I'm sure you know what I mean... Things that you wouldn't expect to happen in a million years, I am able to perceive them happening before they do. (Half the time, when I tell peopl, they don't listen though)

On top of that, I find I'm able to communicate my thoughts (or at least general thought/emotion) to people, by just thinking... It never gets a direct response (i.e. them responding to the thought question) more or less uncomfortable random reactions, or other such reactions, depending on the question...

To go even farther, I have an even STRONGER connection with dogs.

This whole process started once when I did mushrooms... I ended up taking my buddies dog for a walk. She ended up pooping in the middle of a sidewalk right beside a few people going to a restaurant, (I didn&#39;t have a bag)... as soon as she finished she started booking it... like, as if she was running cuz she knew she did wrong, and we should get outta there fast&#33; I was like... O.O You&#39;re a criminal Kimora&#33; >_<

Anyways, with that, we were running, and I became determined to outrun her.... (german shephard/Huskey)
Luckily we were down by the St. Lawrence river, and we had an entire bike path to run...

After about 5 minutes of FULL energy running (no letting up, full tilt as fast as she could go) you could tell she was getting anxious for something... (observing her actions etc. led me to this, as they seemed rather human like) within a few more moments, I realized she was waiting for my body to let out... (Humans DO have physical limits under normal circumstances lol) but the mushrooms had my brain focused on just RUNNING with her.... After a while you could tell she was getting even more nervous... so I mentioned it to her, that I noticed the nervousness... As soon as I mentioned it, she look at me, and looked away (swallowing hard might I add)

... I ONLY HAD 1 Gram of shrooms, and I was quite aware of what was real and what wasn&#39;t&#33; ...

As soon as I saw that swallow, I pointed THAT out to her, which only brought about an even more nervous reaction... (This whole time we&#39;re still running full tilt, while I&#39;m actually yelling what I&#39;m saying to her)

With all of everything I saw, I started to try and reason with her... asked her if she could talk etc... (I was figuring that this was an opportunity I had due to the abnormal endurance given to me by the shrooms... or should I say concentration... since my shroomed out mind didn&#39;t care about how tired I was, it just kept going) as we continued, I was getting frustrated at her lack of response to my pleads, and was getting rather fatigued (it WAS catching up with me after about 10 mins of full tilt running)

I had so far mentioned that I wouldn&#39;t tell anyone etc.... and at this point I pointed out "I can&#39;t do this forever, you know this is hard for me to keep up&#33;" when I mentioned this, she turned her head, and gave a look of nervous concideration... She never really responded voice wise (for obvious reasons) but she damn well knew what I was saying, to a tee... I sat there for a while with her, talking to her about how I was on shrooms, and explaining why I was able to run so much with her... (as soon as I started to explain itto her, she sat down and listened intently till I was done)

After THAT experience, me and Kimora (relatively new dog to the social circle) have become much closer, and I find she picks up on my emotions and what I&#39;m thinking very well. She listens to me much better then her owner (my buddy Chris) and sometimes, when she obeys me too well, and I point it out, she makes it a point to act innapropriately afterwards... >_<

During my run, my brain (I remember this thought vivdly) had come to realize something about every living being, and how everything (including humans, to a less primitive extent) lives according to instinct... That they can only act as is possible to that species... ( it was as if I understood life in general ) and it is THAT tap that I think gives me this...

BTW, when I got home afterthat walk (still on shrooms) I tought Kimora how to rollover in about 3 tries... the first time I showed her, the second time she was hesitant because I think the first time I went to slow and hurt her back... so I explained to her that if we went fast next time, it wouldn&#39;t hurt... sure enough, the next try I had her lying, and I was like "ready? k go&#33;" and I helped her quickly over... she went right smoothly with me, as opposed to the second time where she resisted...

as an extra lol, I gave her a bacon treat afterwards, which made her start to puke... as she was gagging I was like, go somewhere go ... litter box&#33; sure enough she headed to it...missed it by about a foot though...

Sorry for all the bad grammar, I just typed it up the way I think it...

Anyone have any thoughts on that? :s