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    1. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Thanks brother! I'm trying! Now that I've felt one wall as vapor, it gives me something to carry around for the future. (That's the hope anyway.)

      I wish that I had a better handle on why the scene melted down at the end, but I figure that my best bet is to just focus a little more strongly on where I expect to be next and employ a little more detail.
    2. Xanous's Avatar
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      Nice phase!
    3. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by The Sandman
      That's right. Do the man thing! Lol!
      The man-grunts were pretty awesome. And then seconds later, I appear in that awesome mosaic scene. Coincidence? I think not! Total MGILD (man-grunt initiated lucid dream, of course.)

      Quote Originally Posted by The Sandman
      This ending sounds awesome. Too bad the dream ended.
      Thanks, Sandman! Yes, the ending blew me away. I wanted so badly to see what was in store for me there.

      I think that I'll have to make it a goal to return to this dream location. The image of it has really stuck with me.
    4. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Xanous
      Honestly I hate using the word placebo but you do gotta keep that in mind. Like Calea Z. I had some tea last night and got nothing. I even took it with some B6. But I was super sleepy though so who knows? I wish there was more data available on this kind of stuff.
      Don't worry, "placebo" isn't a dirty word to me. Will and confidence are a huge part of achieving lucidity. The placebo effect always has to be taken into account.

      This is why all that freakishly detailed record keeping pays off in the end. It's easy to be fooled. We want to be fooled. But I think that in the end the records help us tease out real patterns. For example, the effect of galantamine or B-vitamins are really well established for me now.

      What about Chun-Li?
      Ha! I can't even raise a proper denial because that was the first character I started with back when I was a kid. I can guarantee that E. Honda never did anything for me though.

      I was comforted that you were typing more like me.
      You hit DV on your phone all the time, don't you? I have no idea how you manage that. I'm the worst at this. Managing quotes in particular is so much easier on a PC!
    5. The Sandman's Avatar
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      I keep verbally reminding myself that this is a dream until I reach the exit.
      Nice. I've been there before.

      I start swinging harder, throwing in a few man-grunts for emphasis.
      That's right. Do the man thing! Lol!

      This ending sounds awesome. Too bad the dream ended.
    6. Xanous's Avatar
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      Yeah, you can never totally discount placebo. It's an extraordinarily powerful effect and we lucid dreamers are just as vulnerable as anyone (if not moreso.)
      Honestly I hate using the word placebo but you do gotta keep that in mind. Like Calea Z. I had some tea last night and got nothing. I even took it with some B6. But I was super sleepy though so who knows? I wish there was more data available on this kind of stuff.

      One argument against this is that I expected menthol dreams to be kinda "sexy" from what I'd read, and this has completely not been the case so far. I'll admit that I've always liked Street Fighter II, but never like that.
      What about Chun-Li?

      Hey, so are you sad that I'm no longer typing my comments from a Kindle, spelling everything wrong, replacing spaces with "n" and getting auto-corrected into a boiling rage? I hope my helplessness was good for a laugh.
      I was comforted that you were typing more like me.
    7. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Well yeah of course its you even with Galantmine. I was trying to see if it was more like a placebo but I think you answered it for me.
      Yeah, you can never totally discount placebo. It's an extraordinarily powerful effect and we lucid dreamers are just as vulnerable as anyone (if not moreso.)

      One argument against this is that I expected menthol dreams to be kinda "sexy" from what I'd read, and this has completely not been the case so far. I'll admit that I've always liked Street Fighter II, but never like that.

      Hey, so are you sad that I'm no longer typing my comments from a Kindle, spelling everything wrong, replacing spaces with "n" and getting auto-corrected into a boiling rage? I hope my helplessness was good for a laugh.
    8. Xanous's Avatar
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      And I am required to answer that of course it's me and not the menthol. It seems to just make dreaming a little stranger but leaves me relaxed. I think those both help. I'll have a better idea after more trials I think.
      Well yeah of course its you even with Galantmine. I was trying to see if it was more like a placebo but I think you answered it for me.
    9. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Thanks man! Yeah it's sort of funny that I kept playing games even in a lucid dream I wanted to see how the gameplay worked, I think. I was pleased with the graphics... just wish I'd had an actual fight.

