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    Snehk's Dreamlands

    1. [12-02-2017: Hotel fragment]

      by , 02-12-2017 at 11:08 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      It was nearing an evening. I was in my house, it was turned by someone into a five-star hotel just for my family. Sisters were wandering around the building naked. The hotel staff prepared a special bathroom for me.
    2. [05-02-2017: Dild]

      by , 02-05-2017 at 11:57 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I woke up in a bed in parents' bedroom. The house looked like in the old days, long before any renovations. I felt like going to toilet. I went through kitchen which looked just fine, then trough a hallway and to doors leading to small room (basement and attic access) before toilet. I opened doors and saw that attic hatch was open, violent streams of opaque pale blue water falling down. By the basement hatch I saw a ducts opening closed with grates, our dog, though zombified, desperately tried to get out of the ducts. It's body looked like that of a mummy, anger in it's eyes. I quickly closed doors and upon hearing my grandma saying "I'm done, toilet is free now!" I repoened them and let her pass, then finally got to the toilet. It looked horrible, the bathtub was moved to the middle of the room and looked really old. I sat on the toilet seat and thought "Wait, is that a dream?" I made a nose plug RC and confirmed that it was a dream, just when I finished what I started doing on the toilet seat. I looked around, and thought "Give me toilet paper." and it instantly appeared on a small shelf nearby. I finished everything and washed up hands, then thought "What should I do now?" when leaving the toilet. I went to kitchen and saw grandma sitting on a chair, somewhat sad. Then I got an idea and said in my mind "I know! I'll just make my grandma happy!". I started with tidying the house, waving my hands and everything tidied on a whim. Then I thought "Wait, I should wake up!", and so I did.
    3. [31-01-2017: Monsters & rooster, Working abroad, Dark magic, DILD]

      by , 01-31-2017 at 09:47 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)

      I saw a biome border between temperate grasslands and barren wastelands. I saw a huge hill forming a slope coming up to the height of sun as seen on the sky. People in that area wer living in cavern-houses and modest outside cottages. There were horrible monsters roaming the area, leopard-like predators made of bone and rocks with some fleshy bits in between and more creatures mentioned by people. I walked up the slope and then slid down to a huge valley and started escaping. The monsters were chasing me, I only had my bare hands to defend. I ran up to some volcanic rift, and decided to run back to safety of grasslands. I reached it and then place changed. It was a cold, early spring dawn. I went from behind my barn towards house, trying to avoid angry dogs on the way, and then suddenly turned to chicken pens. I reminded myself that I had to do something there before coming back home. I opened a gate, but one of roosters tried to escape the pen. I managed to stop it, saying "Don't leave the pens rooster, there are dogs out there that might eat you!"

      Working abroad

      I was sitting in my living room with some random people and my family. There was an old, bald man with a moustache that seemed familiar, his wife was as old he was, she was a redhea. There also were my two sisters and parents. I spoke with the man about some work we have to do and I started preparing, taking on layers of clothes and high shoes. It was something to do abroad. With younger sister we prepared and left the house. It was a warm morning, we sat on a wagon and set off after a while. Only then my sister told me that we're going to a working camp to become slaves, but everything was prepared so that we can get out of this. Just before the wagon left my possession, police appeared and stopped it, then arrested the old man and his wife.

      Dark magic

      With siblings and parents we drove to my aunt's house and entered it. The place was a strange amalgamate of my and their house. We went towards living room where TV was turned on. It was some new technology that made the TV project everything as a hologramme in the room. I saw some city with skyscrapers and thought "Godzilla?" Then something strange started to happen, hologrammes of the Godzilla and numerous mummies appeared. They were black with white outlines. The mummies hurled black orbs that on impact sent shrapnells at us and made more of them spawn. I recall that with my mind and by throwing one orb back, I beaten those mummies. Godzilla just stood there in the background, between skyscrapers. Suddenly everything turned to grayscale with blackness in the background. Strange undead or demon alike figures started to fight between themselves so they'd get a better view of me. They could've been waving to me too.


