I wanna know." I said. "Is how you got released from your prison A". The vectors began probing their minds. I was getting images of a black monster trying to penetrate a shield with A encased inside. The black monster was now talking to Remote viewers. The same ones that had been harassing me and the rest of my dreaming crew.
      "so that's it. I said. "P made a deal with the Templars and they helped him get you released. Of course! It's what i put in my laptop. It all makes sense now." I then was reminded of when nomad failed to read what was in my laptop, before he took the hard drive out and put it into my head in his dream. I then noticed my Vectors were feeding back to me Dark energy. I became engraged. Two more vectors came from behind my shoulders and wrapped around them both. I then grabbed a hold of the vectors with my hands and began bashing A and P around the garage.

      I hit them against the ceiling, walls and concrete countless times. In another dream i was continuing the Kung fu fight. I did an overpunch at A. she blocked but i followed up with and under punch and hit her in the stomach. She held her torso and backed into the driveway. I then grabbed P's face and did a sweeping kick on him and I slammed his head on the pavement as he fell. suddenly i was still throwing them around the garage with my vectors.

      I dragged them outside. Dark energy was seeping into me. Nomad just came out of a portal. He did a double take.
      "DAMN YOU NOMAD!" I yelled. "If you would have just read for me what was in that laptop, instead of showing off none of this would have happened." I then threw A and P at him. He ducked out of the way.I could sense the dark energy was influencing my hatred. Just what the templard wanted. "I'll cuss you out another day nomad." And P were rolling on the ground but began to get up. "but first help me get them beyond the barrier that Raven set up." Just then a Wave emanated out of P. both him and A were floating up in the air now. The Wave hit us and knocked us back. A had thrown fireballs out of her hands and hit me. I was getting tired now. Would nomad be able to finish them off without me?

      "STOP IT RIGHT THERE!" I looked up. There were two tall green elves floating just beyond the barrier that Raven had set up. It was a and P from the time of Mu. Mu P threw a kind of bubble with a chain at P. which grabbed P. Mu P pulled him beyond the barrier. they dissapeared in a pillar of yellow light. Mu A had A by the hair and yanked her beyond the barrier.
      Mu A was furious. "WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO HURT HIM." She yelled. " YOU FUCKING BITCH!" Mu A yelled at A again. "Stop trying to hurt him". She told A.

      "Woah." nomad said. he seemed to have recovered a bit.

      "Woah is right." I told him. "I think we are witnessing the very thing that corrupted her soul... A dream time paradox of all things!" I said.

      "Don't worry." Mu A said. "I'll see to it that she'll never touch you again. You won't see me here for that matter again either." Mu A zipped off with A in a pillar of yellow light.

      "Sorry i yelled at you Nomad." i said. "It's the dark energy... I need healing."

      Nomad's Dream:

      I am meditating in lion-man form above the koi pond, in lotus position. There are lovely lotus flowers blooming in the pond. I scan for my friends. I see MoSh in a fierce battle in... my old garage in Arizona? What?
      I teleport to MoSh.
      He is tossing around two people with astral tentacles out of his hands. There are pentagons swirling around him. He is wearing a leather jacket, and his skin is pale green, and his eyes are red. He has many rows of yellow sharpe teeth.
      "Oh, now you show up? I can handle this myself, you cocky bastard!"
      "Uh... what?"
      I see Sydney sitting on the side, watching calmly. I recognize the two people. A and P. Why the hell are they here?
      "It's your fault, Nomad! The information on my laptop, dammit. Why'd you have to slam it into the back of my head, you idiot?" MoSh says, slamming the people around some more. They struggle inside the astral tentacle nets. MoSh looks like Lobo shooting Spider-Man's webs. He's terrifying.
      "Now, you can access it anytime." He swings one of them at me, almost hitting me. "It's right there, whenever you need."
      "I don't need your help, Mr. Big Ego!"
      I see tendrils of dark energy moving down the astral tentacles, and swirling around MoSh neck and head. A and P are grinning even in their pain. I hear them speaking telepathically.
      "Oh, it's working, my love. Do it."
      "Yes, and soon, the child will be ours."
      "Yes, and then, we will unlock her, our little Key to the Universe!"
      "Eyew! What are you talking about, you sick fucks?" I say.
      "None of your business!" A shouts at me.
      Just then, A and P from the time of Mu appear, two Vampire Elves. They look sad and somber. "So many paradoxes, this is so sad," P from Mu says to Elven Vampire A. Elven Vampire A nods sadly. Then magically grab A and P and pull them into portals, and disappear.
      MoSh coughs up dark energy. I run to him, and give him a glass of water. He leans on me heavily. "Shit, they got me man, those bastards. Take me to the Healing Glen."
      I take MoSh to the Healing Glen. He vomits dark energy. I summon the cadeuceus, and spin it. Golden energy flows out of me, into MoSh, and green and white energy come up from the ground. The Frost Giant appears, and blows healing herbs at MoSh, and he inhales them. Basara appears, playing guitar. Raven and Angel appear singing. Asuka appears, cradling him, and stroking his hair.
      "Thanks, friends... I am just going to... take a nap." MoSh passes out.
      "Your friend is fine. The dark energy did not go deep, but it did affect him. I blew some herbs on him, that will repel dark energy from the inside out. Let him rest, and he'll be fine when he wakes up."
      I see MoSh's dream. He is wandering around a hedge maze. "Do you need my help?" I ask him.
      "No I have to figure this out for myself."
      I fall asleep also.
      The Best of my dream journal
      MoSh: How about you stop trying to define everything, and just accept what you experience, and explore it.
      - From the DJ of Waking Nomad!
      Quote Originally Posted by The Cusp View Post
      I'm guessing those intergalactic storm cloud monster bugs come out of sacred energy vortex angel gate medicine wheels.

    5. #330
      Night Stalker <span class='glow_000000'>Baron Samedi</span>'s Avatar
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      Raven's Dream:

      01/19/10 Templar Attack, Healing Nomad and MoSh
      I woke up after my first dream, but I still had some more plans. I decided I would try to do a second WILD by using my light / sound machine again. I've never tried to do a second WILD in a night, so I thought I would do it tonight. My goal was to do healing on Nomad; I used my light / sound machine and slipped into a WILD…

      I was in the biodome. I looked around to see where I was. I recognized the place. I wondered where Nomad was. I wanted to find him so I could do the healing spell. I looked around for a bit but I didn't see him. I wondered if he was having more problems with those stinking Templars. I focused on Through the Never by Metallica to open a portal to find Nomad. A portal opened and I went through…

      On the other side I was on the moon. There were lots of Templars there. I looked around. I didn't see Nomad, but I figured these assholes were part of the reason he hadn't been on the moon. There were lots of them. I saw a giant snake flying through the air shooting green flames at Templars. Well I had found MoSh at least… I focused on Divide by Disturbed to split myself into multiples. "I'm one impressive motherf-er now wouldn't you say? Divide! Divide! Divide! Divide!" I split until there were 256 of me there. I absently noticed that each of the 256 of me was riding on a large winged black panther. I flew into the group of Templars and attacked them, shooting blasts of lightning and fire fused together.

      I was fighting the Templars when they all seemed distracted. I looked where they were looking. A large mechanical centaur?! It was a bit hard to focus with 256 of me, but the centaur clearly had too many arms and too many legs and… um… whatever. It was attacking the Templars, told the Templars to go fuck themselves. Good enough. One of the Templars said they should focus their attacks on the mech. They all took off. What?! Hey!

