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    Xanous' Dream Journal

    1. No Way Out

      by , 04-10-2015 at 01:35 AM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #429 - DILD - 2:22AM

      I had another really bad night with restless legs and I was up and down a lot so I didn't do an actually WBTB, but I did manage to meditate with binaural beats for an unknown amount of time. I eventually got uncomfortable and rolled over to sleep with LD and goals in mind (though I didn't even think about goals afterward) and had this lucid dream.

      I thought I was the 11th Doctor and I was playing some sort of video game. Something about some friendly blobulous aliens. Something about putting my ID card into a reader and going up escalator then I use the card to enter an elevator. I somehow get to a low level of lucidity when I enter and I decide I just want to get outside. I push the number 8 in the elevator though I meant to push the button marked '1G'. I quickly push the intended button, but it's too late and I'll have to wait for it to cycle. The elevator goes up a second and the doors open to another set of doors marked '11'. I decide I wasn't meant to go there anyway, so I wait for the elevator to head back down. Suddenly, I feel a huge amount of G-force as I drop too quickly. I clench and hold on to the rail. I see a poster on one wall that looks like a silhouette of the Doctor and the TARDIS. It reads: "The Doctor Tower Experience" I think it's really ironic since I am the Doctor.

      The elevator stops and I am crumpled to the floor. I slowly get up and step out the open doors only to find myself on the floor again. I think how odd it is, but still recognize this is a dream. I see my phone in my left hand and notice the screen rotation button. I decide this is much like that and I focus on being up right and walking and suddenly I am driving a car.The dream blacks out and I find myself on the floor of the elevator again. This time I focus on the screen rotation idea a little more clearly and I watch as gravity shifts. There is a split second of blackness and I find myself in an apartment with yellow walls.

      This now triggers a much higher level of lucidity and I find my consistent teleportation exhilarating. I still would like to get outside. I don't remember my jogging exactly, but I feel like I need to get outside for some reason. (Why didn't I try to teleport again? DUH!) I see empty counter space and I turn around to see a the front door. I step out into a very small hallway. To the left are stairs leading down into darkness and I decide to avoid that. The hallway goes straight for a few steps then takes a right. I follow it but as I round the corner the hallway morphs and closes off. The walls change color from yellow to brown. I decide I was meant to face the dark so I go back and head down stairs. I am really worried that I'll get lost in the void, but as I descend the stair well lightens. I have some weird feeling in my eyes like I am straining to keep them open. I worry this means I am waking up and sure enough I do.

      Or so I thought. I make DJ notes and say something about how I was playing a game called Hero's Call beta. I pause wondering if that was right when I actually do wake up.
    2. The Elevator

      by , 02-28-2015 at 07:40 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #417 - DILD - 8:30AM

      This lucid is hardy worth counting or posting a detailed account but I should make note of it. Perhaps I should start stabilizing as habit.

      I am leaving work. There is some confusion about the time of day and shift I am working. John is there with a colorful case of canned drinks. I thought maybe it was alcohol but he says it energy drinks. I get a strong need for an energy drink. I walk to a store and look but I don't think I ever buy anything. I area turns into walmart and I have a handful of lucky charms that I brought along with me in my pockets. I munch on it as I walk around. I see they have changed the layout of the store and the spot were we were living has been discovered and dismantled (WTF? ). I begin to worry that Walmart will think I am stealing the cereal I was eating so I wonder off in another direction. I hear some ominous page on the intercom and see a manager with a walkie on his belt stop, look up, then respond on the walkie. I worry it's about me so I decide to hide in a restroom. I see some blue sign and head there. There is a narrow hallway and the light flash and I hear some low siren sound. The hallway starts to constrict and I am barely able to squeeze my way out the way I came in. I turn to look at the doorway and see a sign that reads 'Offices'. Oops. I turn around and see the blue restroom sign again next to some elevator doors. I look closely and see the man and woman symbol and the number eight under it. I find this odd, but go for it. There are only two buttons marked '10' and '2'. I wonder if I am supposed to somehow do subtraction to get eight. I push the 10 first then the 2 and the doors open. I get and and feel the elevator quickly shoot and while the ceiling gets uncomfortably low. Low ceiling? Then I get vertigo and turn upside down. I see my reflection in the mirror. I am in just my underwear and a t-shirt. The shirt is falling to my face and I pull the shirt down to cover my skibs. I begin to feel really uncomfortable and panic as I feel my neck is being jammed in an awkward position from being thrown upside down. Then suddenly, I remember this is only a dream and fully relax though it take some effort. I recall that I was lucid earlier and wonder how I lost lucidity for so long. The elevator turns right side up and the doors open. I step out, but the dream glitches at this point. My vision is distorted and I find my stepping out as vibrating repetition like in a video game glitch (hard to describe). I try to focus and clear the dream up, but I feel at a lose as to how. After a few seconds I give up and relax.

      I have a super brief FA where I open my eyes and see a realistic version of this dude from Bleach leaning over the bed next to me and in my face.

      Where is everyone from?-250px-ikkanzakajiroubou.jpg

      He's saying something rude about lucid dreaming and the elevator mishap. I quickly wake up.
    3. Trying to LD, I Don't Want To Die!.

      by , 07-18-2012 at 10:41 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      Aids:1/8 tea peppermint oil WBTB
      Methods:MILD - Half assed
      Morning Supplements:500mg L-Lysine, 500mg C, 595mg Potassium Gluconcate, 1 Super B-Complex
      Sleep Quality: Felt refreshed in the morning. Slept solid. Solved pillow issues.

