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    Mouka's Mind Palace

    We don't care, we're shootin' Kamehamehas in our dreams!

    I'm going to give the online dream journal a try; bear with me because I'm used to paper journals!

    Marvel in terror disgust wonderment as Mouka moves along in lucid efforts to...
    ...hang out with the tulpa Afiel!
    ...destroy the solar system by firing off a Solar Kamehameha!
    ...get laid by certain super-villains without getting tossed into the sun!
    ...and whatever other sudden desires may pop up! YAY!

    Cast of recurring peeps:
    Seru - Cunning yet sexy Dream Guide and keeper of the locked house key
    Akiko - Overly emotional and stubborn knower of directions
    Afiel - Tulpa buddy angel extraordinaire and summoner of crappy music
    Cory - Real life husband but I often dream of him, so yeah

    1. The bat-killing task force, and an eBay hacker

      by , 07-03-2015 at 04:54 AM (Mouka's Mind Palace)
      (I woke up a few times during the night and remembered literally NOTHING about my dreams. Which sucked because with all the lucids I've had lately, I may have had one and forgotten. I remembered only my dreams from my last leg of sleep.)

      I was part of a special task force sent into this massive cave system to help take out these evil giant bats that could disintegrate people by hovering over them and letting off a sound/energy wave down at them. We fortified the cave system, adding rooms and barriers and such, but when the bats started coming there were thousands of them. The battle waged on and we were losing. So we retreated back to one of the rooms to formulate a plan. Our intel told us there was a cave path where only the baby bats lived, but they were also dangerous. We decided to take them out first, since they'd be weaker and we could figure out the behaviors and weaknesses of these bats. I had to run to the bathroom quick, and when I got back apparently they'd already passed out the guns and ammo. I asked about getting one and they told me to talk to some guy who was all decked out Rambo-style, but I couldn't get to him to get a gun. So I wound up following this task force unarmed. When we got to the tunnel, baby bats started pouring out of it. They were still pretty huge, and another battle took place. The people on the force were shooting them down with machine guns and such, and I was just running frantically from barrier to barrier looking for this guy to give me a gun.

      I was checking eBay and I noticed my rating had shot down a crazy amount. So I looked into it and noticed people were leaving bad feedback about how I never pay, so I freaked out that someone had hacked my account. I looked all over my laptop trying to figure out how they did it, but to no avail. So then I went back to eBay to change the password on my account and hopefully reconcile with the support staff, but no matter where I looked I couldn't find a page to change passwords from. I was flipping out because the hacker was fucking with my shit as I looked, and this statue I wanted to buy ended that day and I neeeeeeded it but I doubted they'd sell it to me with my shitty history. I decided to literally 'clean' the viruses from my laptop, so I mixed a big white bucket up with water and vinegar and dunked my laptop in it. For some reason this satisfied me and I thought it was all good again. But the bad feedback was still there and I had no idea how to fix that. A friend of mine said they knew someone who worked at eBay that could help, so I went down to the corporate office to see her and she agreed to change my password for me. I have no idea how I got rid of the bad reviews though.
      Tags: bats, caves, guns, internet, war
    2. A definite dream guide, and breaking free from the nightmares of the locked house

      by , 06-30-2015 at 06:06 PM (Mouka's Mind Palace)
      Lucids two nights in a row! Nice. This one started out as a regular nightmare rather than through sleep paralysis. I was watching The Lion King with my brother like we did when we were kids, and I was sitting there playing the original Pokemon on my old Game Boy. Then suddenly dad came running into the room all psychotic, laughing with a gun in his hand, and we freaked out and ran away. He chased us and caught my brother, and I heard horrible gunfire and so I ran down the hall and locked myself in a room. He was banging at the door and I was so scared and kept trying to push through the window glass, but then I noticed my hands on the glass. My fingers were all funny and I immediately recognized it as a dream and went lucid. I turned around from the window and the room was pure white, and the banging had stopped. So I left the room and found myself in another house I couldn't get out of, but this time it was all white and there was sunlight everywhere. ...but I was still locked in. In one of the rooms was a grey alien, which was a little weird, but when I walked up to it and poked it, it disappeared. Now back in the hall, I just told myself "You know, I can never find that guy when I search, so I'm just going to sit here and wait on him." So once again I was sitting on the ground in the hallway, surrounded by white and sunlight, calling out to Seru all pitiful-sounding. I heard a noise at the end of the hall, and leaned over to look, and there he was standing there looking at me and smiling. Yay, it worked! I went over to him and asked him if he could break me free from the house again, and he said yes. He flew up through the ceiling and I flew up after him, but this time I didn't just hit the ceiling instead I went right through it. Then we were up in the air and I was looking in awe at all the landscapes surrounding me. In front of us was this massive flower garden, fields and fields of all different species, it looked so rainbow-speckled, and it was so vivid I just couldn't believe it. I wanted to go down there immediately, but then he told me to look at the rest. So I looked to the right and there was a vast ocean and a beach that stretched forever, and far in the distance in front of us, past the flower fields, was a giant wall. Like the Great Wall only much higher. We landed on top of a tall fence overlooking the flowers, and out of all the different flowers, rare ones and such, this one common blue-purple pansy stood out, and I really wanted to keep it because it was so vivid but I also didn't want to ruin the field at all. I was curious about the wall so I asked him what was beyond it. He said there were mountains as far as the eye could see. Well... the call of the unknown lured me in and I wanted to go over the wall. He took off into the sky and I flew after him, towards it, buuuuttt... then my husband's alarm clock woke me up! Haha, well that's okay. I got a sweet vivid lucid dream, a dream guide, and fun places to visit next time.