      "Come back here, you flakey jerks!" I yelled, "Don't turn your back on me, I won't be ignored!" All 256 of me reunited into one as I followed after the Templars as they centered in on the centaur mech. The mech had a shield around it. I sent a wave of flames and lightning after the Templars, incinerating many of them. The flames washed over the shield around the mech without doing any damage. The remaining Templars turned from the mech to attack me now but veered away as I sent another wave of fire and lightning. One of them called for a retreat. They turned away from me… and ran right into MoSh… and a blast of green flames.

      I landed on the surface of the moon when the Templars were gone. Nomad was there. I told him I had been looking for him. It was time for that healing. He looked at me.

      "Him, too," Nomad said as he pointed at the giant snake still flying around, "They were hitting him with dark energy."

      "No problem," I said. I waved to the snake. MoSh finally came down and landed on the moon. He hissed loudly in my face. "Nice," I said to MoSh, "If I suffered from ophiophobia (fear of snakes) I would be running for the hills as we speak, probably with soiled pants."

      MoSh changed to his human form and looked at me strangely. We teleported to the biodome. Once we were there we did a healing to purge dark energy out of all of us. I then uses Voices from the Macross Plus soundtrack to focus on healing Nomad's cold and sinus problems. The entire glen was filled with golden energy. I was just finishing with the Voices healing on Nomad when everything around me faded to black and I woke.

      Nomad's Dream:

      Superman opens a portal to the Moon. There is a huge battle going on outside the Templar base. There are 256 Queens of Night riding on 256 winged black panthers. Raven is laughing maniacally hitting Templars with lightning. A great winged serpent is breathing acid on Templars, and their armor melts. A phoenix screams through the air, breathing fire on the Templars. Angelwitch is riding a winged snow leopard, casting spears of ice enwreathed in flame. She looks at me, and smiles. "In dreams, my love. I am with you here, always, and in our other life, too."
      Altair and the superheroes attack. I summon a giant chimera mech. It's a six legged centaur, with six arms. I am still small. I fly in and pilot it. I speak into the mike. "I am Mega Mech! You Templar bastards are fucked!"
      Two of my arms hold fifty cal machine guns. Two other arms hold lasers. Two other arms shoot out astral tentacles.
      "All attack the mech!" shouts the Templar general. They all focus on me. I hit my energy belt, and the energy shield encompasses the mech.
      "Hey, you can't have all the fun!" says Raven. She turns into a black dragon, and floats down next to me. She breathes lightning encased in fire. My shield weakens. The Templars swarm over me. I activate my centipedes, and silver centipedes pour out of a door in the back of my mech's head, crawling over my mech body. The Templars run. I become very tiny, and multiply myself. The Templars try to attack Raven, but, they get scared and run to their base. MoSh is waiting for them. He becomes a green two-headed dragon-wolf. I fly my selves into the heads of the Templars and begin barking out commands. "To the base! Retreat! Ignore all enemies!"
      They run to the base. The base morphs into a giant octopus, and attacks the Templars. They try to run away. I shriek in their heads like a banshee, amplified by my mech. They scream and fall in vertigo and terror. They writhe on the ground in pain. MoSh and Raven look at them in pity and disgust. "What shall we do with them, brother?" Raven asks in a dragon voice like a thousand thunders.
      "We shall rip them in half, sending each half to different dimensions!" the werewolf-dragon says, growling like a thousand wolves. Raven nods in agreement. I unleash centipedes into the ears of all the remote viewers, and teleport outside of them. I am a Thanagrian, a hawkman, with a golden hawk helmet on my head, wielding the Axe of Ages. I cut the heads off the Templars. Selene appears, and opens portals, half to dimension X, and half to other random dimensions. We chuck the top halves into Dimension X, and Sorna seals the portals.
      Dr. Strange appears. "Well, done, Mr. Microbe, and you others. I have been studying these creeps for centuries. There are many ways of defeating them. This is a most excellent one."
      "Tell us more," I say.
      "That is for another time. Now, you need to rest and heal."
      Superman says, "Now, we return to our fortress." The superheroes nod and disappear. We go to the hot springs in the Biodome.
      ya gwan fok wid de Baron? ye gotta nodda ting comin. (Formerly known as Baking Nomad.)

    6. #331
      http://bit.ly/GoToCME Clyde Machine's Avatar
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      If it's alright if I interject here, I am interested in shared dreaming. I am not yet ready to even begin to discuss beginning to experiment with sharing a lucid dream with another person, as I have only had two truly substantial lucid dreams to date, but I am currently reading through shared dream experiences others have had, and listening to the DV podcast on it.

      I'm very interested in this, and will keep reading and researching on it as I continue to work on my dream recall and to get more comfortable with lucid dreaming.
      DV Dictionary. / Verious: a definition. /

      I'm not on DV much these days, but I'll try to toss a cool dream or two into my DJ.

    7. #332
      Jesus of DV Achievements:
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      Awesome clyde. I look forward to when you get your skill up!
      The Best of my dream journal
      MoSh: How about you stop trying to define everything, and just accept what you experience, and explore it.
      - From the DJ of Waking Nomad!
      Quote Originally Posted by The Cusp View Post
      I'm guessing those intergalactic storm cloud monster bugs come out of sacred energy vortex angel gate medicine wheels.

    8. #333
      Jesus of DV Achievements:
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      Excerpt from Raven's DJ:

      02/11/10 Movies and Assholes
      <hr style="color: rgb(209, 209, 225);" size="1"> <!-- / icon and title --> <!-- message --> I was in a mall. I was there with my mother. We were going to see a movie. Actually we were going to see two different movies. After getting our tickets we split in two different directions. I went into my chosen movie and sat down. The lights went dark and the movie started. It was some kind of anime film. It looked like a Hayao Miyazaki film, though I didn't recognize which one.

      I was sitting there watching it when the person in front of me lit up a cigarette. I knew he had because I could smell it. He blew smoke into the air which wafted back into my face. I found that to be quite annoying. I looked at the two people sitting in front of me. One of them was smoking. They were talking to each other, not seeming to be paying any attention to the movie at all. The smoker finished his cigarette and immediately started another. I decided to move.

      I moved to an empty seat across the aisle, out of the path of the smoke. I continued watching the movie. I could see the two annoying people over there, both talking, the one still smoking. I considered going to tell management that someone in here was smoking… I was sure it was a non-smoking movie… but I didn't want to miss the movie. And it wasn't affecting me any more, so who cares?

      The smoker across the aisle threw his empty cigarette pack into the aisle. I rolled my eyes. I figured his cigarette butts were no doubt under his seat. Another man got up and picked up the empty package. The two annoying people started tossing out many pieces of garbage. The man who had picked up the cigarette package continued silently picking up the trash. I looked back at the movie. It was a different movie now… it looked like a crappy romance. Damn! I had missed the end of the Hayao Miyazaki film because I was paying too much attention to annoying people!

      My Dream:

      Funny Dream

      In this dream I was walking with Nomad and some other people in some strange place. We kept walking into something like portals that would ransport us to a different part of the dreamscape. We kept getting Transported to the same place. We were trying to explain it to some people there.

