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    View DeletePlease's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Air-bending practice

    by GavinGill on 08-16-2011 at 11:12 PM
    I didn't get much sleep and all I can remember from last night's dream is a small fragment. I was walking through the Back 40's at night and listening to some smooth jazz on my iPod. I had a joint in my hand and I was about to light it but someone called my name so I paused. I saw Devon walking towards me and he was saying something but I wasn't listening. I realized I was dreaming (since Devon was killed in real life) and immediately began practising my air-bending like they do on that show Avatar: The Last Airbender (which is a surprisingly good show btw). I'm getting pretty good at it, I can make small tornadoes and change the temperature of the wind now, but I'm still having a little trouble with flying. I can only get a few feet off the ground, if I try to go higher, I just fall down and usually end up hurting myself. Still, I'm improving so I guess I just need to keep practising.
    lucid , dream fragment

    Snake bite

    by GavinGill on 06-16-2011 at 07:59 PM
    I was in the kitchen putting away groceries and I a large green snake. I told my Mom that I was going to go release it somewhere outside and she told me to be careful. When I picked it up, I realized it would have been safer to grab it by the head rather than the middle of it's body. As soon as I tried change the position of left hand, it lunged at my right and bit.

    I felt a burning sensation in my hand that quickly spread up up my arm and through my body and then I went numb. I put the snake in a bag and then went over to the sink to wash the blood of my hand. I told my Mom that I was bit and she said something along the lines of "I told you so" and then she asked if it was poisonous. My vision soon went blurry and then I eventually went blind. I became disoriented for a few seconds and then I started having heat flashes. I also started cycling through emotions, one second I was furious and the next I felt terrified. After a few second of that, I was hit with the strongest high I've ever experienced and had to sit down to keep from passing out.

    It felt like it had lasted hours but my Mom said it was a minute or two at most. My vision came back so I went to my computer to search up a bit of info on the snake to see if it was deadly. I read that the effects of it's poison were only temporary and that it wasn't lethal so I relaxed and went back to the kitchen, wondering what I should do with the snake.

    I woke up soon after.
    non-lucid , memorable

    Devon - The Walking Dead

    by GavinGill on 06-14-2011 at 02:22 PM
    The only thing I can remember from last night is a small fragment. It was a really hot day and I was sweating so I took my shirt off to try and cool myself down. I was walking through an unfamiliar neighborhood and I decided to go to find a corner store or gas station where I could buy a slushy from. I heard someone call my name from behind and saw Devon on his bike. At first I was confused when I saw him and thought about doing a reality check. It was unlikely that he'd be talking to me in real life since he had been stabbed to death about a month ago in the parking lot of the high school we graduated from. He told me he had just picked up a sack, asked if I wanted to share a blunt, and was saying a couple of us should get together later that night so by this point I decided I'd rather not do a reality check. He then asked me a question but I didn't hear him clearly so I asked him to repeat it. Before he could do so, the dream had destabilized and I was awake.

    The Classroom

    by GavinGill on 05-14-2011 at 12:48 AM
    I'm sitting in class across from Milan and we're playing paper football, ignoring a nonsensical and hypocritical rant from Ms. Kaminiarz. I hear her ask Dennis to go write something on the board and whilst he's up there, he tells a joke. Everyone finds it hilarious, I hardly laugh. Some girl starts up a conversation with me about school and I notice Tawnya glancing over with an annoyed look. I get the impression that she think I`m interested in this girl but I'm not. A little while later, I notice someone rubbing/massaging my back. It strikes me as odd and I'm not sure who it is; I have a feeling it's the girl to my right (the DC named Courtney from a few previous dreams) but then I go "it couldn't be, what would she want with me?"I decide that it's probably Courtney (from Caf class) who's sitting behind. I can't remember what happened next but I know I had a false awakening after.

    I'm not sure but I think this was my subconscious trying to tell me to stop settling for less.

    Rollercoasters, Aggressive DCs, Cupcakes, and Anderj101

    by GavinGill on 05-11-2011 at 08:58 PM

    Non-lucid: There was a rollercoaster in my backyard and all of my cousins and friends were over for some sort of party. We hopped in the seats and rode the rollercoaster for a few minutes before I hopped off to grab a sandwich. I hope back in with sandwich in hand ate while on the ride. A loop-de-loop was coming up and someone noticed that something was wrong with the track. As soon as we reached the top of the loop-de-loop, the cart came off the tracks and we fell. I got out of the ride and went for a walk.
    Lucid: I was running from a DC that kept chasing me. I was lucid and I tried to tell him to leave but he ignored me. I tried killing him but no matter how many times I snapped his neck or stabbed him, he got back up. I tried to change the setting and tone of the dream by the Winter Wrap Up song from MLP: FiM (sounds ridiculous, I know, but it usually does the trick in nightmares). It worked for a few seconds (night became day, friendly DC's appeared, etc) but then the other DC came back and throw me to the ground. He kicked and stomped on me a couple times and then tried strangling me. I tried fighting back but I couldn't so I just laid there pathetically flailing my arms while he beat me. It was pretty painful, especially when he started stomping on my stomach but there wasn't anything I could do about. It last a while too, most of the time I wake up quickly if I'm in pain but this beating seemed to last forever. I eventually woke up when the phone rang. I felt a little sore for a few minutes upon awakening.
    Non-lucid: My cousin and I had just shared a blunt and we decided to go to this bakery that was close by. Once inside, he went off to buy some food and I ran into Erin (a friend of mine). She was telling me something about her little sister but stopped once she spotted her ex. She wanted to leave so we stepped out, my cousin came out soon after and he had a tray full of cookies, cupcakes, muffins, etc. I grabbed a cupcake that kept changing colors and offered Erin another but she wasn't hungry. Not sure what happened next but I remember we ended up in an airport soon after. I can't remember the rest of the dream.
    Semi-lucid: I was on DV and I posted a link to a song I like (Demons Surround Me) but anderj101 said he didn't like it at all. He then called me a faggot and logged out. I tried to reply but someone had locked the thread already. It didn't seem like something anderj101 would post so I did an RC by counting my fingers and realized I was dreaming. I was about to go explore the dreamscape but I got distracted by a new private message. I woke up before I could read it.

    Updated 05-11-2011 at 10:28 PM by GavinGill

    lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , dream fragment