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    1. Zodiac Movie

      by , 09-12-2010 at 07:09 PM
      Type: Regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      This was a scary-accurate dream.
      I was walking in the living room of my grandpa's house, which is out in British Columbia. The room was around twenty by twenty feet, making it pretty open, and the lighting was a bit darker than normal. The ceilings were high and the walls were beige with wood panelings on one wall. The floor was softer dark tan carpet.

      Against one wall was a tan sofa that would seat three people, and on the adjacent wall there was another one, which would probably seat four people. My father was sitting on this sofa, and had asked me if I had any movies to watch. I'd picked up the movie Zodiac from somewhere and I was walking towards him. I had recently bought it from a store for $6.99 (previously viewed), and this price was labeled on it with a yellow circle sticker. In the dream, the sticker was on it, in the same place. And the cover looked the same, too.

      I remember reading "Mark Ruffalo," "Jake Gyllenhaal", and "Robert Downy Jr." in the same order that was on the real case. I gave it to my father and acknowledged the condition of the case, saying, "yeah, it's previously viewed, but the disc is in perfect condition".

      He asked if it was a good movie and I replied, "it has a 89 on Rotten Tomatoes."

      I never produce the exact same numbers in my dreams as real life, so this tipped me off when I woke up. Look here for the current Zodiac rating.

      Updated 05-18-2023 at 07:12 AM by 28408

      non-lucid , memorable
    2. Drugs and a Movie

      by , 06-09-2010 at 03:56 PM
      Type: regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      My parents. I tend to have dreams where I'm at their houses, or when I'm at one we used to live in. This was the situation in this dream; my dad used to live in an apartment.

      The apartment had all beige walls. When you walked in, you'd be in a little area where you could take your shoes off and put them in a closet with wooden sliding doors, which was right in front of you. You turn to the right, and there's an ottoman. Keep going, two or three feet, and there's the open space of the living room, the dining room, and the study area. The dining room comes first; it's a basic round maple wood table with four chairs spaced evenly around it. Behind that, there's the study, with an L-shaped desk. Then, turn to the left, and there's a little 'movie area', with a flat screen TV and two couches. One is at a 90 degree angle to the TV, while the other one is directly in front. The couches are dark brown leather.

      This is where the dream began. It was night time; my dad was on the couch in front of the TV, I was standing beside him, and we were about to watch a movie. He hands me a movie and I look at it.

      "The Illusionist? I just watched this a few days ago! But I'll watch it anyways."

      I sat down beside him on the couch.

      That was true; I had actually watched the movie in real life less than a week ago. When I woke up, I was surprised a real movie was be in my dreams. Anyways, that's beside the point.

      He put the DVD in, and the disc menu looked almost exactly like the real thing. Although I cannot remember exactly what was in it, my father handed me a navy, rectangular box. It may have been some form of candy, or chocolate. I also remember opening it and exclaiming that I liked this "type" of food.

      The dream skipped, and I was now at the computer desk on a balcony. The floor of the balcony was tan marble tile, which actually looked very pretty, and the walls were all large square glass panels, separated by thin lines of silver structure. The desk faced out towards the window, which was looking out at a next-door apartment building. I was making graphics on the computer; game sprites, to be exact. I was making a character for an upcoming video game I was creating, which looked very intricate and detailed, even though I could never really have designed something like it. The sprite was around 50x50 pixels, was salmon-colored, and had yellow stripes. It looked almost like a fluffy hedgehog, of some sort. That's when I heard my dad coming; whenever I hear my parents coming, I always seem to close what I'm doing on the computer, no matter how innocent it may be (not like I do anything else). My dad walked in and I was just able to close the computer window with the sprite on it.

      He looked at me and asked "what are you doing?" fairly suspiciously.

      I was surprised by his reaction.

      I told him that I was creating sprites, but this only made him more suspicious. He asked me what sprites were, and before I could reply, he asked if they're a type of drug. I replied that they aren't, it's a type of computer graphic, but he began yelling and saying to never do that again.

      Updated 07-03-2011 at 07:05 AM by 28408