      Later we are in a sort of theater. Every dreamer is looking at something different. One sees a play, another sees a movie, and yet another is watching a cartoon. Me and nomad are sitting and talking there. I keep wanting to say something about Oneiromancy to him but i am too shy to say anything. Nomad is also smoking one cigarette after another. He throws a package wrapper on the ground and my cousin peter picks it up. Pete notices more wrappers and starts walking up the aisle to pick them up. Me and Nomad throw more wrappers out of nowhere and my pete just keeps going in circles picking them up. I just start laughing.
      Raven Knight likes this.
      The Best of my dream journal
      MoSh: How about you stop trying to define everything, and just accept what you experience, and explore it.
      - From the DJ of Waking Nomad!
      Quote Originally Posted by The Cusp View Post
      I'm guessing those intergalactic storm cloud monster bugs come out of sacred energy vortex angel gate medicine wheels.

    9. #334
      Member destinationmoon's Avatar
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      Wow this is all so interesting, I can't wait til I can WILD consistently so I can check this all out! Is it a coincidence my username is destinationmoon?
      LD count: 45

    10. #335
      Night Stalker <span class='glow_000000'>Baron Samedi</span>'s Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by destinationmoon View Post
      Wow this is all so interesting, I can't wait til I can WILD consistently so I can check this all out! Is it a coincidence my username is destinationmoon?
      No. There is no such thing as coincidence.
      ya gwan fok wid de Baron? ye gotta nodda ting comin. (Formerly known as Baking Nomad.)

    11. #336
      Dream Warrior Achievements:
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      Raven Knight's DJ:
      02/14/10 All Our Ex's
      I sat up in bed. I had just awakened from a dream where I was being healed. I could tell the difference in the amount of negative energy I had inside, but there was still way too much of it. I was about to lie back down and got to sleep. I was thinking maybe going out to kick some ass would take care of the negative energy. My head had just hit the pillow when someone called my name.

      "Raven!" the voice called. I sat up in bed suddenly. There was no one there. I then realized the voice had been entirely in my head. It was a telepathic signal. Someone needed me! I got out of bed and focused on a portal to find that person. A portal opened and I went through it… Somehow doing this only involved me becoming partially lucid…

      On the other side of the portal I found myself standing next to Nomad. There was a large battle going on. I saw many warriors and many Templars.

      "Not those fucking Templars again!" I said next to Nomad.

      Nomad apparently hadn't noticed me yet. He looked over at me in a surprised manner. He said they seemed to be back to their old tricks again. I looked out at the fight. "And they have new allies," Nomad said as he pointed to the side. I looked over there. I saw some people there. One of them I recognized immediately as the Prince of Darkness. There was a woman with him. The woman reminded me a bit too much of Bellatrix Lestrange from Harry Potter… she was a witch and looked to be stark raving mad. My ex fiancé, James, was next to the woman. I whispered to Nomad, asking who the woman was. He said it was his ex, Megan. That didn't seem right… Nomad has never said bad things about Megan… Hadn't we helped her with Templars disguised as Nomad? Why would she be helping the Templars? I asked Nomad that. He said she needed to be healed.

      Nomad opened a portal. He said we would have to take care of it in her inner world. I said ok and we went through the portal. On the other side we were in what looked like it could be a beautiful place… but there were also strange things happening there. Some things that just looked somehow wrong… There was a woman there. I figured it was Megan. She was acting really strange. She was talking to someone who wasn't there… telling them to leave her alone. I wondered what she was seeing. She did need healing. She seemed completely oblivious to us. The portal we had entered through was still there. More people joined us. MoSh, Angel, Basara, and a couple of angels came through the portal before it closed. We all formed a circle around the apparently crazy Megan and did healing spells. I did Full Moonlight to purge dark energy. Golden energy filled the entire area and flowed through Megan. After the healing Megan looked much calmer and the things that had seemed wrong with the place now seemed ok. We went through a portal back to the area we had started in…

      Outside it seemed not much, if any, time had passed. The Prince of Darkness, Megan, and James were still all there. Megan looked a bit different. She looked like she was trying to clear her mind. The Prince of Darkness and James hadn't noticed the change. The Prince of Darkness put his arm around Megan. He told Nomad that she belonged to him now and forever… and he would have Angel, as well. The both deserved better than Nomad. He then claimed he was twice the man Nomad would ever be and laughed.

      "Humph! It looks like you fucked your math up, asshole," I said, "because it actually takes about a hundred of you to equal half of Nomad." I still felt negative and I was definitely in the mood to tell someone off.

      Megan seemed to get her head clear. She pushed the Prince of Darkness away from her and had a grossed out look on her face. She disappeared. I wondered if she had awakened.

      The Prince of Darkness looked annoyed that Megan was gone and annoyed at my comments. He shot a tendril out to grab Angel. Nomad cut through the tendril with his sword.

      "Give it up!" the Prince of Darkness said to Nomad, "You can keep her by you through force, but you cannot take her heart! Her heart belongs to me!"

      "Not a chance," Angel said to the Prince of Darkness, "I love Nomad! I am sick and tired of you pushing you way into my dreams! I want you to leave and not come back!"

      "You can't defeat me!" the Prince of Darkness said, "I rule this plane!"

      "They're all losers if you ask me," said a voice from beside me. I looked and saw James. He was standing right beside me watching the scene between Nomad, Megan, me, and the Prince of Darkness.

      "No one asked you," I said to him.

      "Look," James said, "I think we got things going badly. I first came to your dream because I want to start sharing dreams with you again. You said you don't want to see me IWL, so I thought…"

      "If I don't want to see you IWL," I said to him, "What the fuck makes you think I'd want to see your worthless shit ass in my dreams? Stabbing me in the back IWL isn't good enough for you? Well go ahead! Shoot me again! I ain't dead yet! I already got a fucking bullet in my back from you, one from Tina… add a third! And a fourth! Just keep shooting! I will never die, you fucker! Now get the fuck out of my face before I kick your ass so hard you're shitting through your mouth!"

      James seemed a bit stunned by that outburst. But it had felt good. Some more negative energy vented… and this time at someone I don't like! Excellent! Everything around me faded to black as I woke.

      WakingNomad's DJ (Notes):
      Float up out of my coffin. I transform from Vampire to Golden Knight form. A swarm of Templars attack. My anti-swarm silver centipedes kick in.

      There is a huge battle outside my house in the astral. Prince of Darkness is there, along with James, and Megan, my ex in her Shadow Self. She's a crazed witch.

      I go into Megan's Inner World, and tell her to stop aiding the Templars. She's freaking out. Raven, MoSh, Angel, Basara, Michael, Metatron and I do soul healing on her. I go out. The battle is over.

      Angel tells the Prince of Darkness, she's sick of him. He says he rules the astral plane. I shoot a astral tentacles into him, and electrocute him. He becomes small and tries to invade my brain. The Atom and I kick his ass.

