• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. Falling through space and time

      by , 02-16-2013 at 07:50 PM
      I became lucid in total darkness, so I'm not sure what made me realize that I was dreaming. I was plummetting through the pitch black. It frightened me a little, even though I knew it was a dream. I reassured myself that I was safe and that I could change the setting if I wanted to, but I decided to continue the free fall anyway.
      Suddenly I broke through the darkness to a million points of light. I was falling past a vast, beautiful galaxy. Now the falling sensation felt more like flying, because I knew gravity had no claim to me here. It was breathtaking.
      Eventually it all faded and I found myself in a normal dream, where I lost my lucidity.
    2. Fragments

      by , 01-30-2013 at 05:50 PM
      1. I am in a very posh, large house. I live here. There are other people who live here too, but they are all much older than I. I overhear a man in the next room having a conversation on the phone. Something about the conversation really upsets me, and when he hangs up the phone, he enters the room that I am in. I begin throwing objects from my surroundings at him. I want to hurt him. He keeps asking me to let him explain, but I won''t. I want to hurt him.

      2. I am hiding in the bushes along the side of a road. A car comes by and picks me up. The driver is a DC, but it feels like we've met before. Before long, we are in a chase. Another car is closing in behind us. We are both panicked.
    3. It's been a long time. Today I woke up and decided to start journaling again.

      by , 01-28-2013 at 08:27 PM
      I can only remember fragments from my dreams last night.

      I remember running and leaping across a vast chasm. It was as easy as jumping over a puddle. I remember thinking that leaping across great distances in that way couldn't be humanly possible, yet I had done it anyway.

      I often dream that I am in a reimagined version of the school grounds I spent time in as a child. I dreamt I was laying out under the stars near the edge of the rows of trees that lined the edge of the gravel field. Suddenly, clouds rolled in and the rain came down, wetting my skin and soaking into the soil around me.
    4. Two lucids

      by , 02-02-2012 at 04:18 AM
      The first of these dreams is from last night, and the other is from a few weeks ago.

      1. I'm alone, walking around my neighborhood. I don't know what makes me realize the dream, but all of a sudden I decide to do a reality check. I push my finger into my palm, and it goes straight through. To stabilize, I get down on my hands and knees and and feel the pavement. It feels so real that I decide to do another reality check. I confirm again that I'm dreaming. Satisfied, I decide to continue walking. The scenery starts to change from my neighborhood to a place I do not recognize. I see some people in the alley. They invite me into their place. The dream characters don't talk at all. This makes me uncomfortable, so I don't stay long. I run my hands over the wallpaper, and again I am amazed at how real it feels. It's amazing how real sensations are in dreams. After leaving the dream character's apartment, I realize that the dream scene has changed again. I'm walking along a promenade along the edge of the ocean. It's at a high elevation. I do a handstand on the railing, with no fear of falling.

      2. I'm in a strange wooded area in a clearing. There are many TVs all around. Someone is telling me to put them on a specific channel. I keep messing it up. Next, I'm in a car with some friends. Their cat is up a tree, and it falls from a great height and dies. I decide to leave them alone for a while. I go for a walk, and soon find myself on a highway. There are many others walking in the same direction. We reach a check point of sorts, where everyone is showing ID. I show a woman mine, and she waves me through. She says that I will be shown my power animal. A bright light flashes and I see the silhouette of a hawk on my shoulder. Next I am in an elaborate strange hotel. I become lucid and decide to explore. There are strange semi-religious pieces of art and ornamentation everywhere. The building is made of marble and lit with dim warm light. A man in a high wheelchair with huge wheels rolls by. I have a false awakening. My boyfriend and I are laying in bed in the Dominican. I can feel the wind from the ocean blowing through the windows.

      Updated 01-28-2013 at 08:30 PM by 41911

    5. almost lucid

      by , 11-29-2011 at 09:55 AM
      I had a weird dream. It was almost as if I was dreaming about being lucid, rather than actually being lucid, if that makes sense. I was walking around the streets of my hometown, trying to gain control. I kept shouting, "clarity now!", but my dream scene kept fading.
    6. Last night, and the night before

      by , 11-27-2011 at 02:52 AM
      1. I am stealing things from my old High school, for some reason. I am pushing around a large garbage bin (empty of garbage) and shoving anything I can in; computers, books, etc. Several people look at me with suspicion, but I manage to disappear into the the crowd of students. I pass by the art room, and I see my old art teacher inside. She looks up at me, and we make eye contact. I almost keep walking, but then I have second thoughts and decide to go talk to her. It's a bit awkward because I said that I would go visit her, but in nearly 5 years, I never have.