      Updated 07-01-2015 at 12:56 AM by 64971

      lucid , nightmare , memorable
    3. Stranding on a mountain top, and the siege of the hell hounds

      by , 01-02-2014 at 06:18 PM (Mouka's Mind Palace)
      (undated older dreams 3)

      Cory and I were taking a road trip to visit a girl he used to know. He was driving and I was riding shotgun, and it was pretty uneventful at first. After a while we got lost in a mountainous area, and he took a wrong turn up a curvy and dangerous mountain path. It was a tiny one lane road with nothing but a wooden fence stopping us from going over the edge, but he started driving super fast and I was freaking out thinking we would die. At one point the front wheel of the car goes off the edge but somehow he was able to bring it back up to keep us from falling. At the top of the path was a dead end, so he parked us on the mountain peak with no way down because the road was only one-way. I scanned the area below us and saw highways in the distance, but we had no way to get down to them, so eventually he called 911 and they had to send a helicopter to come get us off the mountain. As the helicopter was flying away with us, I remember being worried because there were groceries in the trunk of the car and I didn't want them to go bad.

      I was visiting somebody with Cory. This might have been linked to the last dream but I can't remember anything happening between the two. Cory and I were in a room with the girl we were visiting, his old roommate. We were all sitting on the couch and she was complaining about her old neighbors. Apparently they were four goth kids who were always loud, and she had them kicked out of the neighborhood. Suddenly I remembered I had to go home to get something, and it was vital that I left right away. There was a railroad that ran right through the girl's living room, that started by her couch and entered a tunnel built into the wall on the right. Our car was still on the mountain, so the only transportation was this small platform with a single chair on it attached to the rails. I knew home was a long way away, and it would take me months to get there but I jumped on the platform and left that way anyway.

      Me and a bunch of people were all sitting in a cafeteria eating, when suddenly one person screamed and was carried off by an invisible force. Soon after, another person was taken. We realized that invisible hell hounds were attacking us so we barricaded ourselves in the cafeteria and this redneck guy that reminded me of the dude from Walking Dead just happened to have a rifle with him, so he put a chair next to the door and guarded the room. I told people that I had lots of swords in my room, so we got a few people to volunteer to leave the cafeteria with me to get the weapons. We left the barricade and headed down the hallway to my bedroom, which was very girly and had pink and dolls everywhere for some odd reason. One of the guys with us, a gangsta dude, was starting to doubt I had any swords at all in all that girly mess, so he flipped us off and left towards the cafeteria on his own. On his way out, one of the hell hounds attacked and dragged him off, so we grabbed all the swords and ran back to the barricade, slicing up all the hounds that tried to grab at us. After when seemed like days, we realized we couldn't stay there forever, and hoped that the threat had left, so we opened up the doors and went outside into the parking lot. But it wasn't safe, we were immediately jumped by a pack of hell hounds but were able to survive using the swords and the redneck guy's gun. We were then stuck in the parking lot because the door to the cafeteria had been opened and we had no idea if there were any hounds in there waiting for us. Someone discovered that the hounds would only attack us if they could see us, so we set out blankets and towels and stuff and huddled together under them so the hounds couldn't see us. I hid in a camping tent with three other people, and I remember feeling claustrophobic and couldn't move. The redneck guy sat near us with his gun to guard us.
    4. Angry bigfoot, dirty bathrooms, and a fuzzy lucid dream