      I think I held on in the void strictly thanks to the gladius trick... that thing has saved my button over and over. It's really just your bicycle trick except that we wave a sword around instead,but it really works wonders. I hear you on kicking yourself when you don't remember one of your favorite tricks. It's hard tonkeep everything innmind. I'm convinced that WBTB work helps with keeping these tricks in mind.

      And I am required to answer that of course it's me and not the menthol. It seems to just make dreaming a little stranger but leaves me relaxed. I think those both help. I'll have a better idea after more trials I think.
    10. Xanous's Avatar
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      Nice one! I love it. Im surprised you continued to play the game. I would have walked away I think.
      I'm impressed that you didn't wake up in the void and the cyclone actually took you to a new scene.

      BTW I totally forgot the Gladius trick last night. Darnit!

      Well this makes me want to revisit the menthol for sure now! Do you really think it was the tea or just you getting lucid on your own? Perhaps it just make you wakeful enough to figure out a DILD? Interesting.
    11. The Sandman's Avatar
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      Any time you give your subconscious an empty canvas, I find that cool things happen.
      I've thought of that myself. Well said. I love letting my mind come up with it rather than hoping for something...unless I have a goal of course.

      You should check out Antarctica Task of the Year. You sound ready.
      Hmmmm. Let me go find that!
    12. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      I believe you have better control than I do. I would love to see if my prediction is right. It shouldn't even have to be the hands. The mirror trick or a clock should work just as well. I just like the hands. A mirror would be awesome, but my hands are always there; you know what I mean?
      Yeah. The fact that the hands are always there makes it not only easier to do in the dream but also easier to practice IWL. I feel that there would be social consequences to staring at myself in the mirror constantly throughout the day or checking the clock all the time when people are talking to me.

      Mirrors are awesome. It's different every time but always amusing. One time I'm me, except in huge glasses and a tank top. Another time I'm Walter White from Breaking Bad. Another time I'm shirtless and totally jacked. Any time you give your subconscious an empty canvas, I find that cool things happen.

      Once again, this is so-o-o funny. I remember hearing people talk about phasing. It made sense to me that a dream object couldn't really contain you, so I believed it. I've only had the problem one time as mentioned. Not to be repetitively redundant, but again, conjuring is a big problem for me. I want to shoot fireballs...or electricity. In fact, I figured that if I could phase through something, I should be able to burrow through the Earth...so one day I did. It was very dark and boring.
      You should check out Antarctica Task of the Year. You sound ready.
    13. The Sandman's Avatar
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      That's interesting. So the trick with that one is to keep looking then. A couple of dreams ago, I looked at my hands when I knew I was dreaming and they looked perfectly normal. I should have given them more than just a glance, it sounds like.
      I believe you have better control than I do. I would love to see if my prediction is right. It shouldn't even have to be the hands. The mirror trick or a clock should work just as well. I just like the hands. A mirror would be awesome, but my hands are always there; you know what I mean?

      Oh man, I'm still working on my phasing in-dream! That'll make a better reality check once I'm more consistent with it. I'm pretty good with glass but walls have been tricky for me before. Alyzarin gave me some really good tips on that, though, and I'm eager to try them out.
      Once again, this is so-o-o funny. I remember hearing people talk about phasing. It made sense to me that a dream object couldn't really contain you, so I believed it. I've only had the problem one time as mentioned. Not to be repetitively redundant, but again, conjuring is a big problem for me. I want to shoot fireballs...or electricity. In fact, I figured that if I could phase through something, I should be able to burrow through the Earth...so one day I did. It was very dark and boring.

      I ended up coming up, finding a chick in a house, she shut the door on me...and I phased through it and took her.

      So you're going to look at your hands after you perform the "touch" phase of the cycle? Pretty cool! I'll be looking to see how that goes.
      I'm convinced it will work, but I still have to work on the technique. I've tried it every night since you introduced me to it. I don't think it's worked once. The two I had back to back were likely induced by new friends and the conversations we'd had...as well as other things going on in my life. I think it adds a more palpable connection to induction...if that even makes sense.

