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    Lydia's Game of Dreams

    Regular Dream - Semi-lucid Dream - Lucid Dream - Notes

    This is a record of my dreams. Some will be of video games or books, others will be completely nonsensical, and I'm hoping to have an increasing number of lucids. Thanks for looking and I hope they will inspire someone, or at least that people will find them entertaining.

    1. The Dark Tower: Hijacked Door

      by , 12-06-2019 at 05:10 AM (Lydia's Game of Dreams)
      2019, 12-05

      The Dark Tower: Hijacked Door

      Regular Dream - Video Game / Semi-lucid - Lucid Dream - Notes

      I am playing a game of Ratchet and Clank VR. I am wondering where I managed to find such a cool game. I am thinking it's a prototype and I'm testing it. The strange thing is I am not playing as Ratchet. I am Ratchet's partner. He has Clank on his back as usual, and I am also working with him. I still get to use all of the same cool weapons from a Ratchet and Clank game. We are on planet Pokitaru in some kind of factory. We are making our way through the factory to shut down the production of evil robot clones that are programmed to kill on sight. Right now I am thinking Dr. Nefarious is behind it. There are two levels up ahead. Ratchet makes use of Clank’s helipack and they take the second level. I am on the lower level blasting enemy robots that are coming from both sides. I glance up and see Ratchet cruise across an opening with Clank’s help.

      I come to a door and go through it onto a beach. My blaster is out of ammo! I put it in an interdimensional pocket as I look to see where I am now. I see a man up the beach a short way. I head in that direction and I find the man is Roland Deschain from the Dark Tower books. He is getting quite sick from the poison of the lobstrocities. I healed his hand, but the poison remains. I use more healing energy on him to help him feel better, but it will not heal the poison. He will feel better for a while but will get sick again. In order to make him truly well we need medicine from Eddie Dean’s world. We soon come to a door with the words “The Prisoner” carved on it. This is the door! Roland, feeling quite a bit better if only for a short time, opens the door. Before either of us can react black tendrils reach through the door and grab both of us. We are pulled through the door and it slams closed behind us.

      We are on a vast and desolate plane surrounded by a strange group of assholes. Taheen and Can-Toi from the Dark Tower books, Thalmor from Skyrim, and Templars from Assassin’s Creed. A Taheen with the head of a bear says we should have let go of our quest for the Dark Tower, but now they will have to kill us. I focus on creating an Immortal Fire from the song Dark Power of Abyss by Rhapsody. “Suddenly, the unreal silence is broken by a lament… a lament coming up from the deepest, darkest abyss. And from the seven gates of the dark fortress, the dead come back to life to face them… this is hell!” The bear Taheen tells me to shut up, but it’s too late. “Immortal Fire, now rise, light my heart, light my way through the darkness, a guardian of space and time!” A wall of light fire explodes out from Roland and me, incinerating all of the enemies in its path. There could be more enemies, Roland is thinking the same. He runs for the door and goes through it. I follow him, hoping the beach is waiting for us on the other side. But instead of getting there I wake up.
    2. Dark Tower: Algul Siento

      by , 09-13-2019 at 04:46 AM (Lydia's Game of Dreams)
      2019, 09-12

      Regular Dream - Video Game / Semi-lucid - Lucid Dream - Notes

      Dark Tower: Algul Siento

      I am in Thunderclap from the Dark Tower books. Roland, Eddie, Jake, and Susanna are all gathered in preparation for their assault on Algul Siento, which is where the breakers are being held while they work on breaking one of the remaining beams supporting the Dark Tower. I tell Roland that I can use a song to remove the brainwashing on the breakers, increasing the chances of them helping. Roland says no, that may help after but for now he didn't want the breakers helping, it would make it too hard to determine who the enemies are. Right now there are only a few people on our side, and anyone else coming at them with a weapon could be assumed to be an enemy. I agree to go along with that plan.

      As we are talking I see MoSh arrive. He looks at me and says that Algul Siento has some serious giant spider problems, but don't worry about it... giant spider went squish. I am wondering if he means Mordred. If Mordred is dead that’s one fewer problems to deal with. I ask MoSh what happened with the giant spider but Roland says the horn will blow soon, signaling the change in shifts. He says we have to be in position by then. It seems MoSh and I don’t have a part in the plan since no one knew that we would be there, so we decide that MoSh and I will just do whatever we can to cause as much chaos among the guards, Can-Toi, and Taheen that we can. And try to keep the breakers safe.

      I think I will stay with MoSh, but I see he has already gone off towards Algul Siento. I try to catch up with him but a couple of guards with guns get in my way. One of them has the head of a rat, the other looks to be human. The human says he doesn’t recognize me, the rat says he’s sure I’m not one of the breakers. I tell them I’m not a breaker, I’m a fus’er. They look confused, the human asks what a fus’er is. I say I’m glad he asked… FUS-RO-DAH! With a sound like thunder the two guards are thrown backwards and they slam into an electric fence, getting electrocution added to the fus’ing. I change my right arm into an Alex Mercer blade and cut through the three electric fences that surround Algul Siento.

      Now the chaos begins. The horn sounds, signaling the changing of the shift. There are explosions from opposite sides of the small settlement. There is the sound of gunfire and someone is sending out a telepathic message to go South with your hands up and you won’t be hurt. I ignore that message, putting up a block so I won’t have to hear it so loud. I have my Alex Mercer blade formed, so I put it to use as some of the Taheen guards are going past me towards the sound of the gunfire. I don’t have a clear memory of the fight, but when it is ending I see the warden of this prison camp, Pimli Prentiss, lying on the ground, wounded. I see Susanna and Eddie celebrating. Then I see Pimli Prentiss raising a gun. This is where he shoots Eddie! I go and step on the hand raising the gun before he can lift it. I say he’s not going to shoot Eddie this time before using my Alex Mercer blade to remove his head.

