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    1. Free-to-Leave Prison

      by , 10-07-2010 at 06:30 PM
      Type: Regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      I had just been sent to a prison for having "committed a crime", or so the authorities said. The building was large and didn't look at all like an actual prison, but it was more high-tech with smooth white walls and high ceilings. I started off in my cell, which was square-shaped and probably only around six by six feet. The walls were plain and smooth, with one having a small square mirror with a metal frame on it. There was a small black framework, only a few feet long, in the back of the room and across the top of the rectangular frame was mesh: a bed. There was a small rectangular entrance way on the back wall, next to the bed, and I went through it. There was a tiny bathroom, with just a white toilet and basic white sink, and on the wall was a mirror; it's rather hard to explain but it allowed people passing by (guards, most likely) to see inside while I was in the washroom.

      I left the well-lit bathroom and went through the cell, opening the glass door and emerging into the hallway. The hallway had high ceilings and was very spacious; it was very long and went for at least two hundred feet down either way. There were a few cells next to mine, I saw, and taking up the rest of the building were white cubicles with business desks. People were sitting in them, neatly arranged, picking up phones. I saw three prisoners in very pale blue prisoner clothing walk by, talking amongst themselves.

      After looking around for a few moments, I walked down the building, towards a set of large double doors that were in an entrance way like you'd find at a Wal-Mart. You know, that buffer zone where you first enter when you walk inside the building, then there's another set of doors to the actual store area itself? That's what it was like. I got to the end and pushed open the first set of doors, and then walked right out of the building. I saw another prisoner, in the same pale blue clothing, walk past me. No one stopped me as I left.

      I considered the fact that I might have been dreaming, but wasn't aware enough to act on it.

      Updated 05-17-2023 at 12:42 AM by 28408