      I knock him out with a tranq, and take his astral body to Raven's Inner World, next to P and A.
      "Anything you can imagine is real." - Pablo Picasso.
      "Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake." - Henry David Thoreau

      Tasks of the Year Completed: China (Asia)

    12. #337
      Dream Warrior Achievements:
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      Raven Knight's DJ:
      02/14/10 Captured! (non-lucid)
      I woke up in bed after the previous dream. That had been a good release of negative energy. I didn't feel too bad now, just really sleepy. That is normal for after I have just vented off a lot of negative energy. I just needed more sleep. Maybe I would be able to relax now. No more negative energy to vent. I thought I would get up for a drink. I tried to get up. I found I couldn't move. My first thought was sleep paralysis. But I've never had problems with sleep paralysis before… I continued trying to move. Still nothing. I saw some figures standing over me, looking at me. It was dark and I couldn't see their faces. I didn't know who they were. I was trying to ask who they were but I couldn't move. Ok… I would have to focus my energy… I closed my eyes and focused… and then I felt a surge of negative energy that sent bright lights off behind my closed eyelids just as if I had my light / sound machine on. I got a massive headache and then everything faded to black…

      It seemed like I was in darkness for a while, my head felt like it was splitting open. I had unexplained images of death and destruction, feelings of anger and hate… I then thought I heard a commotion outside. A lot of people were yelling at each other. It sounded like a fight. I could feel someone lifting me and taking me somewhere… I tried to wake up fully but I couldn't do it. It only made my splitting headache worse so I relaxed. Someone set me gently on something soft. I thought I heard someone crying… was I dead? Had I died and now someone was crying over me? I heard someone ask if I was going to die. Someone else answered no, and said something about a cocoon and a butterfly… Wtf? I was turning into a butterfly? Someone laughed and said something about transformation. I could feel positive energy comforting me… I drifted off to sleep and woke in bed.

      WakingNomad's DJ:
      I look for Raven.

      Multidimensional Dream

      Her assassin self is captured. Altair, Ezio, MoSh, Link, Bakura, Basara, Loaf, Angel, MoSh, WarriorTiger, Silverwolf, Mary and Marty, Goliath (the Gargoyle), Vegeta, Angelina, Xena, and I go to rescue her. We split into Warriors and Assassins. The Warriors create a diversion while the Assassins invade the dungeon.

      We rescue Raven, and take her to the Healing Glen. She is deeply wounded. I am crying my eyes out.

      The Crystal Golem says she's going to be okay. I ask The Crystal Golem if she's going to die. He says she needs to cocoon again. I ask him if she's going to become a butterfly. He laughs and says, no, but transformed.
      "Anything you can imagine is real." - Pablo Picasso.
      "Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake." - Henry David Thoreau

      Tasks of the Year Completed: China (Asia)

    13. #338
      Dream Warrior Achievements:
      Tagger First Class Made lots of Friends on DV Veteran First Class Huge Dream Journal Referrer Silver 10000 Hall Points

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      Where the furry things rule
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      Raven Knight's DJ:
      02/14/10 A Fake James?
      I was sitting at a table with some friends. We were at a Starbucks sitting outside. A light breeze was blowing. I was sooooo happy to be in Arizona… the winters are wonderful. I looked at the drink I was drinking. It was a dark hot cocoa. I looked around the table. I recognized the people with me. Nomad was on my left, then Asuka was holding a baby in her lap across from me. To my right was MoSh. Everyone was talking and laughing. It was a nice setting. I tried to remember the last time I was able to get together in a shared dream and just do something fun. I joined in the conversation with MoSh, Asuka, and Nomad, although I don't remember what was said. I just remember I was enjoying myself. I felt negative energy inside me, but it seemed to be pretty stable and it was slowly draining away. There was a lot there, but as long as nothing set it off… Then I saw trouble walk into the patio seating area. I tried to hide my face, but it was too late.

      I had spotted James and Tina (his wife) looking at me. James pointed over at me and then the two of them headed in our direction. Shit. I didn't want to deal with them. I turned and focused on Nomad. I could feel negative energy inside me like something boiling just beneath the surface and threatening to explode. I decided it would be a good idea to try to stay calm. When James and Tina got over to us I didn't say anything. James was standing between Nomad and me. He asked how it was coming with my new boyfriend. I calmly told him Nomad is not my boyfriend… he's more like a brother. James said that explained why I hang out with him… I'm obligated to hang out with the loser because he's my brother. I was feeling angry at James for insulting Nomad again. Tina said that MoSh must be my boyfriend. Asuka gave Tina a dirty look. James moved closer to MoSh and said that from the looks of it MoSh would be no better a choice than Nomad. He said both those losers (Nomad and MoSh) make him look good.

      "Nomad…" I said to Nomad, "I think I'm about to pound his face into the concrete until it's a bloody pulp…"

      "Just hang on…" Nomad said.

      "Hey, loser!" James said as he shoved Nomad. His Witchblade armor formed and he pulled out Swordsplitter. I was looking at Tina… something wasn't right about that… I was thinking she shouldn't be there…

      "Remember this?" James asked as he used the sword to cut the table in half. Asuke got up quickly and disappeared with the baby. Nomad got up to face James. I didn't want them to fight. James has access to too much power… or did he? His energy signature was off… something wasn't right. James lunged at Nomad… and right through Nomad… and fell over the railing behind Nomad and into the street. A car slammed on its brakes to keep from hitting James. The driver called James a fucking moron. James got up and jumped the fence again. He charged at Nomad. I was thinking he was using all the strategy of a mad bull… that's not his style… A portal opened right in front of Nomad and James disappeared through it. The portal closed behind him. James reappeared almost immediately.

      "Hey, asshole!" James said to Nomad, "You're not the only one who can screw with time!"

      "Go fuck yourself!" Nomad responded.

      I told Nomad not to attack James… it would be too dangerous…

      "What's the matter?" James asked as he came over to me, "Are you afraid the loser will get hurt? Why don't you come back with me? We can go fuck somewhere. Come on! Tina won't mind. She might even join in!" He was right in my face yelling these things. On impulse I spit… right in his face. Part of it went in his open yelling mouth. Tina made a move like she was going to hit me. I knew that would set off the explosion. James stopped her. Good. Then James hit me! I was briefly stunned… he had never indicated physical violence while we were together… that was something else out of character for him… But that was it. He was going to regret showing up here… he would regret ever laying eyes on…

      CLOBBER! In a streak of motion something clobbered James and knocked him through several tables into the wall of the Starbucks. I did a double take. Something weird had clobbered James… Some kind of a centaur? With six legs? And it looked somehow feline... it was clearly a… um… it was a Nomad. The creature that was Nomad was tearing at James with sharp claws where the front hooves of the centaur should have been. I thought I saw two figures do a fusion with Nomad… I didn't see who. He was tearing right through James' witchblade? How could that be? A witchblade can't be broken like that! James also looked surprised that his armor wasn't holding. James shoved Nomad off of him and jumped to his feet. He changed into one of the Fantastic Four?! That also didn't seem right…

      Ok… I didn't want Nomad to have all the fun. I wanted to freak James out… or freak out whatever he was… I wasn't fully convinced it was James. I used Of Wolf and Man to transform into… I considered for a minute… a dragon! I remembered Nomad say I'd turned into a nasty looking black dragon… so I did that. I glared at him, my teeth a mere few inches from his face… my mouth was as tall as his body. People on the street were panicking and running. Apparently MoSh liked the idea of a dragon, as he changed into one as well. Now James had a huge dragon glaring at him from two different directions.

      I was wondering if I had the stomach to bit James in half when something fell from the sky. James caught it. It was a grenade… a really big one… um… I backed up, as did MoSh. James was still looking at the grenade in surprise when it exploded. I looked up where it had come from… who had thrown that thing? James was gone… but just briefly. He reformed and looked up where the grenade had come from. He cursed in that direction. I fired a blast of flames surrounded by lightning at James. I noticed there were Templars attacking… where had those come from?! I used Divide and multiplied myself, going around and incinerating and blasting Templars. I noticed MoSh bathing Templars in green flames. We finally dispatched them. Where was James? I returned and turned human. I asked Nomad where James was. He said James was the past and the future, but not the present. Huh?

