I think I puppeteer her. But it's not like I am first deciding what to make her say and then saying it. It's automatic and you just go with the flow. Just think for a moment about what it is like to say things. You don't prepare your words before saying it, sometimes you do, but sometimes it's like you command your mouth to express your thoughts and it just happens. The tone of your voice, the rythm, the volume, body language, facial expressions, all that happens part planned, part unplanned, you're not even aware of all the variables. Even the actual words, you only become aware of them like fraction of a second before you say them. So that way the things Eva says is a bit unexpected, the same way that talking is not a fully planned action.
I'm sorry if this is really confusing, it's confusing for me too. I am having a hard time even articulating things for myself, so I won't be surprised if you don't really get it, or only partially understand. But maybe I'll be more articulate within a few days, maybe weeks, but maybe not.
"does she respond to you without you picking her response" So sometimes I pick her words and let her say it. But more often I just kind of know what she's going to say, but more like a vague feeling, without any words, and then I let her spell it out. Like if someone asks you what your day was like you don't spell it out in your head before saying it. But rather you kind of know what your day was like and what you're going to say about it, and then only while talking do you actually discover what you say. Also, somehow by talking to Eva my conversation can be different than if I were just having "real" monologue. I can make her feel things and she can make me feel things, it's very strange. But maybe it's because I take 2 different viewpoints. If you pretended you were a kid in a candy shop, just by pretending it you would think different thoughts and feel different things than if you were, say, a janitor who is mopping the floor. I think that that's what allows me to have a conversation.
Eva is just watching in the background now. I don't know what causes this, but certain moods or states of mind make her more vivid. Right now I'm just watching over your shoulder, I don't know what to say. Except... I come out when he is meditating, when he is lying in bed with nothing to do or when he is just spacing out. Probably because I'm so ethereal; he needs to have a quiet mind in order to make me vivid enough.
edit: As much as I like Eva... I like honesty maybe a tiny bit more. In that previous paragraph, I am not sure if it was me or Eva. Eva's image was too faint to actually attribute it to her. It's not always clear who it is that is saying things. I also don't think that there is a clear line.
Darn it this is very difficult. The thing about talking about subtle mental activity, is that words are just way too nonspecific. Words are extremely blunt tools that are used to express thoughts, but how are you going to use words to express the way you think about thoughts? Even thinking about thoughts is difficult. Because beneath thoughts run even more ethereal things, like vague imagery or feelings or hunches, I am at a loss here. And then out of those very ethereal things arise thoughts, and then we use words to try to convey our thoughts. It's like manipulating fingers to manipulate a surgical knife in order to do something to tiny, delicate tissue. So the words are the fingers, the knife is the thoughts and the delicate tissue is what lies underneath thoughts. That's how I feel about using words to describe Eva and our conversations.