Quote Originally Posted by FryingMan View Post
Thanks that's good advice! I had a better time last night when the same thing was shaping up to happen again by making these mental adjustments:
1) I set my mind not to stress about not sleeping, I set a happy/interested/amused attitude that watching the falling asleep experience was entertaining and educational
2) I did something like what you're talking about: tried not to react or focus attention on or get excited about anything (like "hey maybe I can WILD From here!"), not think about anything. Once I successfully got this going I think I fell asleep pretty fast.

There is stil the temptation to WILD when I see the brief scenes forming, but I resisted and focused on falling (unconsciously) asleep. I'm glad I did because I was asleep most of the night this time.

As a result I had a pretty good night: a number of wakings (4? Including the final one) with a large variety of dreams, with ok (not great) recall of detail. Including another mention of lucid dreaming (which my dream ego let pass without a hint of questioning reality )

Yay I hope this is the end of this little trend-let
Nice! By the way, since you had a number of awakenings, have you thought about DEILD, the "easiest" form of WILD?