      by , 10-12-2013 at 05:45 PM (Mouka's Mind Palace)
      A lucid dream where at first everything was fuzzy and I thought I was laying in bed imagining things, but then the dream became more vivid and I realized I was actually in a dream. I rubbed my hands together in an attempt to stabilize it better, which worked. I was standing in a hallway leading to a big library, with checkered floors. There were many levels to the library, and an inclined hallway attached each story to the last one. I tried summoning Afiel, using expectation instead of intent, since just having intentions never worked so well, and called out for him. I tried telling myself that he would be around a corner and then I would round the corner, but nothing happened. As I continued climbing up hallways calling out Afiel's name like a crazy person, I began to notice random dream characters shambling about the library, and I got self-conscious because I didn't want to make a fool of myself in front of them. I realized I couldn't control my surroundings because I was too focused on the other people in the library, and thus couldn't summon Afiel, my social anxiety was bothering me even in the dream! I told myself "Okay, you know, these people aren't real, just go around and say hello to all of them..." so I wandered through the bookshelves saying hello to everyone I saw, and everyone smiled and said hello back. I passed by one woman with black hair, crouched down looking at books on the bottom shelf, who gave me a strange look when I said hello. I bent down next to her and asked what was wrong, and she said "Are you wearing perfume?", and I was confused for a moment until I realized I was wearing my plumeria body lotion. I told her I had that on, and she replied "I smell vanilla on you, not plumeria." and I told her that maybe vanilla was an ingredient in the lotion or something, and she got all huffy and said she was allergic, so I just walked away confused. More happened, but this dream happened near the beginning of my sleep so most of it is fuzzy.

      I was undercover (or maybe a new transfer student or something?) at a school, and the lunchroom was outdoors. All the lunch tables were set up outside the school next to a giant old wooden deck. The deck was roped off because it was rotting and dangerous, and just touching it could cause it to collapse, but for some reason I really wanted to go stand on it. I remember thinking something weird was going on with the lunchroom food, so I would give the students a survey to take asking about their food and I got my own and analyzed it. I was starting to uncover some kind of secret but then they kicked me out. I also remember at some point going into the school bathroom, but it was gigantic and had dozens of rooms with hundreds of bathroom stalls, and also lots of bathtubs in-between some of the stalls. I wandered around the rooms trying to find a clean stall but they were all dirty, and I wondered what kind of person would take a bath in one of these tubs in such a dirty bathroom.

      Cory and I were at a grocery store in the produce aisle looking at potatoes and yams. It was a very high-end store because there were personal concierges in the aisles that told customers all about different foods and recommended things. Our concierge was showing us these exotic potatoes that looked like onions that had been cut into slices. She showed us green ones and red ones, and we didn't really want any of them, but I felt guilty having listened to her talk about them for so long only to not buy one, so I asked which one I should get. She said "Get whichever you think is healthiest." and for some reason I decided the green one was the healthiest so I put that in our cart. Then I noticed a poster on the wall talking about a gun auction and forest scavenger hunt, and she said that the owner of the store was auctioning off all his historical guns, but when I asked where in the store it was happening she informed us it would only take place online. Then I asked about the scavenger hunt, thinking I do geocaching so it might be fun to go, and she said it was taking place outside in the woods right now. Cory didn't want to go because he wanted to keep shopping, so I went into the woods alone. As soon as I went in, the dream shifted from first-person mode to a third-person perspective about six feet above my head. I found the group, and they paired me with another guy, saying nobody could go into the woods alone due to bigfoot sightings. My teammate and I searched through the woods together, but he had a rifle which made me nervous. I asked him why he needed a gun, and he said it was for protection against the bigfoot. I was bothered by that because I didn't want to kill a bigfoot, but he insisted they were dangerous. As we kept walking, suddenly I heard a gunshot and then we turned around and saw a big white bigfoot running right by us. I screamed, and he shot it, causing it to stop running and turn its attention to us. I was pissed that my teammate had shot it for no reason, plus the bullets didn't seem to do anything, and now we had an angry bigfoot coming at us. I freaked out and fainted. When I came to, the bigfoot was chained to a tree with some kind of heavy leash, and my teammate was throwing rocks at it. I told him to stop hurting it, and he turned around to look at me, causing him to drop his guard and the chained bigfoot grabbed him. It threw him against the ground over and over and then ripped a big strip of flesh off of his leg and ate it. I ran away screaming and flailing my arms about everywhere.