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    CHiLLEN's Dream Journal

    1. One For You, One For Me (29.5.15)

      by , 05-28-2015 at 11:13 PM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      (Details a bit sketchy this morning)
      One For You, One For Me
      I'm inside somewhere and I'm spraying some kind of chemical onto it. Certain sprays have different results to the plants. I'm hearing someone mention them to me as I spray them onto the grass. I think about Dope plants as he explains about all the different sprays. I decide to spray the stuff into my mouth for some reason, I don't recall it having any taste. It dawns on me soon after that this stuff probably isn't the best to be ingesting. Either I figure it out or someone mentioned it to me. I begin to freak out and spit what ever I can out of my mouth. I notice my hearts skipping beats as I monitor it.

      I'm at my old house in Merinda Park and the phone rings. Someone picks it up and talks to Lois who was on the other end. She was asking if I was interesting in going out for dinner, and that herself and husband wouldn't be attending because they have dinner in the fridge that needs to be cooked. I felt as if they could have work around it and maybe have their dinner for lunch that day.

      I feel like it will be a good idea to go to the dinner as I will be able to get to know some of the people better. I think they were from my school. I remember chatting to someone? Josh's future mrs?

      I'm inside somewhere and there's tables. I see Josh's future mrs there.

      Side Notes
      Even though I feel groggy upon awakening, I deeply and completely accept myself. (Seemed to do its job for me)

      I recall my dreams upon awakening....I d
      I remember my dreams upon awakening.... I d
    2. Phone Call/Remembering The Lyrics/Dream Fragment

      by , 10-25-2013 at 03:37 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1:
      I'm on the phone to Tash S. I hang up by accident and call her back even though I knew I had pre-paid and usually a tight ass when it comes to calling people. Her Mum answers and say's ''is that you Dean? Tash has a guy around''. Tash is now talking to me, and I make it quick, cause I don't want to be rude and stay on phone when she has a guest.

      I'm at my old house in Crystal G's, but Tash lives here. She's in her bed room and the door is closed.

      Dream 2:
      I'm outside a house near St agatha's with Ash K and I'm trying to remember a chorus from a song. I write it down on the footpath with a weird substance? soapy? We both laugh about the lyrics I have written down, which are wrong, but Ash knows which song I'm talking about. I can see the song on youtube. The original of the song is sung by a Chinese band which is spelt similar to this ''A1L0UD733T''. There's an English version of the song which is sung by The Beatles. I play the English version and realize I was pretty off with my choice of lyrics.

      Dream Fragment:
      Collingwood beat Lions by 5 points (105 - 100). I see the MCG.

      I need to accept that I have woken up without moving and can try to DEILD. I try and bring on a scene and I notice a small scene of a tree with no leafs on it (Sky View).