• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views


    Telekinesis is when you move an object without touching it. Whether you're using your mind, invisible hands or shouting commands it is called telekinesis. It's one of the fundamental powers needed to navigate the dream world efficiently along with summoning, flying and teleportation.

    How to do it

    As with all forms of Dream Control, telekinesis requires you to believe in yourself and your powers. Not to worry though, there are several tricks you can use to lift cars or gently lift up bad people and put them in another location where they can't hurt you.

    When choosing a method to achieve telekinesis consider any movie or series this power is used in. By watching a movie in which someone uses telekinesis you get "visual proof" that that particular way of doing it actually works. Harry Potter, X-Men, Star Wars, The Matrix and Heroes are all good examples of this power being used in different ways.

    Of course you don't have to watch these movies to be able to perform telekinesis, but using passive control sure can help. Doing it like you see in the movies gives you that extra boost of confidence you might need to succeed. If you've done it once, you will be able to do it forever.

    These are different ways to approach this power:

    • Reaching out with your hand, using "the Force."
    • Using a wand.
    • Imagining invisible hands.
    • Verbal commands.
    • Imagining the object being magnetic and your hands as well.
    • Asking a Dream Character to do it for you.
    • Pretend to be a fictional character with the power.
    • Imagining rubber ropes attached to an object and your hands.

    Possibilities of telekinesis

    If you're thinking: "So, I can use this to lift things? Sounds like a waste of time!" you're wrong. Telekinesis can be used for so many things and with a little bit of imagination you will begin to see it.

    Here's a list of how useful telekinesis can be:

    • Lifting objects and make them come to or go away from you.
    • Levitating prior to flying.
    • Creating protective barriers.
    • Element manipulation; with telekinesis you can bend the air around the element and therefore manipulate it.

    Telekinesis is so much fun! It's a power that will never get boring.

    Last Notes

    When you're starting out, remember to start small. Trying to lift an entire building the first try can be a struggle (not saying you can't) and our brains are used to the concept of first taking baby steps. Why not pick up a rock that is nearby? Or perhaps make some plants move. Once you've accomplished that, move on to bigger things. There's no limit to this power, and with practice you'll eventually be able to move planets.

    That's all on telekinesis. I hope you succeed in your attempts and will have as much fun with it as I still do.


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