Although I'm new here, I rather post this to Attaining Lucidity then the newbie thread. So I am a 18 year old male. I have perfect dream recall, even before visiting this website, I have a dream journal. Since 2008 I have had roughly 300 dreams or so that I have written down. So about 150 a year. That doesn't include the two months long breaks that I ignored (stupid me!). I can easily recall up to six dreams a night, if need be.
But the problem is I have only had one LD. It was about six months ago, I realize I was dreaming (I said out loud "I'm dreaming!" , but I barely could change anything. I have tried various methods, and have roughly the same sleep schedule. So can anyone help me out? I've looked through the forums, but nothing has directed me to my problems.
(I hope I did this right.)