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    1. #1
      Member ScarlettHayden's Avatar
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      Post Turning medical SP into lucid dreaming..

      I get the medical condition of Sleep Paralysis quite often (not HH) and I had an episode today and decided to try again to get into a lucid dream with it. I calmed myself and then imagined myself floating above the ocean. I had that weird vortex thing open up in front of me again. It was full of colors and tiny dream fragments. I focused on it some more and I felt myself flung out of my body into this weird void. In this void I had hypnagogic images, but I couldn't seem to focus on the dream scene I wanted (floating above the ocean), so I gave up. I forgot that I had been in SP though, and the next thing I remember I was waking up out of a short non-lucid dream back into SP. And the dream was nothing to do with the ocean. Obviously I had almost succeeded.. what did I do wrong this time? Why couldn't I focus on the dream scene I wanted? I tried projecting myself into the random hypnagogia but that didn't work either..

      Do you think floating above the ocean was a bad aim? Do you think I should try and project myself onto solid ground next time? What should I do different next time?

    2. #2
      A man's shadow Achievements:
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      Wow amazing idea. I never experienced SP, just the beginning.
      I think you should practice it and soon will be a master ^^

    3. #3
      Member SuperOhm's Avatar
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      Seems like you're doing is pretty close to what I do when I teleport and time travel. You might try closing your eyes. seeing the visuals may be rooting you in the experience of the vortex. Close your eyes, focus on where/when you want to be and just wait. You want to feel the sensation of motion, so perhaps you want to allow yourself to get sucked into the vortex before you close your eyes. With your eyes closed, and feeling the sensation of moving, saturate your mind with the expectation that you will be where/when you're imagining. The feeling of movement tricks your brain into thinking you're moving there, closing your eyes opens you up to the possibility of that being the case. When your eyes are open, you're limited to how quickly the scenery changes. When your eyes are closed, such limitations disappear.

      The trick is knowing when to open your eyes. You should wait until you feel like you've "landed". It should be accompanied with a marked decrease in the sensation of motion. Perhaps you feel the ground beneath you, or the wind blowing over your skin. Perhaps you feel the water lapping over your feet, or smell the salt in the air. In any case, there should be a point when you just "know" you're there. Open your eyes, and find that you are probably right where/when you wanted to be.

      Give it a shot the next time this happens and let us know how it goes. ^_^
      I'm not always lucid, but whether I'm awake or asleep I'm always dreaming.

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