      2. I am at my boyfriend's house, scrambling to get ready for work. One of his friends is over, writing a dream journal entry on Dream Views. We talk a bit about dreams as I am trying to figure out how I will get to work on time. I can't believe that I didn't become lucid while discussing dreams and Dream Views. Wow.
    7. 11-24-2011

      by , 11-24-2011 at 06:23 PM
      I was riding the train with some friends. There was a man wearing a dress on the train, and some other guys were trying to start a fight with him. There provocation succeeded, and a full brawl began. The man in the dress turned out to be deceptively strong. Things were getting out of hand, so I pressed the security button. By the time security arrived, the man in the dress had pretty much wiped the floor with all of them.

      My friends and I made our way to a bar, which turned out to be a strip club. My parents were there, taking in a poll dance. Gross. We proceeded to get rather drunk, and then I decided I wanted to leave. Worried about my safety, my friends decided that one of them needed to accompany me home. One of my oldest friends agreed to walk me. When we arrived at my house, we ended up sleeping together for some reason. It was weird and instantly regrettable. I kept asking myself why I had done this; cheated on my boyfriend, ruined my friendship with this person, and probably ruined a few other friendships too. (I was super relieved to wake up and realize that it had only been a dream).

      Disgusted with myself, I jumped in my truck and drove away. I was trying to drive south, but I kept missing the exits on the highway and kept driving completely the wrong way. I eventually turned off and ended up in some ritzy town-house area. Then I woke up.
    8. Lipstick Lucidity

      by , 11-22-2011 at 05:25 PM
      I found myself in a large, elaborate bathroom. It seemed like it was the bathroom of a nightclub. There were cosmetic products everywhere, and there were a lot of other women primping and making themselves up. I am a sucker for lipstick, so I picked on up off the counter and began applying it. I began to feel frustrated, because this particular lipstick would not stay the same color for any length of time. This triggered the realization in me that lipstick generally does not change color by itself in waking life, so therefore I must be dreaming. I put the lipstick back down on the counter, and walked through the door.

      Sure enough, I found myself in an entirely different setting, which supported my suspicion that I was in a dream. I was in a house that I did not recognize. I think I was in the living room. The TV was on, and what was displayed on the screen and coming through the speakers was completely nonsensical. I picked up the remote and pressed the off button, but nothing happened. Now quite convinced that I was dreaming, I decided to try a new trick. I had recently been thinking about creating my own doors and portals. I stood up on the coffee table so I could reach the ceiling. I licked the tip of my finger, and then traced a circle with it on the ceiling, concentrating on making it visible. An outline of a circle glowed faintly in blue. I put my palm in the center of the circle and pushed upwards. There was resistance at first, but then the traced circle of ceiling surrendered and dissolved. I hoisted myself up to have a look. It seemed that I had found the attic of the house. Not too interesting.

      I got down off the coffee table and decided to try again on a wall. This time, I drew a door. Again, I pushed with my palms. The wall resisted at first, but then relented. I stuck my head through the new opening. Just another part of the house. Boring.

      After playing around with attempting to make some objects in the house levitate, I decided I needed a change of scenery. I found the front door and left.

      It was nighttime, and I was on a quiet street somewhere. As I walked, I messed around with various reality-bending tricks. After walking for some time, I felt the dream begin to fade a bit. To regain control, I began studying my hands intensely while doing some basic math and reciting some symbolic logic rules. 4x4=16; p>q, p, q; etc. I passed an older man with dark hair who looked at me strangely. I told him that I was just practicing my times tables and began to walk away. I had second thoughts, and decided to talk to him honestly instead. I asked him if he was real and also having a dream, or if he existed only in my dream. He looked puzzled for a minute and then answered that he wasn't sure. He showed me into a building with a recreational center aesthetic, and introduced me to some other dream characters. These people were sure that they were real and were having their own lucid experiences. We communally recited some multiplication tables to help strengthen our grip on the dream, then went our separate ways.

