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    CHiLLEN's Dream Journal

    1. Graveyard Class Room (19.8.14)

      by , 08-19-2014 at 03:26 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream - 7:40AM

      I'm on the basketball court at Range bank. I see the ball go over the small fence and decide to chase it down. I hurdle over the fence and start running at full pace. I see two DC's in the distance. I don't retrieve the ball and begin to make my way back to somewhere. The journey back is a strange one. I'm walking on a tight and narrow path, which is 2 - 3 meters off of the ground. I walk through an area which has grave stones.

      I reach where I was destined to go, which was a class room. I see people around me and a teacher at the front of class, next to a whiteboard. The location changes to where the grave stones were, but we're still continuing what we were doing. I see the DC from earlier when I was chasing the ball. I call him out and ask if that was him I saw. The teacher says it was.
      The convocation turns to spiritual and god. I take charge of the convocation and debate a few things, explaining something about out of body experiences. I was going to mention that I have had them before but never get around to it. Instead of talking, I'm explaining some things via text which is coming up on the whiteboard. I have a mind blank after a paragraph of writing and struggle to think about what to type next. I can see people getting angry due to waiting for me to finish writing. They're expressing their anger through a chat box which is under what I was writing.

      False Awakening: (MISSED)

      I'm recording my previous dream in a dream. I'm underneath the covers, trying to keep my eyes from seeing too much light as I may wake myself up too much to get back to sleep. I'm using my phone?? as a recorder. I play it back to myself and it definitely sounds like me. I expected it to not record too well, due to whispering into the device. At one point I move the device away from my house and down towards my hips. While still listening to my recording I can see myself on the screen, as if it was a video recording, not a voice recording. I waited for the moment where I moved the device away from my mouth to see if I could still be heard. I could still hear myself, except there was a few silent moments due to thinking of what to say next.

      Surprised I missed my chance, as I've been performing RC's upon awakening majority of the times.

      Dream Fragments:

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