      We went back to the biodome. I felt tired. I didn't think about it when I slipped into the hot springs. I was sitting next to Basara. He was singing softly. I could still feel the negative energy boiling just inside of me… so much of it… I felt like yelling and cursing at someone, but I was too tired right now. I fell asleep in the dream and woke IWL.

      WakingNomad's DJ:
      Raven and I are having coffee in Tucson with MoSh, Asuka, and the baby. James appears with his wife and taunts Raven. He calls me her new boyfriend. She tries to talk to him calmly. She says she can't contain her dark energy.

      He laughs, and his Witchblade armor forms over him. He shows me his sword: Remember this? Asuka takes the baby away and disappears.

      He lunges at me. I open a hole in my dream body and laugh. He lunges again. I open a portal on my dream body. He gets sucked in, but teleports right back. He says he knows Time Magic, too. I tell him he can go fuck himself.

      Raven tells me not to attack him. He spews a stream of obscenities at her, and then Raven spits in his face. The wife is about to slap Raven, but James stops her, and slaps Raven. I become a crazed Chimera: a six-legged centaur devil cat.

      Gawn and Daygawn merge with me, and I tear into James.

      He cannot believe I shredded through his Witchblade armor.

      He morphs into a superhero. He looks like one of the Fantastic Four. He summons an army of Templars. Raven changes into a great black dragon, and MoSh a great green dragon. I change into a three headed dragon.

      Loaf appears as a giant bomb. He slams into James, and disappears. James reforms.

      Raven multiplies into many dragons, and Queens of Night. She summons fiery lightning. I summon an army of summoners. MoSh morphs into a green cobra with arms, and bites the heads off of the Templars.

      I morph into Sabertooth/Wolverine/Green Lantern/Professor X/Spider-Man/Batman. I shoot a fire circular saw-blade at James and rip him in half. Selene shoots astral nets around him. I send one to the past, and one half to the future.

      We go back to the Biodome, and the Hot Springs. Our bodies are sore from battle. I tell MoSh his dream body muscles are getting bigger. He laughs. We say we are tired of fighting. Raven falls asleep in Basara's arms.

      Angel places her hands on Raven's head and does healing on her.

      I say no one is evil. MoSh glares at me. I apologize, and tell him I'll explain later, but I have to wake up.
      "Anything you can imagine is real." - Pablo Picasso.
      "Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake." - Henry David Thoreau

      Tasks of the Year Completed: China (Asia)

    14. #339
      Jesus of DV Achievements:
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      <span class='glow_0000FF'>Man of Shred</span>'s Avatar
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      DJ Entries
      Possible first Shared Dream with Walms. I'll highlight the simularites.

      Frag 2

      I'm walking in some building down a hallway. I come across a four way intersecting hallway and a guy is there. He is white with blond hair and a long face. He says soemthing like "I'm gonna kick your ass." I ignore him and keep walking.

      The return of the weird guy

      I'm walking out of a building. I come to some field. I see that guy from the Frag 2 dream again. He says something like "I'm gonna kick your ass now". He grabs me and tries to knee me or something. Some other guy who i can't see pulls him off me and says "Run".

      I start running but suddenly I'm covered in a blanket. I'm looking for my jacket but the blanket gets in the way. I manage to get the blanket off.

      From Walms' Dream journal

      FA, go out of bed and RC, I went to a garden, and the house where this was, vanished, now I was in another open field, and there was a guy who looked older than me, and thin, and strong, I teleported to where he was and kicked him, he gave no reaction and just wandered off, I tried following but he was ignoring me, I got bored and went to eat some stuff, some buildings and the people in it, truthfully, the building was better than the people, they were warm, so had to make them go into the carnivore plant instead, then left the place.

      NOTE: Nomad has also recently observed that i have features of bodily strength in dreams.
      The Best of my dream journal
      MoSh: How about you stop trying to define everything, and just accept what you experience, and explore it.
      - From the DJ of Waking Nomad!
      Quote Originally Posted by The Cusp View Post
      I'm guessing those intergalactic storm cloud monster bugs come out of sacred energy vortex angel gate medicine wheels.

    15. #340
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      Feb 2010
      been having dreams of Brazil lately and dreaming in Spanish or Portuguese.
      Not much beyond that.

    16. #341
      Night Stalker <span class='glow_000000'>Baron Samedi</span>'s Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by AccountableMasses View Post
      been having dreams of Brazil lately and dreaming in Spanish or Portuguese.
      Not much beyond that.
      Ok. So, what is the purpose of this post?
      ya gwan fok wid de Baron? ye gotta nodda ting comin. (Formerly known as Baking Nomad.)

    17. #342
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      read in order to have shared dreams you must share dream journal entries. Or did I miss something?

    18. #343
      Night Stalker <span class='glow_000000'>Baron Samedi</span>'s Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by AccountableMasses View Post
      read in order to have shared dreams you must share dream journal entries. Or did I miss something?
      Oh, I see. I did not know if that was your intention.

      First, start your own dream journal.

      Then, work on your recall.

      Then, lucidity.

      Then, find your Dream Guide.

      This dream journal is for dreams that are shared. The way we do it, is we compare dream journal, and see when they sync up, then we post both (or sometimes even more) entries here.
      ya gwan fok wid de Baron? ye gotta nodda ting comin. (Formerly known as Baking Nomad.)

    19. #344
      Join Date
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      Quote Originally Posted by WakingNomad View Post
      Oh, I see. I did not know if that was your intention.

      First, start your own dream journal.

      Then, work on your recall.

      Then, lucidity.

      Then, find your Dream Guide.

      This dream journal is for dreams that are shared. The way we do it, is we compare dream journal, and see when they sync up, then we post both (or sometimes even more) entries here.
      oh thanks. didn't know that.

    20. #345
      Night Stalker <span class='glow_000000'>Baron Samedi</span>'s Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by AccountableMasses View Post
      oh thanks. didn't know that.
      Check out the tutorial in my signature.
      ya gwan fok wid de Baron? ye gotta nodda ting comin. (Formerly known as Baking Nomad.)

    21. #346
      Jesus of DV Achievements:
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      <span class='glow_0000FF'>Man of Shred</span>'s Avatar
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      My dream:

      Asuka is wierd

      note: Raven wanted me to remember her more in a dream. So I told her she should learn from Asuka, and observe me when I'm non lucid, to do more subtle things that would catch my attention since i remember things like that more. here is the result.

      I am standing on a roof top at night time. Asuka is behind me. I am staring at a weird image. It looks like mother mary... I am definitely confused. Asuka points at a symbol on the wall behind the image of mother mary. She says seeing mary and that symbol together means that a sick girl is hiding in a giant teacup in my yard. I look down at the yard and vaguely make out a giant teacup in my yard. In it i see a girl is lying inside of it. Even tho it's black I know it's Raven... I jump down from the rooftop and approach the giant teacup. suddenly Raven jumps high out of the teacup. Her image is no longer dark. It's bright and i can see she's wearing her typical Assasins creed uniform.

