Well, after some searching, I did manage to find out some information about astral projection (OBEs). Most of the information came from sites that looked like they were straight out of 1997 and reeked of sketchiness. But once I found some reliable sources, I found out that the "Rope Method" is a popular AP (Astral Projection) induction technique.

Sorry, if this is already posted on the forum.
Let me note that this is not my own idea.
And I did completely follow directions and I still almost succeeded on my first try.
  1. (This is optional, but I'm sure it helps). Pin a string to the ceiling. It should be with arm's reach of you when you lay down to sleep. This will help you memorize where the rope's spatial coordinates are.
  2. Make sure your room will be quiet and dark when you go to try this.
  3. This shall come as no surprise, but relax. Any relaxation technique that clears your mind will suffice. I like to imagine my thoughts as clouds that are blown away as I exhale. You can do the WILD-style breathing technique. Doesn't matter. Just relax.
  4. Imagine your astral left arm taking hold of the coarse rope. (The rope is invisible, so think of it as grabbing a rope in the dark). Then, place your astral right arm right over your left arm.
  5. With each breath, climb the rope hand over hand. Sensations will strike you. As you climb up more and more, you might feel a sense of vertigo and your lower stomach may feel pinned to the bed. Your head may go somewhat numb, and you will probably feel vibrations. Ignore the sensations. Be a soldier. Climb that rope!
  6. Do step 5 long enough, and you'll be out. Simple as that.
This method is very popular and very fast. One site even said that if you spend more than 15 minutes on steps 4-6, then give up! This is perfect for noobs and impatient people. Or anyone, for that matter. Go ahead, give it a try.