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    My Dream Records

    1. Talking with Samina about the world of dreams.

      by , 05-20-2012 at 01:26 AM (My Dream Records)
      Black means non lucid
      Orange means semi lucid
      Blue means lucid
      Red means dream characters talking
      Purple means possible shared dreaming person
      Green means notes

      Got it? Great! Now enjoy reading my dreams.

      Dream #1 Soaking up calm emotions.

      Spoiler for Theme Of The Dream:

      Im standing on a beach staring at the water. It is evening time, and the sun is starting to go down. There are a few people walking the beach as well. I notice some couples walking together holding hands and laughing with one another. I see little kids playin and laughing, i see a dog running back and forth towards the water barking as the water starts coming closer to the shore. There is a young lady doing yoga nearby, she looks to be in her early twenties and possibly of Indian or Lebanese background. I smile, enjoying my peaceful surroundings.

      Dream #2 Samina and me, the perfect team.

      This is a pic i happen to find, that is a very close resemblance of my DC Samina. (Oh minus the nose ring) We are walking to a store, and i give Samina one of my hawk coin totems.
      She says..

      "Dreamprofesser, this is not meant to be spent in stores remember?"

      "Oh yea, lol im sorry Samina your right. Thats my totem."

      (She laughs)

      "Silly Dreamprofesser."

      We are now in a store, and im looking around at some chips and candy and stuff. Samina is talking to a little boy her age i hear her talking to him saying..

      (She gives him the hawk coin i gave her)

      "Here, now this will help you to help Dreamprofesser become aware in dreams."

      I smile and decide to buy me some chips and a pop. The little boy runs up to me and gives me a hug and says..

      (Little boy talking)

      "Dreamprofesser, will this coin help me to control my dreams more too?

      "It will definitely help you to control your dreams. Now remember to reality check with it often ok?"

      He nods his head. Me and Samina leave the store, and we start walking across a grassy area towards a playground.

      Samina runs towards the top of the slide, and slides down.

      "Weeeeeee. Hey Dreamprofesser?"

      "Yea Samina?"

      "Um, when is my next lesson going to be?"

      "Soon. I have to look in my records to see what else to teach you ok?"

      "Oh, ok."

      Im talking with Samina about how im gonna need her help. We talk about different sleep stages, and she tells me that she has been reading and studying meditation from her papa. I tell her that i need to start back meditating soon. She mentions that me and her should help her cousins and friends to lucid dream. I tell her it will happen, we just have to keep your awarness sharp, and make sure to keep your ablilties intact. She tells me that she can't wait for her next lesson, and looks foward to learning some more new cool abilities. Im standing watching her climb the monkey bars and feel the dream closing in on me.

      Now the question is this. Can Samina truly help me to navigate thru the dream world more proficently? I am still experimenting this idea, and trying to come to a understanding, that certainly we can train our subconscious to defend us against potential dream hackers, or threatening dream characters. I want to finish this project atleast by the end of this month. To be able to search for people faster, and to have Samina with me while i share dreams with others. She is very intelligent, and i certainly want to try and develop her dream skills more.

      Updated 05-20-2012 at 01:28 AM by 54142

      non-lucid , memorable , side notes
    2. The shore of my subconscious ( Old dream) 02/13/11/

      by , 04-13-2012 at 03:00 AM (My Dream Records)
      Black colour means non lucid
      Orange means semi lucid
      Blue means lucid
      Red means dream characters talking
      Got it? great, now for the good stuff. So kick off your shoes and enjoy this dream.
      Dream #1 Something special.

      Im walking on a beach with a beautiful latin woman. (She looks like Roselyn Sanchaz) She's wearing a long white dress, barefoot with pink flipflops in her hands, long wavy black hair, a pecan colour complexion, with beautiful slanted eyes, a strawberry shaped nose, and pink juicy lips. She's laughing as im tellin her how Gorgeous she looks. The sunset looks warm mi amour, i hope this moment never ends she says. Even if it does babe, i will see you again. You promise? Yes, i promise. We watch the sun go down, as i gaze into her hazel eyes and our lips meet..dream fades.