      Later I am in a hallway in my house. i look on my shoulder and see miniature people. The one closest to me looks like captain janeway from star trek voyager. She's wearing a dress that janeway likes to wear to her holo-novel programs. But wait... Captain janeway is really seven of nine impersonating Janeway. I then notice i am wearing the same dress... Behing the weird janeway is Janeway impersonating Seven of nine... Who's also wearing the same dress. Seven impersonating janeway speaks to me in Asuka's voice... So really it's Asuka impersonating Seven who's supposed to be impersonating janeway... Her voice says. "In order to make sense of all this you must find raven and let her bite your ear!

      I see Raven down the hallway I walk towards her but I wake up.

      Note: all of Asuka's tricks seemed to make PERFECT sense to me at the time. haha.

      Raven's dream:

      Note: I didn't have much luck with recall this past night. I also failed to slip into a WILD, so the only dream I was able to recall was this one non-lucid shared dream with MoSh…

      I was in someone's yard. I looked around to see where I was. I recognized the place, but I couldn't quite place where it was. I looked around a bit and I saw I wasn't alone. There was a woman there. She was smiling at me as if she knew me. I didn't like being disoriented. I did immediately realize she was a friend. I was excessively embarrassed that I could not remember her name. I didn't let that on. I went over to her and said hi.

      The woman smiled again and said hi to me. She handed me a cookie. It was warm and fresh. She said this time MoSh would remember both of us. She said the idea is to do something a bit odd, but not so off the wall that it is beyond comprehension… Odd but reasonable. I wasn't sure what she was talking about. MoSh must be another friend. Why wouldn't a friend remember me? Or her? She said she had an idea. She pointed to the middle of the yard. I didn't remember this being there before, but now there was a giant teacup in the middle of the yard. It was sitting in a giant saucer. I got closer and saw that it was a single car of the teacups ride like in Disney Land. It looked a quite bit larger than that, though.

      "Get in there," the woman said as she indicated the teacup. I was remembering that things that spin frequently make me feel ill. I told her I could get in it as long as it wasn't spinning. She said to get in it. I got into the cup. She said to get down so I couldn't be seen. I did that. I was on the bottom of the teacup. I heard the woman said to wait for my cue and then jump out and surprise MoSh. I wasn't sure what the point was but I went along with it. Maybe a harmless prank. I figured MoSh would be surprised to see I was there to visit. That would be the only reason to jump up to surprise him. Ok. Sounded amusing…

      The woman outside went into the house. I waited in the cup for a bit. Something felt strange… like I was out of place somehow. I ignored that feeling. Of course I was out of place… I was in a giant teacup! I heard the door to the house open up. Someone was standing outside the cup. I heard the woman say she would knock on the cup three times when it was time to jump out. I said ok… and then the cup started spinning. Great… I hoped I wouldn't get out and puke all over MoSh… I didn't figure that would be a very pleasant surprise…

      The cup continued to spin. I was actually surprised at how little nausea I was feeling. Maybe this would be ok. Then someone outside knocked on the cup three times and the cup came to a stop. That was the cue. I stood up in the cup… bad idea. I stood up too fast and that was when the wave of nausea hit me. I was still in the middle of the plan. I was jumping into the air to get out of the cup… but my foot caught on the edge of the cup and I went falling face first out of the cup. Somehow I managed to do a complete flip and land on my feet… and that amazed me. I was barely standing up, but I had performed acrobatics? Hey… maybe the gymnasts do get dizzy… maybe it helps them!

      I looked around as the world continued to spin. The woman was off to my left smiling. I took a couple stumbling steps forward and fell right into a man's arms. He caught me and looked a bit surprised.

      "Surprise, MoSh," I said rather drunkenly even thought I hadn't had anything to drink, "It's Raven, me! Er… It's me, Raven… yeah… that's it." I was smiling at MoSh, thinking I probably had a really dopey look on my face. Fortunately I didn't throw up on him. My mind started clearing, the world spinning slowed down, but then everything faded to black around me and I woke.
      WakingNomad likes this.
      The Best of my dream journal
      MoSh: How about you stop trying to define everything, and just accept what you experience, and explore it.
      - From the DJ of Waking Nomad!
      Quote Originally Posted by The Cusp View Post
      I'm guessing those intergalactic storm cloud monster bugs come out of sacred energy vortex angel gate medicine wheels.

    22. #347
      Dream Warrior Achievements:
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      Loaf's Dream:
      Quote Originally Posted by Loaf View Post
      RavenKnight & WakingNomad

      Part 1

      I swam to a beach. Once I was there, I got onto the land and started biking. It was just grass, until I got to a small civilization of psychics and lucid dreamers. It was a makeshift town of tents, caravans, and sheds. As I biked through, an old man came out of his tent and spoke.
      "This place isn't for you. Its our town. Leave before its too late!" he calls. I ignore him and continue biking. Suddenly I wonder if Raven Knight would be here. I looked around, and then saw her come out of a huge luxury tent (for any of those that have seen it, Raven Knight looked like her Skype photo).
      I go up to her. We talked briefly, and then WakingNomad appeared. But things went downhill. They told me I couldn't leave. I got on my bike in panic and tried to get away, however the front wheel of the bike kept sliding and making me crash. Soon both WakingNomad and Raven Knight tied a cloth to my mouth and dragged me away.

      It cuts to another scene. We are at a shopping mall. We aren't looking for anything in particular.
      Its a very nice shopping mall. There appear to be Christmas decorations on the walls.

      It cuts again. We have rented a nice house to stay in. At this point, I realize Raven Knight and WakingNomad don't mean harm, but I can't remember why they had taken me to this house.
      I switch the news on and there is a report about me on TV, saying that I was kidnapped and the offenders are being tracked down.
      "Oh no! They think I've been kidnapped!" I shouted. Raven Knight looked very pitiful.
      "I knew this would happen. Things never go right." she said, almost crying. WakingNomad was silent and lost in thought. Both of them decided to drive me home. They took me to my old street, said goodbye, and left.

      EDIT: Fragment about FBI agents looking for us. They were very freaky people.
      Raven Knight's Dream:
      Quote Originally Posted by Raven Knight View Post
      Note: I met a shaman in my dream last night. I have reason to think this shaman is the same one I used to know when I was going out with my ex bf. My goal was to get in touch with him and find out if the two are the same person. Q said there is currently a gathering of dimension traveling shamans going on in a different dimension. He said the shaman I am looking for is very likely there. Q said that the shamans in these gathering usually don't look too kindly on outsider visitors. Q also said in case that is the case, he had gone there and I had permission to visit the gathering… the shaman I knew while with my ex is currently at that gathering, so I can see if he is the one who visited me. Q handed me a pendant with a cool engraving on it… he said to show it to the other shamans in case they don't remember me, which they probably won't. With this goal in mind I fell asleep with my light / sound machine and slipped into a WILD…

      I was on the moon, in the biodome. I wasn't sure why I was on the moon. I thought maybe I just couldn't go directly to the shaman gathering. This also was a confirmation that the shaman I was looking for was at the gathering. I was about to open the portal when another portal opened and Nomad came through.

      "Raven!" he said, "Where are you off to so fast?"

      "A gathering of shamans, perhaps," I said, "I'm looking for the shaman I met in a dream a couple nights ago. He might be someone I've known from back when I was going out with my ex."

      "Awesome!" Nomad said, "I want to come, too!"