      I woke up in my bed, though my house again was a mix of my and my aunt's house. I left it and went towards bathroom. The light switches weren't working, I tried turning the lights on several times to no avail. I left the bathroom. Then I made nose plug RC as lights seemed unusuall and became lucid. I turned back and entered the bathroom. This time it was different, with rock-alike tiles in shades of brown, there was a huge bathtube in the middle of the room, with a tall mirror on the wall. The mirror reflected everything up from my stomach. I looked much younger, uglier and had shorter hair, I was wearing a camoe t-shirt. I recalled my current lucid goals - transformations and shape shifting. I took a towel that was hanging on nearby wall and obscured the mirror, then thought about changing. First I wanted to try changing into opposite gender. I used towel to obscure and reveal the mirror, changing parts of my body this way. I became naked after a first try. Suddenly I found myself outside the toilet, non-lucid. I repeated RC and became lucid again. I went back to bathroom and continued changing. Each time as I changed, my facial features were feminine and different from previous. Only thing that was in common with each of them was that my hair were black and eyes had darker shade of blue with mixture of brown. After a while changes weren't instant and I had to hold the towel in front of mirror for a while. Suddenly when I revealled the mirror, it summoned the reflection. A woman with dark hair and eyes and somewhat pleasant body was standing beside me. Curiously, only her reflected in the mirror. She looked at me, smiling. I touched her to shift into her body, and then she disappeared. I changed my head a few more times until I was good with the change, then started changing the torso. It was quite quick to get a female body. Suddenly someone approached me from behind, pointing a gun at my back. It was a blonde man in a black suit. He shot several times, but I ignored him and the shots. He disappeared after a while, his bullets not even touching my body. Then I started shifting lower parts of my body, this was the hardest as the mirror didn't reached it (and I haven't thought about enlargening it), and feeling coming with it were quite intense (more in a turn-on way though). I was trying to hold on and managed to stay in the dream. The lucidity faded away though and I stood there non-lucid. After a short while I woke up.
    4. [23/24-01-2017: 10th & 11th competition night]

      by , 01-24-2017 at 04:41 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      The lonely path

      It was evening, dark and cold. I left my house and wandered far away to mountains. There were two paths leading through them - the easy and ordinary, and much more dangerous and remote "The lonely path". I instantly chosen the second and started walking up the path. Suddenly I found myself back at a valley close to mountains, in place where one path split in two (the ordinary and lonely). I chosen lonely path again. Then I found myself back at my house, thinking "Each time, despite different circumstances, it leads to the same decision and outcome. Each time creating a separate universe." I ran to the road and saw a few cars passing by. I made a decision just before reaching the road - I'll chose the lonely path.

      The prom

      It was my prom made second time, as most of people wanted to repeat it. I was hesitant, but did appeared there. I was bored and wanted to leave. Everyone gathered outside the local - it was a busy city street. Everyone was talking about other participants of the party. Someone even called me bumptious.
    5. [22-01-2017: 9th competition night

      by , 01-22-2017 at 11:16 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I saw some underground cavern with small, blue glowing crystals. There was a whole society of intelligent chinchilas. They have gathered in the middle of the cavern. Chinchilla elder had some sack with glowing crystals, all of them were arguing until he made them quiet and said about prophecised end of the world. Suddenly water started gathering in the cavern. I turned into that elder chincilla with crystals. Everyone was escaping, but I decided that it would be for the better if I dive deeper and drown.

      Suddenly I found myself in my home, barricaded. Looking through windows I saw legions of zombies smashing everything on their way and going towards my house. I tried to move from bathroom to kitchen, but there were two zombies in the hallway. I ran past them, but doors to kitchen were barricaded too. Suddenly my sister with grandma opened them and helped me close them so zombies won't get us.
    6. [20-01-2017: 7th competition night]

      by , 01-20-2017 at 10:32 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)

      It was a warm afternoon. I was wandering some mixed forest (mostly deciduous, with some coniferous additions). I followed a path until I reached my house and went towards father's carpenty workshop. I entered it and saw my younger sister. Then we heard a radio alert about aliens landing. I grabbed her arm and wanted to run to the house, but apparently she had broken leg for some reason and we couldn't do it as quickly. Somehow I knew that she was the key to this whole aliens problem, as we left the workshop several government agents left other buildings of my backyard and chased us. We managed to escape to our house, but nobody was there. Everyone either escaped or put resistance to aliens. I wanted to barricade inside the house and wanted my sister to stay with me, but she escaped to some swamp. After a while I decided to join the resistance, finding my sister first. As I approached the exit, my family was back, bringing sister with them.

