Very nice... I say this should be a tutorial...

So you say you wanted some more questions about it...

One thing is, how do you focus yourself so you stay concious for so long? I often go unconcious too fast and its hard to prevent.

and another thing is... well, I rarely feel itches, this isn't that big of a problem for me, but my body gets so uncomfortable and I really want to move it. I just think "nothing is happening, I'm really uncomfortable and I want to move." What is the best way to handle this?

Also, I'm kinda worried that I'm either gonna be so tired I'll go back to sleep too fast and won't be able to stay concious or it will end up like taking an hour or two and I won't be able to handle it... how tired should I be when going back?

[First two posts have been split into the tutorial section. This topic remains for discussion of the tutorial. - Seeker]