      "Uh…" I said, remembering that the shamans don't like outside visitors. I figured it would be ok if he was with me since I know one of the shamans there. "Sure. You can come. Just stick with me, they don't like strangers there, but I know someone there. There is a particular shaman I am looking to see." I opened the portal and we both went through…

      On the other side of the portal we were in a temporary town made up of a large number of tents and such. The tent city was located at the edge of a beautiful forest next to a lush green meadow. There were a lot of people around, talking to each other, some meditating, some of those meditating are floating in the air. A lot of them were human (or at least they looked human) but there were also many of different races I couldn't identify. One near us looked like a namek from Dragonball Z.

      Shortly after we appeared, everyone started staring at us. They were gathering around us. I took the pendant out of my robes (I was dressed as an Assassin) and I showed it to them. I was holding onto Nomad's arm. They saw the pendent and immediately seemed friendlier. One of them came over to me and greeted us. He said that a friend of one of their people is a friend of his. He said we could feel free to explore their camp as long as we respect their beliefs. He headed into one of the tents.

      I looked at Nomad. He smiled at me. I wondered where the shaman I was looking for might be. I wondered where to start to look. I figured I would have to follow my instinct. I did that and wandered through the camp. It was a large place. Many people, different people all seemed to be doing different things. I saw a woman with a gathering of strange herbs and such. Another was doing something with some strange stones. My attention was not drawn to any of the shamans we were passing. It was drawn to a large tent straight ahead of us. It was easily one of the most fancy elaborate tents there. I felt drawn to it. I went inside the tent and spotted a familiar shaman meditating in the middle of the room. I was trying to remember if that was the shaman I knew when I was with my ex, the shaman who visited me a couple nights ago, or both. I didn't want to disturb his meditation. Nomad looked at the shaman and then at me. Fortunately we didn't have to disturb him…

      "Raven Knight," the shaman said as he opened his eyes. He had been floating and now he settled gently to the ground and got up, "The spirits foretold your coming. The spirits being Q, of course." He smiled. "So tell me, who is your friend? I see he is also a dream traveler, like yourself. He has the energy of a shaman."

      "This is Nomad," I said, "I have been dreaming with him these past few months. After breaking up with James I thought I'd lost my ability to share dreams, but he proved me wrong. I haven't lost it."

      "Excellent news, my friend," the shaman said, "It is so good to see you! It has been so long since I have had a chance to really speak with you! And it's nice to meet you, Nomad."

      "I have a question," I said, "Though you may have already answered it. I met a shaman in a non-lucid dream a couple nights ago, and I was wondering if that was you. But you say it has been long since we have spoken, so I guess it couldn't have been you."

      "It most certainly was," the shaman said, "But it is hard to have a meaningful conversation with one who is not lucid."

      "True," I said, "I'm really glad you came. Maybe we will see more of each other now."

      "I am moving into your inner world," the shaman said, "so I'm sure we will. James' inner world isn't serving my purposes any longer. This meeting goes on for the rest of the week, but then Hetfield is setting up an area in your inner world for me. We will see each other soon."

      "Shaman," Nomad said, "Can I ask you a couple of questions?"

      "Of course!" the shaman said with a smile, "Go right ahead!"

      "I wanted to look around a bit more," I said, "I'll be back soon."

      The shaman gave me a hug, "Just in case you wake up before returning," he said, "We will meet in another dream."

      I left the tent and looked around. There was a bit of a commotion. I headed in that direction. Behind the tents, near the meadow, there was a young man who didn't look like one of the shamans. Partially because all of the shamans were pointing and talking. They didn't sound happy. I looked closer at the visitor. He was familiar… Loaf?! But how in the world could Loaf have gotten here? The shamans were saying something about the visitor could not be allowed to leave now that he had found the sacred ground. This was easily enough solved. I went into the group of shamans.

      "It's ok!" I said to everyone as I displayed my pendant again, "He's with me!"

      They didn't get as friendly as I had hoped. One of them came over to me and spoke angrily. "He didn't arrive with you," he said, "And he is being openly disrespectful to our people."

      "Nah," I said, "I'm sure no offense is meant. I was just about to leave. I'll take him with me."

      "He has been to the sacred ground," one of them protested.

      "I have no idea how, I doubt he can deliberately initiate a repeat visit, and I doubt he'll even remember this one," I said, "He's a dreamer… who never remembers shared dreams. And since I'm here, it is now a shared dream, which means he will forget."

      The shamans around me started arguing amongst themselves. Nomad came out of the tent. "Loaf?" Nomad asked, "Hey, Loaf! This is a dream!"

      While the shamans were arguing I went over to Loaf. "Ok… you can't be here, not without prior permission. Let's go."

      "I'm not leaving just because these guys tell me to," Loaf said.

      Nomad was now over with Loaf and me. "We have to get Loaf out of here," I said to Nomad, "I think he pissed someone here off…"

      "Alright," Nomad said, "We kidnap Loaf and take him to our dream!" He grabbed hold of Loaf, who responded by trying to get away. A couple angry shamans were yelling something at Loaf, I don't remember what, but I knew it was insulting.

      Loaf responded with, "Fuck you, you…" then Nomad had covered his mouth. The shamans were looking pissed.

      "Hey, everyone," I said as I opened a portal, focusing on Loaf's inner world, "I'm sure no offense was meant. So we'll just be going now, ok?" A portal opened. Nomad and I took Loaf through the portal…

      On the other side we were in a house. I didn't recognize it. Loaf turned on the television. The news was on. I went into the next room with Nomad. I was hoping the shamans weren't too angry.

      "Hey!" I heard Loaf from the other room, "They think I've been kidnapped!"

      "What?" I asked as I looked into the other room. There was a picture of Loaf on the screen and the reporter was saying if anyone had any information as to his whereabouts or the whereabouts of the people who had taken him, the picture switched to a picture of two unidentifiable Assassins, to call some phone number I don't remember or shoot to kill. Shoot to kill?! That seemed a bit drastic… and what if someone went and shot Loaf? Didn't they care about that?

      "I'm sure everything's fine," Nomad said behind me.

      "Yeah, right…" I said, "I think the fuck-up fairy moved in with me for the night. I hope it doesn't reflect bad on the shaman we were visiting… I hope they're not mad at him… everything went to shit."

      We left to take Loaf back to his house. I'm not sure why since it was a dream. I wasn't really thinking about that. We pulled a car, which I have no clue where we got the car, up in front of Loaf's house and he got out. There were people around. They looked like government agents. Loaf went in the house. I asked Nomad if those looked like Templars to him… He said maybe I should kill them just in case. I hit them with bolts of lightning and they were gone. This was where I woke up.
      WakingNomad's Dream:
      Not posted yet, but he has confirmed he remembers it as a shared dream.
      WakingNomad and Loaf like this.
      "Anything you can imagine is real." - Pablo Picasso.
      "Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake." - Henry David Thoreau

      Tasks of the Year Completed: China (Asia)

    23. #348
      Night Stalker <span class='glow_000000'>Baron Samedi</span>'s Avatar
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      Kidnapping Loaf

      I am on the Moon. Raven summons a big black car, like a Buick. "Get in!"

      I get in. She drives. "What are we doing?"

      "We are going to get Loaf. He's going to remember this dream, both of us, dammit!"


      She drives to Earth, to Aotearoa. She slams into a house. We get out. "Loaf? Loaf?" He is outside playing with toy cars in the dirt like a young child.

      "Hey Loaf! Hey Josh! Get in! Get in the car, dude!" I laugh.

      "Huh? Are you....?"

      "Dude, you know us! Get in! HAHAHA!"

      "AHA! There they are! Focus lasers on the child!"