      Suddenly I woke up in my bed, in the middle of some meadow. There were two other beds, one was empty and my younger sister was on the other one. The meadow was surrounded by really scarce, young forest. There was some lake and ancient ruins nearby. Suddenly we saw a bright, shining orb floating on the sky. These were the aliens. With sister we searched for some weapons and started fighting with it. I caught the orb and punched it several times, but it still wasn't enough. Then I found a laser under one of pillows and started shooting the orb, but it still wasn't enoug to win.
    7. [11-01-2017: Sister, friend and a battery

      by , 01-11-2017 at 10:25 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was in my kitchen, it was evening. I had something in my pocket and took it out, it was a battery bent into a shape of c and encrusted with numerous small gems. I went to a hallway and saw my older sister and my friend, both of them were working abroad (though in different countries). My friend was giving my sister a basket with crackers. Suddenly doors to toilet opened and my pal leaned out. I showed him the battery and he said "Oh, that'll come in handy!" and then went back inside toilet, closing doors behind him.
    8. [21-11-2016: Punched by ghost and orgy]

      by , 11-21-2016 at 07:34 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      It was night, pitch black all around. With younger sister we were up a hill behind our house where we were building a shop. We already had one storey done, which we usd to sell stuf. We turned lights off and went back to our house in compete darkness. My sister fainted and I carried her back to house. When we were reaching the entrance, I felt a horrifying presence approaching. Suddenly I got punched in my face. It pained quite bad, despite that it wasn't a strong punch. I knew that it was a ghost that attacked me. I ran with my sister back to my house. I left her in living room and entered my room. Then I saw an enormous orgy.
      nightmare , non-lucid
    9. [20-11-2016: Car crash]

      by , 11-20-2016 at 10:14 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      It was evening, I went to my car that was parked in my backyard and turned the engine on. The car started driving backwards on it's own, and I stopped it just before hitting my house. Mother went out of house and started shouting at me. I drove froward, barely passing backyard gate, then I reversed, crashing with something and breaking front window. I finally parked the car and left it, mother said that she wanted to place something on wheels.
    10. [15-11-2016: Fragments]

      by , 11-15-2016 at 11:13 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I recall some brief fragments about school and house. It was probably during the same day, I was wearing a black hoodie and jeans trousers. First I drove a car, then I was walking around the school. Then I was back in my house, it was a late afternoon. I was talking with my mother.
    11. [07-11-2016: War]

      by , 11-07-2016 at 09:28 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      It was a warm summer day. With younger sister we were in some beautiful coastal city. Then suddenly we were in our house with with rest of family, we were sitting on a sofa in kitchen and talking about something. Suddenly we've heard sirens and everyone started to panic. Soldiers quickly approached our house and started a shootout. Planes were dropping bombs on my house and it's surroundings. Avoiding bullets, bombs and explosions I've ran into a doghouse, picking up some old pistol from second world war era. With dog we were sitting quietly. The dog looked at me and I saw that he somewhat smiled to me. I heard someone coming closer and pointed my gun, awaiting.
    12. [04-11-2016: fragments]

      by , 11-04-2016 at 09:19 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      WBTB attempt

      First fragment

      I recall a blurry fragmet in which I was in my house. It was a sunny afternoon, the house was before renovation. I was walking through a hallway.

      Second fragment

      I was wandering around my school.
    13. [02-11-2016: Alien]

      by , 11-02-2016 at 04:43 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      Failed WBTB

      It was a warm summer evening. The sky and clouds were reddish in lower parts. With someone I was waiting just outside my house. A priest came to my frontyard and made people a confession. I entered my house and saw my maths teacher, who turned into my younger sister when I didn't noticed. I came closer to her, but then she turned into an alien and attacked me with green tentacles. She grabbed my hands with these tentacles and tried to push them into her maw, I was struggling with her all the time. I managed to get free and ran outside, only to get back after a while. After more struggles, I reminded myself of some video tape or song recorded on a tape and the alien fallen on the floor, motionless.
    14. [21-10-2016: blurry fragments]

      by , 10-21-2016 at 03:10 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First fragment

      I recall only a blurry fragment, I was somewhere inside my house.

      WBTB attempt

      Second fragment

      I was somewhere in a city, it was close to evening.
      Tags: city, evening, house
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    15. [16-10-2016]

      by , 10-16-2016 at 07:52 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      Full moon night, as usual I had problems sleeping (a trait I share with my mother is that we usually can't sleep well when it's full moon). Woke up like 4 times during this night, I recall only three fragments. WBTB attempts failed.

      First fragment

      I was in a shop with my mother, we were buying something and talking with people.

      Second fragment

      I was in my house, the fragment was kinda blurry. I was doing something on the old PC.

      Third fragment

      I was in some city, it was a warm and sunny afternoon. I drove out of garage on a motorcycle that didn't has steering wheel, and drove around city like that.
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