      I watch Susanna and Eddie embracing for a bit more and then I hear Sheemie running through the streets yelling at the top of his lungs that the beam says thank you, the beam says it’s not too late, all may still be well! This seems to have made Sheemie unbelievably happy. I see he is limping. I go to him and ask if he is hurt. He says his foot hurts a little, but not too bad, and the beam says thank you, all may yet be well! I tell him I want to look at his foot. He says there’s no need, but I insist. He takes off his slipper and I see a nasty cut on his foot. I focus healing energy on that injury, I remember in the book it became infected and Sheemie died from it. Now he won’t be dying from that at least. I wonder where MoSh has gone to. I look around for him for a bit but then I wake up.
    3. Dark Tower of Skyrim: Between Two Worlds

      by , 08-30-2019 at 03:49 AM (Lydia's Game of Dreams)
      2019, 08-29

      Regular Dream - Video Game - Lucid Dream - Notes

      Dark Tower of Skyrim: Between Two Worlds

      I am playing Skyrim VR. I am starting over yet again though I don’t know why. I am in the cart with Ralof, Ulfric, and Lokir. We go through the gate into Helgen. I see Elenwen and I know she and the Thalmor are responsible for my repeating this so many times. I call to her that their plan will fail! The tower will stand, the rose will be preserved, the gunslinger will finish his quest. And I don’t care how many times they make me repeat this timeline! Elenwen looks a bit alarmed, like I wasn’t supposed to realize I’ve been repeating this time period or that their target is the tower. We get off the cart, Lokir runs and gets killed, my name isn’t on the list but the captain says I should die anyway. Then Tullius starts his monologue. Elenwen interrupts and says she wants me executed first. I tell her that won’t do any good. Tullius gets angry and says he’s in charge here, and the traitor will be the first to… then Alduin arrives and torches the building behind Tullius. Everyone runs for cover. I yell after Elenwen that I will find her and I will fus her with a full FUS-RO-DAH! I am surprised when the fus works and Elenwen is blasted from her horse. Ulfric stares at me, then our path to the tower is cut off by Alduin’s flame. So Ulfric and I go into the inn.

      I hurry through the door into the inn and run into Ulfric, who has stopped. I see we are in the lobby of an apartment building or hotel. Ulfric is completely confused by the modern looking setting. I look for the door back to Helgen, but it is gone. The only door leads out onto a busy modern street. I am thinking this must be one of my mods, but it has started too soon! And Ulfric isn’t supposed to be here! I distract Ulfric from looking outside to the busy street teeming with cars, I tell him I will get him back to Skyrim. But I’m not even sure what is happening, though I don’t tell him that. I follow the sound of voices into a dining room that is filled with a black mist that makes it look like Silent Hill. Father Callahan is in the room holding up the scrimshaw turtle. At least dozens of people are looking at the turtle, enraptured. Many of them have purple auras, others have animal heads, and others have red pulsing holes in their foreheads. Vampires, Taheen, and Can-Toi. I quickly tell Ulfric not to look at the object Callahan is holding or he will be entranced as well. I resist an urge to turn my own gaze on the turtle that emits so much light. I say the vampires are about to attack, I have to help Callahan. He won’t die in this instance!

      As I approach Callahan the tapestry on the wall is torn down and the ugliest vampires I have ever seen enter the room. It looks like their fangs have grown wild, they have too many teeth to fit in their mouths! Callahan holds a glowing cross towards them and that keeps them at bay. This shift of focus allows a fat Taheen to lunge at Callahan and knock the turtle from his hand. Now several Can-Toi and Taheen move towards Callahan, their leader seems to be a malformed version of Big Bird. I am too far away to attack directly, but not too far away to fus. FUS-RO-DAH! I fus the enemies coming at Callahan, sending them flying across the room. The fus distracts Callahan, however, and the vampires make their move. They all get fus’d by Ulfric as they attack, throwing them against the far wall. Now everyone attacks. At first I am cutting down enemies with my Alex Mercer blade but then I see the dark clouds close around some of the enemies and I think that can be healed. I call up a crescent moon wand like in Sailor Moon and use a moon healing effect to fill the room with light energy. I telepathically tell those healed to get out since Callahan and Ulfric won’t be able to tell them apart from the other enemies. I don’t see details of what is going on, but I hear more fus’ing and quite a bit of gunfire. I know Callahan had a gun, did someone else join in? Soon all of the enemies are either dead or have fled.

      Now the fight is over, or I thought it was over. I hear a gunshot from out in the black fog and the shot hits Ulfric right between the eyes. Shit! That will break too many quests! It’s a good thing I’d placed a quicksave when I thought the fighting was done. At first I’m not sure how to load that save game, but somehow I make it happen. So this time I am able to throw up a Witchblade shield just in time to block the bullet that would have killed him. I look into the fog but I can’t see who fired the shot. I call out, asking who is out there. But then I feel I am almost out of time. I have to get Ulfric back to Skyrim. But how? I need to find a door… but a door to Skyrim? Is there such a door?
      But I’m about to wake up. Wake up? Is this a dream instead of a game? No time to consider. I open a portal to Windhelm and I go to push Ulfric through it, no time to explain what is happening. There is another gunshot and this time I can feel the bullet pass between Ulfric and me as I push him towards the portal, but I wake up before I get him through it.