      Remote viewers, like Men In Black from Dimension X appear. I grab Loaf, and turn on my energy shield. "YOU BASTARDS! GET OUT OF OUR DREAM!"

      Raven shoots flaming lightning at them, and we all get in the car and zoom off. Jets shoot out of the car.

      "HAHAHAA! We did it! We did it!" I give the Men In Black the Bronx cheer.

      Raven turns on the radio: A young man, Josh McNabbit, has been nabbed from New Zealand, by two of the Moon People. They are in a black Buick en route to the Dream Moon. The Moon People are armed and dangerous.

      "Shit! Shit! We have to hide!"

      Loaf stuffs a handkerchief in his mouth. "What the hell are you doing, dude?"

      "I am being kidnapped. I am playing along with the dream."

      "Oh, shit! Are we kidnapping him, Raven?"

      "No. We're going to the Moon. Stop talking like a crazy man, Nomad."

      "They are going to intercept us. Quick, find some motel or something. Shit shit shit."

      Raven drives into a motel building. We get out. I turn on the TV. There is us, on the news.

      "Those bastards! They are after us! They want to swallow our minds and eat our souls! Shit! What should we do Raven?"

      "Calm down, let me think."

      "I'm going to do a line of coke. Be right back."

      "No, you're not! What the hell is wrong with you, Nomad? Don't you know this is a dream?"

      "Oh, shit. I have never even tried coke, but this seems like some crazy cool Quentin Tarantino action flick, so it made sense to do coke."

      "Oh, stop talking like and idiot!"

      I grab Raven and shake her in panic. "They are coming! What should we do?"


      I become sullen. "Sorry, I just keep forgetting this is a dream. That's all."

      Loaf wanders around the room touching things. "Hey! Everything feels so real! So, hey, I was thinking let's go kick those guys asses. This is a dream, after all!"

      "Oh, dude! You are so right! That would be epic! HAHAHAHA! Hey, Raven, Loaf has a good idea-"

      "I heard," she grins. Now she is Queen of Night with a vampire face. Loaf is staring in a mirror. He morphs into a vampire. So do I. I suddenly calm down. Three short hidden blades shoot out of my forearms.

      "Let's eat their fucking SOULS."

      "And, drink their blood," says Loaf.

      We fly through the ceiling. The Men in Black are there. "Hey, you creepy government slaves, COME GET SOME!"

      The Men in Black shoot lasers at us, and Loaf unloads on them with an AK-47. He is laughing. Raven fires lighting at them, and electrocutes them. I teleport behind them, and slice their throats, and drink their blood.

      "Want some?"

      "I'll find my own prey," Loaf says. The Men in Black hop on hovercycles and fly away. We teleport on to them and bite their necks, and drink their blood. We wipe or mouths sloppily and laugh. Raven punches one right through his head.

      "Vampires KICK ASS!" We hi-5.

      "Now, let's go to the Apple Store at the Mall, and steal stuff, because we're vampires," Loaf says.

      "Okay!" Raven and I laugh. Loaf disappears. Guess he woke up. Raven and I go back to the Moon. She says she wants to see if maybe Loaf will appear in the mall. I say go ahead, and go to sleep in the Biodome.
      Loaf likes this.
      ya gwan fok wid de Baron? ye gotta nodda ting comin. (Formerly known as Baking Nomad.)

    24. #349
      Flailing Lucididizer Majinaki's Avatar
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      Hello everyone!, i think a little while ago i shared a dream with Onieronaut
      im not too sure, but heres a part of his. the simmilarities are the whirlpool, the capsizing vessel, and the nighttime water
      whom else thinks this could've been shared?

      Quote Originally Posted by Oneironaut View Post
      "Definitely the Wrong Room"

      Something about there being a witch in a house. There was a long hallway with doors all along each wall. For some reason, I kept having to redo this part of the dream. I kept getting stuck or drawn into crazy situations, while trying to find the right door. In one door, it just kind of dropped me out into the middle of the ocean, where I was flying above the water as a disembodied perspective. It was night out, but the moon lit everything up into a strong, light blue. I don't know if it was fog or what, but the water actually looked like the clouds, as if the boat was flying through the sky. It was a rough ride, though. The cloud/waves were massive, and the boat was being thrown this way and that - just short of capsizing. Suddenly, I was on the bow of the ship, getting thrown this way and that, holding onto the railing of the ship and trying to keep from falling into the (what was now, clearly) water.

      The last thing I remember is looking out over the water, and approaching an enormous whirlpool. We'd passed the point of no-return, and had begun to shift direction, drawn into the spiraling current and headed slowly closer and closer to the eye, upon each rotation.

      <input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden"><input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden"><input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden"><input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden">
      Quote Originally Posted by Majinaki View Post
      Im on a Nice ferry, the ferry is sailing quite smoothly in the midnight water,
      i take alook around at my surroundings, Everyones asian, Everyones wearing a suit, Everyone has a Mafia atmospheric musk surrounding them, but not me.
      The ferry turns right, and the boat sways, i look around some more, The intierior looks like a freaking jumbo jet's feusalage, thiers a(air craft carrier sized) Kitchen with many cast iron equipment peices organised within.
      The boat is still swaying to the right, and the floor is now at a 30° angle, everyone begins to look around to figure out why the boat hasnt ended it's turn.
      It's making a whirlpool. Thats why. Reads the newspaper heading that is sitting in my lap.
      I panic, everyone stares at me and time locks. Nothing moves. everythings frozen, except one man, and myself, he walks over to me in an unseen but daunting manner, as i slowly look towards his face. Money becomes a pressing and life threatening issue. the man gets closer, i have a horrified expression although "everything is fine" "everything is fine" i dont feel that way atall.
      the man plunks a ziplock bag of coins on my dinner tray and time continues, i look around, every other asian man is holding a money clip of bills, and i feel screwed. they all have a confused "how'd this get here" look and thier all examining the clip of bills, apparently the man did the same thing to everyone within the same insance of time, However. i had coins. i stand up and make my way to the dimly lit kitchen, it is then that i realise the Ferry is at an immense 40° angle and water is smashing the the windows and everything is going to fucking hell now.
      Glass is everywhere, people are being decaptitaed by it, wind is throwing people into the roofs and everyone is spilling thier blood, except me.
      It kinda feels like Donnie Darko, when he can see the time trails.
      Then the music plays
      "All around me are familar faces... Worn out places.... Worn out faces.... Bright and early for the daily races.... Going Nowhere Going Nowhere.....

      I get outside and the music abruptly stops. people are screaming at the top of thier lungs and im standing on the outter side of a capsizing vessel.
      Time Stalls again. and the man walks upto me.
      "you want to live?"
      "i am..."
      he hands Me a money clip and the coins fall through a hole in my pocket that had just been created.
      I jump of the failing boat.
      Theres a flashlight in my face. the water is warm.. im floating.. carelessly.
      then i hear the crys of pain and agony surrounding me.... im glad the water is blocking my hearing and is muting them into nothing....
      Last edited by Majinaki; 03-17-2010 at 05:51 PM.
      WakingNomad likes this.
      Just call me Scott, it's much easier
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    25. #350
      Night Stalker <span class='glow_000000'>Baron Samedi</span>'s Avatar
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      Crazy man! Crazy. Awesome.
      ya gwan fok wid de Baron? ye gotta nodda ting comin. (Formerly known as Baking Nomad.)

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