• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. RelicWraith's Avatar
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      A city full of monsters? That sounds really exciting! Also, that was quite a search you went through to find your guide again. Lotsa dedication.
    2. Olorin's Avatar
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      My first impression on the three toiltes was maybe each toilet was for taking care of a separate type of business?
    3. Dreamwalkwr's Avatar
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      I love the cop
    4. Mydera's Avatar
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      I find it happens to me most often when I am on medication. Allergy medicines are especially bad. Not sure why medicine makes me dream of the bathroom so much. Bathroom dreams are always really weird, but I am always super thankful when they don't result in wetting the bed lol!
    5. Vadim's Avatar
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      Считать пальцы на руках - это универсальная проверка на сон (Признак сна) во всех странах. Тоже так делаю.
      Counting fingers - it is a universal test for dream (dream Symptom) in all countries. Also do so.

      In the dream, too, there are scenes when I'm looking for a toilet. I want to go to the toilet, but the people are constantly interferes. As a result, in a dream to go to the toilet is not possible. As a result, I wake up and go to the toilet in the present.
    6. Mydera's Avatar
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      I want to appologize for not seeing this earlier and thanking you for your words of encouragement! I am rarely on unless I have a lucid or special dream to post as it is difficult to navigate on my cell phone. I am so glad that you enjoyed the dream I wrote about, and that it has helped encourage and inspire you to try to have a lucid yourself. I hope you found the time and that your dream was everything you hoped it would be!
    7. usernamenaomi's Avatar
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      Can I just say that this is epic and it has inspired me to get back to Lucid dreaming. I've been planning on doing one the last few days (FILD) But It takes preparation- Setting the alarm, turning off my clock because the ticking COMPLETELY distracts me. I religiously dream journal every day and blah blah blah but basically to get to the point- THANK YOU. ^.^
    8. Mydera's Avatar
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      Thank you!!! To be honest it doesn't feel like it, lol. But it could just be that my dreams aren't as interesting to me right now and I'm making myself feel like I remembered less b/c it wasn't exciting and worth remembering. Your recall is getting pretty good too compared to a couple months ago dude! You have three dreams and fragments just from last night, I can remember when you struggled to remember anything. Major improvement!
    9. Chimpertainment's Avatar
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      psshaa, your recall is still incredible! :flyaway:
    10. Chimpertainment's Avatar
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      That could definitely be a movie :)
    11. Chimpertainment's Avatar
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    12. Mydera's Avatar
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      The sun is a star I will make that one of my goals and hopefully remember to do it when I'm lucid. Thanks Chimp ^_^
    13. Chimpertainment's Avatar
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      Yeah, I did that one time...just seemed like the right thing to do at the time, i dunno...Since you are star called, perhaps you should go to a star? :)
      My experience was pretty special honestly, long time ago though...
    14. Mydera's Avatar
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      flying into the sun? Like in a lucid?
    15. Chimpertainment's Avatar
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      reminds me of Indigo Children. Its like something is calling you to discover hidden potential. Maybe you should try flying into the sun? :)
    16. Mydera's Avatar
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      Thanks! I'm not lucid very often, but when I am again I am definitely going to do that
    17. opticdreamer's Avatar
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      That first one is really disturbing...
    18. Caden's Avatar
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      Seems to me you need to straighten this out on the dream side. Get enough lucidness to ask them why they are here but don't be hostile in any way. You may also want to ask what you can do to help this situation. Good luck!
    19. Mydera's Avatar
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      To be honest, I attribute most of my recall to taking a prenatal vitamin at night before bed every night. It takes about a week for it to start working, and if I skip a few days then it stops working until I've built up about a week of taking it, but it helps tremendously. Prenatals are what pregnant and breastfeeding women usually take, but it's safe to take even if your not pregnant or nursing I also take notes on my cell phone at night every time I wake up. Not long notes, just quick keywords, like for the first dream "Birthday, BFF Talk" and for the second one "House fire, cup, insurance" or the third, "Milkyway, funeral, outside, man" Things that will help you remember the general gist and flow of the dream to remember later when you wake up for good. I also type in my DJ first thing, before I even have breakfast, while it's all still fresh in my mind.

      Your dreams may also be longer, and there fore you have less dreams, but you dreamed for the same amount of time. I know when I have long dreams I tend to only have a couple or even less. Dreams like these that last only a couple minutes usually come in groups.
    20. TwoCrystalCups's Avatar
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      wish i can remember all those dreams
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