      Trying to LD 2:00AM
      I am jogging down a familiar street. I see Jeremy and Becki. I invite them over. We are now in my house. But this is my first house. Jeremy talks about how he can tell me how many ghost are here. I tell him I don't want to know. I feel happy and safe here and I don't want to ruin it.

      Then I am in my first truck. I am in the passenger side trying to sleep. My wife is in the driver side sleeping but tossing and its bothering me. I am trying to WBTB. I have an audio induction and I want to hear it. I adjust my headphones and try to sleep. I couldn't help but notice that my headphones feel like underwear on my head. Then notice that is light outside and rainy. I see Chris driving up to her daughters house who happens to be my neighbor. I am a little surprised. I hope that she doesn't notice me and my underwear. She is all but starting at me now. I just sigh and close my eyes. All I want to do is have a lucid dream and If I have to do corny things like listen to my underwear then who cares. I actually hear some music. It is a Ke$ha song believe it or not.

      *I hear the intro music*

      "Maybe I need some rehab,
      Or maybe just need some sleep
      I've got a sick obsession,
      I'm seeing it in my dreams"....

      (Very appropriate! Except Lucid Dreams is my drug. Bahahahaha LOL)

      I feel irritated and tune the music out. I feel like I am being watched and I just want privacy. The truck drives around the block. I don't notice it but I am driving it with my mind. My wife is in the driver seat but I am controlling where to go. Then I remember we left the kids in the house alone. And I think we should hurry even though we are just going around the block. I look out the window to the right and see a distorted iPhone. It says Brooklyn on it. The woman in the truck with me is now my ex-wife and she starts bitching about how much money she spent on that phone for my niece and now its ruined.

      Now I am in a bed trying to WILD. Something wakes me and I look to the left and see my sisters husband with a bed pan under him. He is squirting shit through his clothes.
      He jumps us and runs to the bathroom. He slams the bed pan on the floor and I see chunky shit splatter up on the wall. There is shit on the bed. I am disgusted but I feel sorry for him at the same time. I know he is sick and can't help it. Then my dog goes sniffing at it. I grab her too me and hold her. I lay there not wanting to deal with the mess. I half expect to smell something horrid but there's no smell. I close my eyes and wake up.

      I Don't Want to Die!
      My wife and I are in a hotel. She is not pregnant and we are partying. We are drinking and she starts to smoke pot. I am shocked but I'm like well we don't do this often. She leaves the bong on the couch and my dog daisy starts to hit it. She runs through an open door into a yard. Then she howls as she ex-hails. I find it strange that I see really black smoke come out. I am surprised at the color of smoke but I just laugh. She is trying to get more. I hand the bong to my wife who is in the recliner watching TV. Then I say wait let me. I take a long drag. I notice that there is no smell no burring in my throat and no taste. Then I ex hail. I instantly feel fucked up. I make a comment about how fast that hit me. She says she knows.

      I leave the room for some errand. I walk outside and see a nice area with a pool. There are only a few people. I jump in and then leave.

      I go inside a bar and walk through to the bathroom. I notice a bartender and a dart board in my periphrial vision. I sit down to shit in a stale but the toilet is so high people can see me. Some take notice and just sigh and finish up. When I walk out of the bathroom I am now in a church and service is about to start. I take in the whole scene. I notice people to my left conversing and greeting. I see a crown scattered about and people in various conversation. I see all the pews and the stage up front. The stage is blurry and I dont focus on it too much. I see another bathroom down a ways and too the right. For whatever reason I walk to that. I walk past the womens and enter the mens. It is dimly lit and there is one toilet on the right and a sink on the left back wall. The entire right wall is glass. I can see through into the womens bathroom. The bathroom is identical to the mens and I see a large woman pulling her pants down and sitting on the toilet. It seems that she cant see me and it think it must be a two way mirror. I try to respect her privacy and advert my eyes and quickly leave the restroom.

      Then I am in an elevator. The interior is minimalistic, plush and cream color. (now that I think about it... like a casket!) I push a button. The elevator begins to malfunction. I feel it tilt back and get smaller. I an now lying at an incline. I push some other button. Then it compacts into a ceiling with metal beams. I hit the stop button. I am so stuck I can't move.

      I quickly WILD to have an OBE to go get help. I see a lady at a desk. I tell her my body is stuck in an elevator and I need to get it out before I die. I move out of my body. It feels so natural and familiar to do this. I go through the wall and see a lady at a help desk. She is an African American woman in a red blose. I quickly explain to her that my body is trapped. She tells me a bunch of instructions. I dont remember. Maybe I am still stoned?

      I go now to do whatever it is she told me. I am now walking through the spot where the pool is. I see a lot more people there and I don't bother to take a dip this time. I walk to a concrete walk and spot an elevator door. I feel that this is where my dying body is. I pry the door open with my hands. There are more doors behind the first. They are red with purple trim. I get through a total of four doors and my body slips out. I catch... me. My body is limp and cold. I find it very odd to touch my body from outside of myself. I drop... me. And I try to use my mind to enter back into my body. It does not work. I am getting panicky.

      I scream, "I don't want to die!"

      I lay down next to myself and try whatever I did to exit now to re-enter. Nothing is working. I look to my right at myself and see a hand with a respirator to my body's face. I see hands doing chest compressions. I am still not back in my body. The light fades and everything goes dark.

      *Holy Shit. I think I will avoid elevators for a while.

      Updated 07-18-2012 at 11:46 PM by 5967 (I forgot to mention the song. I had to look it up to be sure.)

      non-lucid , memorable