• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. Xanous's Avatar
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      Weird stuff for sure. Well I agree that increased dreaming is legit, but the other... maybe its a combination of the two.
    2. Xanous's Avatar
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      I just need to get excited about tasks again! I've been doing my own goals so much and too much freestyle LDing where I end up kicking my young niece down the stairs.
    3. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Yeah, this was the first experience I can remember feeling any kind of pull like that back into an FA. I never saw a cord but more assumed that it was there because of the feeling of acceleration, which was just like being jerked back suddenly. Pretty cool! Wish I'd taken a look when I was floating.

      You're right, you always have to consider expectation because so much of dream content and dream control is down to expectation. No doubt about it. They're so intertwined that you can never definitively rule it out unless the person has never heard of the "menthol syndrome" most of us in the thread have experienced at some point.

      The increased dream density doesn't seem to be down to expectation, but as for the amorousness, I couldn't say!
    4. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Ha ha, thanks dude! Man I know the feeling when a nice, long reply gets eaten.

      The tongue thing was super weird but the results were great (if completely accidental!) Just goes to show how malleable the dreamscape really is.

      Do it, man! I'm looking forward to you tearing up these TOTY's!
    5. Xanous's Avatar
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      Ah the cord. Is this your first experience with it? Funny we both had not relatively close to each other.

      Do you think the side effect of menthol is expectation because of all the talk? It seems to me if I have a very determined mindset I'm not tempted in the least bit.
    6. Xanous's Avatar
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      I had a long reply but my tablet ate it so here's short hand.
      Nice. I'm trying the tongue. Helicopter was like the matrix. I want to TOTY now.
    7. NyxCC's Avatar
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      Maybe it was an antique of sorts? Oh, the cool items one stumbles upon in dreams! No wonder we try to bring some back (just saw a thread about this).
    8. NyxCC's Avatar
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      Yeah, I was very excited about the pointing/pulling, enough to where I was able to remember it for subsequent dreams
      That's so awesome! Come to think about it you are really good when it comes to moving around whether it's flying, hulk jumping, gliding, zooming in and now the point pull!
    9. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Wow! Heart surgery?? Sounds like someone came in just under the wire for February's Task of the Month! Great job, Sibyline, I'm looking forward to checking out your entry!

      And Task of the Year ideas, sweet. I need to go read those... and then immediately try to forget them for the reasons you just mentioned.
    10. Sibyline's Avatar
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      It really pays off to lurk on your DJ. You come up with really useful things.

      I only have today left in the Lucid task club, so I just went crazy and threw in a batch of ideas for next year's TOTY. So now I'll really have to get those off my mind again and get back to this year's. I think I got over my nervousness about the Mermaid task after performing heart surgery on myself yesterday, so I'm good to go.
    11. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      @Mismagius - Yeah, I really enjoyed Dishonored, particularly in how flexible the playstyle can be. I played through it pure stealth, killing only 2-3 people that really had it coming, but a friend of mine played it like a rampaging psycho and also had a great time. The city and gameplay wind up reflecting the style you choose.

      @Sibyline - Thanks, Sibyline, I was really jazzed about the pointing thing too. If I can just remember it, I am going to try it as often as possible. This could be the trick I've been looking for to correct all those little travel glitches I've hit from time to time.

      And thanks for the encouragement on Task of the Year! I haven't been able to get on the board so far but I really hope I can make it happen!
    12. Sibyline's Avatar
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      That's brilliant, CL! Especially pointing at where you want to go, that's really novel and seems like it might work for anyone. And the beanstalk elevator was a nice touch too. I predict that you will complete all TOTY this year.
    13. Mismagius's Avatar
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      Yeah it is like that actually! By the way, Dishonored looks like an awesome game! :O Looks kind of Bioshock-esque.

      Haha, maybe it's some kind of lucid dreaming instinct
    14. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      As best I can remember, a squatting, slightly plump figure of greenish brown stone. It had an oddly 2-d look to it like it was slightly out of phase with the rest of the scene. Pretty interesting.
    15. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      @NyxCC - Thanks, Nyx! Yes, ha ha, the summoning/teleporting/transformation/whatever tongue thing was definitely a new one on me!

      Yeah, I was very excited about the pointing/pulling, enough to where I was able to remember it for subsequent dreams. I really have high hopes for it because it seemed like such a reliable way to direct my intent in flight. It sort of acts as a visual reminder that perhaps prevented me from losing focus and drifting off in some random direction, which is always a big help.

      LOL @ the pee spell. Those clever giants. That trick isn't working on me twice! Still looking to follow your example and nail one of these tasks!

      @fogelbise - Ah okay, sure! I actually find a basic variant of Yuschak's stack very effective as well. This combo just takes it to the next level for me.
    16. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      @Mismagius - Wow, you are exactly right! The effect really is so much like the old Super Mario Brothers games! That hadn't occurred to me until you mentioned it but that's very true. This was very much like the unique "fast rise" take on the beanstalk motif in those games.

      Hmm, I hadn't heard of Hyu's blinking technique before! Is it a blink kind of like in the "Dishonored" game? Because that's a skill I'd love get good at.

      And ha, glad I'm not along on the finger licking. I used to lick my arm sometimes. I have no idea where these weird ideas come from but I just go casting around for sensory ideas and next thing you know I'm licking my arm while flicking myself on the forehead.
    17. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      You're right, the realism is just incredible in certain cases. In some dreams you get a very real-looking room that's nonetheless different. And then other times, it seems to just be bang on with real life.

      And in general, you never realize this aspect of dreams unless you study it or happen to be one of the relatively few that naturally experience lucid dreams. Amazing stuff!
    18. fogelbise's Avatar
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      FryingMan may be interested in what you combine with G, it sounds effective. He has been trying a cocktail recommended by an author: Yutschak(?). I will try to remember to mention this to him.
    19. NyxCC's Avatar
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      Any memory what that statuette was? The gravity float sounds cool!
    20. NyxCC's Avatar
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      I'm was looking forward to reading this entry, but was totally unprepared to hear about your new scene summoning technique. Who would have thought?

      And it seems that just going for the toty isn't enough nowadays. You've got to be attacked and shot at as a test for your resolve. Well done getting rid of that helicopter!

      Love the pulling tech too! Isn't it cool how after so many dreams we still come up with new stuff?

      Also, very effective attack on TOTY! Surely that giant had no chance against you, so he had to cast a pee spell.
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