      Ha ha, nice! I'm hoping to hear a good morning report.
      It was a cool dream, but not lucid. That's OK though.
    14. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Ha ha, nice! I'm hoping to hear a good morning report.
    15. The Sandman's Avatar
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      Would respond now, but it's 2:23 am. I have to log a dream and GBTB
    16. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      You know, the whole RC thing is kind of funny. I've heard of RC's failing people. I always use the hand. I count my fingers and typically there are five, but somehow, I know to keep staring until they look weird...and they always do.
      That's interesting. So the trick with that one is to keep looking then. A couple of dreams ago, I looked at my hands when I knew I was dreaming and they looked perfectly normal. I should have given them more than just a glance, it sounds like.

      On the other hand, I have had trouble phasing one time. I hit my head on a wall. That's the same thing as an RC. If you can phase through a wall, you are dreaming, right? I think I was lucid that time too. Very strange. What I'm getting at though is that I think physical things may fail. I bet visuals never do.
      Oh man, I'm still working on my phasing in-dream! That'll make a better reality check once I'm more consistent with it. I'm pretty good with glass but walls have been tricky for me before. Alyzarin gave me some really good tips on that, though, and I'm eager to try them out.

      By the way, I'm including a fourth step to my cycling. I'm going to do a hand RC after the formatted 3rd step each time.
      So you're going to look at your hands after you perform the "touch" phase of the cycle? Pretty cool! I'll be looking to see how that goes.
    17. The Sandman's Avatar
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      That finger-through-palm one has bombed out on me before, too!
      You know, the whole RC thing is kind of funny. I've heard of RC's failing people. I always use the hand. I count my fingers and typically there are five, but somehow, I know to keep staring until they look weird...and they always do.

      On the other hand, I have had trouble phasing one time. I hit my head on a wall. That's the same thing as an RC. If you can phase through a wall, you are dreaming, right? I think I was lucid that time too. Very strange. What I'm getting at though is that I think physical things may fail. I bet visuals never do.

      I once read a tutorial about looking at details of something to stabilize. I find this to be much like a reality check. Exactly the same really, but again, the point is, you may be able to look at a dream scape and it will look great, disproving my theory on visuals. Look closely at anything though. I bet the story changes.

      I'm no expert on LDing, RC's, or anything else for that matter, but that's what I believe to be true.

      By the way, I'm including a fourth step to my cycling. I'm going to do a hand RC after the formatted 3rd step each time.
    18. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Thanks, Sandman! Yeah the failed RC was pretty insane! Considering how well everything worked out in the end, I can't complain. This dream seemed pretty set against me becoming lucid, so I'm just glad anything worked! That finger-through-palm one has bombed out on me before, too!

      I think if I couldn't remember a task, I'd just keep kissing the chick, but that's just me.
      Apparently I hadn't yet accepted the fact that I had no clue what I'd intended to do in this LD! It's pretty funny when you put it that way.
    19. The Sandman's Avatar
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      Good job with the lucid. Tough break about the failed RC.
      I think if I couldn't remember a task, I'd just keep kissing the chick, but that's just me.
    20. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Awe you chickened out.
      LOL. I really did. I just started feeling like I was going to get pancaked and had to get the hell away from there. I seriously think that I got a little jolt of stress from memories of driving on the left-hand side of the road in New Zealand.

      At least you remembered something. Its still a really cool dream. I cant believe the nose pinch failed. Thats my main one. I guess I better remember to do other RCs.
      Man, I know. The memory of the nose pinch failure blew my mind when I woke up. I remember that this happened to Art in one of her dreams so I at least had it in the back of my mind as a possibility. But still, actually experiencing it was a whole different deal.

      In an LD a long time ago, I had a semi-malfunction on the nose pinch that was caused by me sleeping face-down on the pillow. But I was side-sleeping for this one. I'm wondering physiologically what was actually going on with my body during the misfires this time... crazy stuff.
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