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    1. Full Lucid Flying! Now thats what I'm talkin bout! Awesome Star Wars dream too.

      by , 05-05-2012 at 02:23 PM
      We were in the millenium falcon traveling through space. R2-D2 was piloting a bigger ship behind us, tailgaiting us and firing at our engines. We could fire back, but it wasn't helping much. The ships were so close together, it was like they were connected. So I went to the back of the ship and held the cover over the laser aperture shut so it couldn't hit us anymore. It was funny I got my foot over the cover, & I can see the bright light that seems to be flashing off my shoe. That buys us some time but it isn't a permanent solution. So I have the co-pilot open the com. I start by saying "hey R2, buddy, we are your friends. You don't want to be shooting us." Then I motion/tell the real Han Solo who is standing next to me now to talk over the com to R2. Gah, I can't remember what he said exactly, but he sounds just like Harrison Ford is supposed to. Although he sounds very persuasive, R2 doesn't buy it. After the com channel is closed, I could have swore Han quoted a movie line at me, like "well that didn't work. Got any better ideas?" R2 is still bearing down on us and uses his bigger ship to force us down through a planet's atmosphere and land. At least we are on the ground now and not being shot anymore.

      I go into 3rd person and am inspecting the ship that forced us down. It seems the dream is reading details to me about the ship like a schematic. The ship R2 was piloting was imperial in design, and had a clear window made of unbreakable corellian durasteel. That was the main point. Then I go back to 1st person view with a group of DCs on the planet's surface.

      We are on the ground now. Some more DCs show up and some of my family members are there, although they are younger looking. There is this one woman who has come out of R2-D2's ship and she shows us why we are here. This planet is cold and has some snow patches on the ground. She finds one berry, like the last berry around for miles, and starts chewing it. She starts moaning because it is so good. She shares the taste of the berry with other DCs at this point by giving several of them a kiss, starting with Han Solo, though she doesn't kiss me. I happen to be off to the side of the group a bit anyway. It turns out this planet is drying up, climate change, and cannot produce food like it used to for its population. There is much dryed out long grass, and many dead trees. There was a patch of nice green grass, but it was as if summer had turned cold early and it snowed. The woman took us here to show us this, because this planet was worth saving.

      We start talking to a farmer asking him what exactly their situation was with the crops. He explained pretty much what I already knew. I could tell Han was thinking of ways we could correct the problem. I jumped in with, "well I suppose you don't have a fleet of (space) ships?" The farmer was like "no, we don't." Scratch that idea, but I could tell Han was already thinking of something else. Our group was following the farmer now, watching the farming operations. They were using some kind of modified AT-ST to help clear the dead trees from the land. This thing could "run" about ten times faster than the AT-ST's you see in the movies. It was creepy in the way that it moved. They also had a backhoe type vehicle that could keep up with the speed of the AT-ST. It also was clearing land.

      As we got closer we came to a point where a paved road was close to where they were working. As the backhoe vehicle was out of the forest with a load of logs, it was bumping into other dead trees causing some of them to break and fall. Three trees at the edge fell, and nearly hit some DCs, but they merely jumped out of the way. It was pretty impressive moves they were doing, but the DCs didn't seem to think anything of it.
      I'm pointing this out to my DCs as well and I'm telling them, "well at least I'm not getting hit by a tree." No sooner did I say that, then a tree falls my way as if to spite me. It is a good thing I seem to have the same agility as my DCs, because I jump out of the way as it crashes to the ground beside me on my left. I start getting mad, and accusing my DCs of "making" the tree fall on me, like they did it on purpose somehow as a joke. This is where I start getting lucid. I walk over to a parked car that is on the road, lifted the front end clear off the ground, and pushed the car about 30 foot down the road with the back tires skidding on the pavement. I felt the "rush" of having super strength. By doing this display of strength, it was like telling my DCs to stop F-ing with me.