      I decided again that I needed a change of scenery. I began to spin. When I stopped, I found myself in a small, cozy cottage somewhere. A kettle was boiling, and a stripy cat jumped into my lap. Then my alarm went off, and I woke up.
    9. 11-08-2011

      by , 11-22-2011 at 05:22 PM
      I was laying on my back with one of my best friends. We were watching a beautiful, surreal sunset. We watched as a plane flew across the sky, leaving a thick white trail. The plane began to circle around, forming a great white cloud with it's trail. My friend and I laughed like crazy, but I don't know why.
    10. Toothless Jo

      by , 09-18-2011 at 09:46 AM
      I dreamt one of my bottom teeth got chipped very severely. I was very upset. I kept trying to hold on to the part that broke off, because someone had told me that they knew of someone who could mend the pieces again. The tooth-piece kept getting lost though.
      Tags: teeth
      dream fragment
    11. It's been awhile. I have been neglecting my dreaming. For shame!

      by , 09-17-2011 at 07:15 AM
      It's been quite a while since my last entry. My recall has been off lately. I guess I have been distracted. It still hasn't come back fully, but I'm trying to make an effort to journal anyways.

      1. I am in an elevator with a couple other people. We are descending very fast. One of the other passengers forces open the door while the elevator is moving. I can see all the steel and concrete rushing past and feel the forced air. It makes me dizzy, and I press myself against the back of the compartment.

      2. I am riding bikes through Italy. The area is not like any city I remember visiting, it is more like a combination of several. I have a companion with me. We arrive at a beautiful beach, which reminds me of the beach at Viareggio. The sun is setting.
    12. 06-07-2011

      by , 06-08-2011 at 12:36 AM
      1. I am eating a bowl of some sort of fruity sauce. Maybe cranberry or rhubarb.

      2. I am being chased up a long flight of stairs by a big muscular man. I get to the top and close some sliding glass doors. The man is banging on the doors angrily.

      3. I am walking through a mall. I have a big glass bottle in my hand, full of liquid. I see a jewelry store and I throw the bottle through the store window. People start to chase me and I climb up the side of the wall like a reptile.
    13. A few fragments

      by , 05-12-2011 at 08:37 AM
      1. I am in some sort of architectural space, reminiscent of the Student Union building at my school, only completely empty. There are no staircases either. The building keeps changing but I don't really notice. I have an eerie feeling about the place.

      2. I am on a ledge, and there is a pane of glass between me and the outside world. I want to break the glass but I decide not to for some reason.
      Tags: glass window
    14. First Entry in a Few Weeks

      by , 04-16-2011 at 08:17 PM
      I have been neglecting my dreaming as I have been dealing with a lot of personal issues lately. My lover of over three years left me a couple weeks ago, and the emotional stress has had a negative effect on my recall. Anyways, here's what I remember from last night.

      1. Standing in a crowd. There are important men at the front of the crowd who are addressing us. I know the men are important because of their serious looking security guards. I have a packet of peanuts, and I keep throwing handfuls at one of the men. Eventually his security sees me doing it and chases me out of the building. I run out the door onto the street and begin to climb the facade of the building.

      2. I'm walking with two friends, but they are far ahead of me. There are yellow and white flowers everywhere. I gather yellow for one friend and white for the other.

      3. Smoking from a pipe made of candy cane.
    15. Strange Dream Character Intervention

      by , 03-25-2011 at 03:41 PM
      1. I'm looking after a classroom of children, but we are not in a classroom. Two of the boys get in a fight, and the smaller, scrawnier one ends up on top with his foot on the other boy's neck. He is stepping down as hard as he can, and I realize that he is trying to kill him. I am shocked at this behavior from such young children. I break up the fight, and I grab the scrawny boy and push him into the hallway. I scold him furiously but he seems to have no remorse for his actions. His head is covered by a tightly fitting glass dome.

      2. I'm looking at this magical board that is covered in numbers. I have to find the right numbers for a certain task. I am inside some sort of strange shop. I get the feeling that I work here. There is another woman nearby, and I think that she works in the shop as well. She reaches for something on one of the shelves, and pulls off another board like the one I am using. I try to warn her against using that board, because I remember that bad things have happened to others who have used it. Before I can fully explain to her the dangers, she passes out and hits the floor with a sickening thud. I run over to her and see that there is blood seeping from her ear.

      3. I'm skateboarding around town, and for once I can actually stay on the board.

      4. I'm lying on a floor, unable to get up or speak. There is a dream character standing over me, and he keeps saying things about how he wants to save me. I get the feeling that I am dead or dying, and that is why I am unable to communicate. The dream character says he wants to give me a healthy perspective on life and fix all the distortions in my thinking. He leans closer to me, and I notice that there is some words or symbols tattooed on his chest that have started to glow. They glow brighter and brighter as he comes closer to me until everything disappears in a flash of white.
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