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      OK, that's cool. I couldn't help it since I've been pushing CA Poppies on a DV friend, and then I saw your profile pic. Anyway, thanks.
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      California Poppy?
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    Falling through space and time

    by ThirdIris on 02-16-2013 at 07:50 PM
    I became lucid in total darkness, so I'm not sure what made me realize that I was dreaming. I was plummetting through the pitch black. It frightened me a little, even though I knew it was a dream. I reassured myself that I was safe and that I could change the setting if I wanted to, but I decided to continue the free fall anyway.
    Suddenly I broke through the darkness to a million points of light. I was falling past a vast, beautiful galaxy. Now the falling sensation felt more like flying, because I knew gravity had no claim to me here. It was breathtaking.
    Eventually it all faded and I found myself in a normal dream, where I lost my lucidity.


    by ThirdIris on 01-30-2013 at 05:50 PM
    1. I am in a very posh, large house. I live here. There are other people who live here too, but they are all much older than I. I overhear a man in the next room having a conversation on the phone. Something about the conversation really upsets me, and when he hangs up the phone, he enters the room that I am in. I begin throwing objects from my surroundings at him. I want to hurt him. He keeps asking me to let him explain, but I won''t. I want to hurt him.

    2. I am hiding in the bushes along the side of a road. A car comes by and picks me up. The driver is a DC, but it feels like we've met before. Before long, we are in a chase. Another car is closing in behind us. We are both panicked.

    It's been a long time. Today I woke up and decided to start journaling again.

    by ThirdIris on 01-28-2013 at 08:27 PM
    I can only remember fragments from my dreams last night.

    I remember running and leaping across a vast chasm. It was as easy as jumping over a puddle. I remember thinking that leaping across great distances in that way couldn't be humanly possible, yet I had done it anyway.

    I often dream that I am in a reimagined version of the school grounds I spent time in as a child. I dreamt I was laying out under the stars near the edge of the rows of trees that lined the edge of the gravel field. Suddenly, clouds rolled in and the rain came down, wetting my skin and soaking into the soil around me.

    Two lucids

    by ThirdIris on 02-02-2012 at 04:18 AM
    The first of these dreams is from last night, and the other is from a few weeks ago.

    1. I'm alone, walking around my neighborhood. I don't know what makes me realize the dream, but all of a sudden I decide to do a reality check. I push my finger into my palm, and it goes straight through. To stabilize, I get down on my hands and knees and and feel the pavement. It feels so real that I decide to do another reality check. I confirm again that I'm dreaming. Satisfied, I decide to continue walking. The scenery starts to change from my neighborhood to a place I do not recognize. I see some people in the alley. They invite me into their place. The dream characters don't talk at all. This makes me uncomfortable, so I don't stay long. I run my hands over the wallpaper, and again I am amazed at how real it feels. It's amazing how real sensations are in dreams. After leaving the dream character's apartment, I realize that the dream scene has changed again. I'm walking along a promenade along the edge of the ocean. It's at a high elevation. I do a handstand on the railing, with no fear of falling.

    2. I'm in a strange wooded area in a clearing. There are many TVs all around. Someone is telling me to put them on a specific channel. I keep messing it up. Next, I'm in a car with some friends. Their cat is up a tree, and it falls from a great height and dies. I decide to leave them alone for a while. I go for a walk, and soon find myself on a highway. There are many others walking in the same direction. We reach a check point of sorts, where everyone is showing ID. I show a woman mine, and she waves me through. She says that I will be shown my power animal. A bright light flashes and I see the silhouette of a hawk on my shoulder. Next I am in an elaborate strange hotel. I become lucid and decide to explore. There are strange semi-religious pieces of art and ornamentation everywhere. The building is made of marble and lit with dim warm light. A man in a high wheelchair with huge wheels rolls by. I have a false awakening. My boyfriend and I are laying in bed in the Dominican. I can feel the wind from the ocean blowing through the windows.

    Updated 01-28-2013 at 08:30 PM by ThirdIris


    almost lucid

    by ThirdIris on 11-29-2011 at 09:55 AM
    I had a weird dream. It was almost as if I was dreaming about being lucid, rather than actually being lucid, if that makes sense. I was walking around the streets of my hometown, trying to gain control. I kept shouting, "clarity now!", but my dream scene kept fading.