I've been reading/watching lately (Andrew Huberman podcast, and the book "Atomic Habits") that for continuous improvement and maintenance of motivation, the emphasis should be on developing and implementing a system instead of focusing only on your specific end-goals. Reach for constant, small improvements daily, and never give up. (A 1% improvement per day yields 37x results in a year, and likewise a 1% loss of ability per day leads to almost zero at the end of a year). The improvements compound seriously over time. There is a "let down/relaxation" effect that kicks in after achieving a goal. If you instead frame your pursuit of lucidity and recall as "I'm a person who calls my dreams in exquisite detail," and "I'm a person who realizes I'm dreaming within the dream", or "I'm a lucid person, waking or dreaming, fully aware of my state and mindful of my experiences," and then you take daily actions that reinforce these choices of identity, (DJing, doing RCs, being aware, mindful, doing meditation, WBTB, trying WILD, doing MILD, etc.), and if you train yourself to love the process, to be happy in the moment of your daily actions that support your identify, then you can sustain continuous improvement throughout your lifetime. And you can be happy right now, and for life, instead of fleeting moments of happiness upon achieving a goal, then having to trudge through life until you reach another goal.
It's about deciding who you want to be, rather than what you want to do, or how you want to do it, then take actions that are consistent with your choices of identity.
Every time you act, you are voting for the kind of person you will become (or remain).
I have to say that with this shift of mindset, I find myself much more motivated, have much more energy, spend less time on procrastinating activities, and more time on productive pursuit of my chosen identities (one of which is: frequent lucid dreamer! Another is: master of dream (and waking) recall!).
Something I've learned from my own journey and from others': consistency wins. Never quit. Never never never quit. And you can love the process and the journey with the right frame of mind, ensuring that you won't quit, when your internal reward system & dopamine kicks in when you're training/practicing every day, instead of just when you occasionally achieve a goal.