      Dream #2 A moment of bliss interrupted.

      Im asleep on the couch, awaken to the sound of a blender goin off. Im sorry papi did i wake you? Na its ok love, what you making? A strawberry smoothie you want some? That can wait, come here. I hold her close to me and once again get lost into her hazelbrown eyes. Ay papi your gonna make me spill it, even better, then your gonna taste like strawberries! we both laugh, and the phone rings. Hang on papi i have to get the phone, hello? yes it is, who's calling? Ohhh yes why of course. (My memory gets foggy here what the conversation was about) I walk outside and a seagull is flying in the sky. Air feels warm, im at peace with myself...Reaching in my pocket to grab my hawk coin totem, rubbing it wait main...how did i end up here??? what is today's date??? Papi are you outside? I stuff my hawk totem coin back in my pocket. What are you doing out here mi amour? Oh uh, i was just getting some fresh air ahem. (She has her arms around me staring at me giggling. Wait a minute, were you playing with that silly coin again? I don't know what you are talking babe, i was just getting some fresh air. Your off again to one of yours missions are'nt you? I thought we were gonna have lunch and cuddle up and watch a movie? Don't worry i'll be back i promise. You know i always come back to you, so just keep my plate warm for me hon ok? (I kiss her on the forehead) i'll call you when im on my way. A bergundy bmw pulls up at the, the entrance of the house, I look at my dream wife and tell her i love her. She looks at me with tears sliding down both her eyes as i pull her closer towards me, don't worry..i'll be back later tonight ok? She nods in my arms, Ok, please come back to me mi amour please! I can not lose you again, you have to come back to me please! I will babe, i will. I walk towards the car and get into the passenger seat, A woman with dark her fair complexion with a take no shit look about her who looks italian, (very attractive) lights up her cigarette and says, you done with all that mushy mushy shit with your little soap opera looking senorita or no? Yea, as im staring at her inside the car window. Good, now on to more serious shit! She peels off and we drive to a warehouse and i ask her how did that last mission go? she walks over to this table and shows me a table full of guns. (She mentions something about us taking down a known Boss crime syndicate who runs, robbery, Extortion, Crime, Gambling, ect ect.) Ok its seems like we're all set then, by the way i did'nt catch your name, what's your name? Natalia. I nod my head and get a clear look at everything around me in this warehouse, feeling like im about to wake up, i say her name over and over. Now awake in my bed, i record it into my recorder device, and try and do a Wild.

      Dream #3 Swan filled parking lot.

      Im walking thru a parking flooded with water and filled with swans. I reach in my pocket and pull out my totem and begin rubbing it wondering how i got here, Im aware enough to realize its a dream i fall backwards and had a false awakening.

      Dream #4 Who's totem and recording device is this???

      I wake up in this building filled with chairs, (i do not remember the exact amount of chairs) but they were lined up in almost like a loop. a recording device on a empty table, a glass of water, with a spinning dradle top (just like the one in the movie inception). A white pill with a note that say's in big bold black letters, DO A REALITY CHECK NOW!!! I reach in my pocket and pull out my totem, and reality check with it, fully aware of whats happening...i walk thru a door and there is a computer with random names (I forget the names on the computer) of people who are dreaming. I take the pill and drink the water then record myself talking on the recording device left on the table. I say into the recorder, ahem hi this is dreamprofesser and im in a room filled with chairs and a spinning top, whoever finds this recording device meet me at discreet location so we can share a dream. I push the stop button and fall asleep.

      Final dream. How did you get here?

      I wake up in some hotel with a bunch of college girls dorm, their sittin around talkin about something. One of them who was a blond who looked at me while watching t.v said to me, Uh...like how did you end up in our dorm??? Uh...i don't remember, i get up off of the couch walk out the dorm and wake up to the sound of my Beethoven alarm goin off.