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    • 1 Post By Moonlit_Jade
    • 1 Post By starzandstripes

    Thread: Problem with fear of Sleep paralysis.

    1. #1
      A Lucid Dreamer DreamMentor's Avatar
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      Tallahassee, Florida

      Problem with fear of Sleep paralysis.

      I've been having problems with sleep paralysis. It's not the problem of getting, it's the fear of it when I am in it and how often I get out of it when I'm scared. A few nights ago and several nights ago I automatically got sleep paralysis without even trying. I didn't even have any sleep prior to it, and I was trying to sleep for school the next day when it just came over me. But when it did, I got so scared and (I know this technique for getting out of sp by wiggling your toes) I do this technique because I'm so scared. I feel so stupid on missing out on the great opputurnites I could use to get a lucid dream when I'm in sp. I wish I was scared of what might come in sp. I'm scared of the hallucinations and stuff, that's what I exit sp without trying to ld. Any ideas on to cease my fear of it?
      LD's since Jan 1st 2010: 1 (I've had more but am recounting)
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    2. #2
      Member Moonlit_Jade's Avatar
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      Expectations are everything. If you're afraid that you're going to have terrifying hallucinations, chances are that you will because you're focusing you're thoughts on them. My first SP experiences were very noisy. Why? Because that's what so many other people told me. After some time, they quieted down. One guy gave an account of seeing flashing lights. Then, surprise surprise, the next time I had SP, I saw some.

      Now I usually just feel a general heaviness and relaxation in my body. It's a pleasant feeling. You could imagine having an experience like that instead.

      And also remember, SP is very harmless. Just relax, and you'll be fine.
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    3. #3
      Member Explode's Avatar
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      First time I went into SP, I was scared. Really, really scared. I could almost feel the adrenaline pouring like gasoline into my brain. Then again, I didn't know what was happening the first time. I didn't understand what sleep paralysis was and I was terrified that I couldn't move or breathe, etc...
      So I researched it and the next time it happened I fully comprehended what was going on. I just found it fascinating and I relaxed. I think the main thing is that you need to understand that there is nothing to be afraid of. It is really a completely natural process.

    4. #4
      Member starzandstripes's Avatar
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      The best advice I can givd you is to understand your fear. What is it and why is affecting you. Chances are you wont overcome your fear but awareness of it will help you put it aside when this happens. Are you afraid of dying? Afraid of the unknown? Both?
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    5. #5
      A Lucid Dreamer DreamMentor's Avatar
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      Thanks Moonlit_Jade
      LD's since Jan 1st 2010: 1 (I've had more but am recounting)
      Adopted by guitarboy
      Goals: [x] Fly, [] Meet another dreamer, [] Change my evirnoment 100%, [] Meet my DreamGuide, [] Chat with my sub-conscious, Use the Force! []

    6. #6
      A Lucid Dreamer DreamMentor's Avatar
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      Tallahassee, Florida
      Thanks starzandstripes. I am afraid of the unknown a bit. Maybe that's why I'm afraid.
      LD's since Jan 1st 2010: 1 (I've had more but am recounting)
      Adopted by guitarboy
      Goals: [x] Fly, [] Meet another dreamer, [] Change my evirnoment 100%, [] Meet my DreamGuide, [] Chat with my sub-conscious, Use the Force! []

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