      Lucid Now
      As I walked back over to the group, I finally think to myself, I'm in my dream, duh! I calm down now realizing there is no point to being mad at my DCs. I tell the crowd kind of flippantly, "hey everyone, I'm in my dream." After saying that I bend my knees and jump into the air and do the slow levitation style flight.
      I look down at them and say, "y'all can suck @$$. I can fly."
      Everyone below me is like "wow, he's flying."

      As I start flying, I am thinking how not to wake up. I say out loud, "stabilize dream." That seems to work, and gives the dream some clarity. So I fly over to another dead tree, grab it and it breaks off at its base. I'm not in the mood for smashing stuff so I just let it drop to the ground. No one was in the way. I fly a short ways back over to my young sister, who seems to be a little girl around 10 or so now. I don't know what is up with the age regression in my dream. My sister is on the ground in front of me and I try to levitate her by telekinesis. I extend my left hand and focus, the first try isn't working. I wait a second, then try again. My will grabs her this time and she floats up to my height, where I tell her, "Hey, you're flying." She seems all happy about it, even though it is really me doing it. After a minute of making her fly, I can tell I'm overdoing it, so I simply grab my little sister to hold her instead of using my concentration. I was able to land and set her down safely, but I didn't have enough time to stabilize my dream again. I woke up.
    2. Chased by Chewbacca and R2-D2

      by , 04-15-2012 at 05:42 PM
      In my dream I was being chased around by the wookiee Chewbacca and R2-D2 from Star Wars. We were aboard either a large ship or space station. I keep managing to evade them, but every time I think I'm safe I run into them again. I try to slip by them, but always at the last moment, Chewbacca turns around and sees me. The chase begins again. This happens about 5 times total in my dream. I don't know why Chewbacca was after me, maybe he wanted to rip my arms off and beat me with them? But finally I manage to loose them for good.

      Next I'm walking around this barren rocky area. There are bones of dead creatures around, including the bones of dinosaurs. Most of the bones were embedded in the rock and couldn't be moved. I remember tugging on one of the bigger dinosaur skulls, wouldn't budge. There were some scavenger animals that came around and carried off the smaller bones that were not stuck. Moving on, I come to another area where this monkey is clowning around on these solid, rocklike boxes that are stacked up. Over to one side, where a set of these boxes are stacked, their tops are partially carved into statue like formations. Included in the carved stone was a phallus symbol, and as I walked near these things, liquid came out of that part and got me all wet. Discusted, I turn the box-statues around so they don't face in my direction anymore. A lady who was wearing condoms over her hand and forearm comes over to me to help me out with these box-statue things. The thing isn't as heavy as it looks, and I'm holding it up as she attempts to clean a pipe on the bottom of this thing. She gives up after she decides its too gross of a job to do, and I'm in agreement with her.

      We walk along, and there are still more rocklike boxes ahead. These are setting on the ground in a group, but enough space in between to walk through. These all have this blue gelatin mass on top in a cone shape, or shaped like half an egg. As I start messing with one, it is firm, but pliable. Sort of like that Dr Scholls gelatin insert for your shoes. This stuff can be re-shaped, but it does take considerable effort. I am under the impression at this point that these things are supposed to be used for a woman's pleasure. Once I understand that, I stop messing with the thing and I wake up.
    3. Old Dream - The Grim Reaper

      by , 04-05-2012 at 04:47 PM
      I had a dream that the grim reaper was walking on a path nearby. I was above the path, on a metal pedestrian bridge. I think the bridge actually spanned a stream, but I didn't take time to actually look for it. I started yelling at him to get his attention, then spit on him when he ignored me. So the skeleton in black rags with a scythe turned around and went back up the path and past the bridge. So I'm like hey dummy I'm right here as I start going after him. He then turns around towards me, a few steps away, and I start using the dark side force powers on the grim reaper to control him. I can feel the force disturbance I'm causing, and it's like a battle of wills between the grim reaper and I. I feel doomed if I lose the battle, so I keep it up until the reaper brushes by me real annoyed like and heads away from me. At that point I stop using the dark side, and am relieved that nothing came of it.