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    Skyrim: The Slaver Trap

    by LydiaIsDreaming on 12-13-2019 at 07:08 PM
    2019, 12-11

    Skyrim: The Slaver Trap

    Regular Dream - Video Game / Semi-lucid - Lucid Dream - Notes

    I am at a mall with my mother. The fact my mother is coming with me into a mall should have triggered a reality check... she NEVER does that. But it seems normal to me. We go into the mall and start looking around. I have the idea the place is just about to close so we don't have much time. We go into a clothing store and I look to see if there is anything I like that will fit me. Neither my mom nor I find anything in our sizes. We leave and go to a video game / music store. There are both new and used games. I try a demo of a Mario Cart game, but I'm not doing very well. I keep driving off of the road. I start thinking the controller might be broken, because no matter how steady I hold it the car veers off to the right. I leave that and look for my mom. I don't see her. Apparently the game store is open later than the rest of the mall, it is still opening and showing no signs of closing. I go to another demo station. This has a cordless VR headset. I look at the price and cringe, it is almost $2,000. But I can still try the demo! I put the headset on and find I am in Skyrim VR. The graphics look great! I realize there are no controllers, but I can see my hands. My hands are the controllers! I want this sooooo bad... so I get into the demo.

    I find I am in Windhelm just outside the Palace of the Kings. I have a quest marker near the main gates to Windhelm, so I hurry to there. Ambarys, the dark elf from the New Gnsis CornerClub is there waiting. What does he want? He's one of the most racist assholes in Windhelm, along with Rolff Stone-Head. When I approach him he says he was about to give up on me coming. I wonder if I could help him get over his racist tendencies. I have decided I need a way to do this that doesn’t involve a fus to the face. That is not very effective. With this in mind, as Ambarys and I leave Windhelm I start singing the song See Who I Am by Within Temptation. “Is it true what they say? Are we too blind to find a way? Fear of the unknown clouds our hearts today. Come into my world, see through my eyes. Try to understand, don't want to lose what we have…” Ambarys asks if I’m now a bard, too? I don’t answer, I just continue. “See who I am, break through the surface. Reach for my hand, let's show them that we can free our minds and find a way. The world is in our hands, this is not the end.” Light energy forms around us and flows through Ambarys. I don’t know what brought him to hate those different than him, but this should help more than a fus to the face.

    We soon arrive at an isolated part of the road from Windhelm to Kynesgrove. I tell Ambarys to keep hidden, I’ll go out there and be a traveler to hopefully draw the orc out. Ambarys says if the orc gets me there’s nothing he can do. I say if the orc gets me it will be the orc’s problem, not Ambarys’. It is late afternoon as I walk down the street as if I’m in no particular hurry to get anywhere. I hear someone call for help from behind a bush. I carefully approach and find a male orc leaning on a tree, holding his side. I ask if he is ok. He says a bandit attacked him and he needs help. I get a little closer and he jumps on me. I respond immediately with a fus. FUS-RO-DAH! The orc is launched into the air. He flies out across the road and slams into a tree. He struggles to get up. I tell him I know he is the one who has been kidnapping travelers and selling them as slaves, that ends now. He is pissed and says I won’t live to tell anyone. I ask where he has been taking the slaves he captures. He says he’ll never tell me. I use my telepathy and read it from his mind. I tell him he just did tell me. He pulls out an axe and comes at me. It is too easy to cut him down with my Alex Mercer blade.

    I return to Ambarys and ask if he has seen anyone else involved with the slaves. He says no, just the orc. And he only made the one deal with him, he’d never done anything like that before. He seems desperate to make me believe that. He says I have to tell the jarl that. I say my word might not mean a lot since I fus’d said jarl in the face for being rude. He looks shocked and asks what the jarl did… I shrug and say he fus’d me back. Then I start to wonder if I screwed up and will have to load a previous save. Fus’ing Ulfric in the face probably isn’t the best way to get his cooperation, but maybe solving the slave trade issue will make up for it. I tell Ambarys I won’t mention his involvement, but I can’t say that for anyone else. Tell everyone it had to look like he was in on the slave trade to keep from tipping that orc off. And the orc is in multiple pieces, he can’t argue. We are headed back when I wake up.
    lucid , non-lucid , memorable

    Skyrim: A Fus for a Fus

    by LydiaIsDreaming on 12-09-2019 at 10:02 PM
    2019, 12-09

    Skyrim: A Fus for a Fus

    Regular Dream - Video Game / Semi-lucid - Lucid Dream - Notes

    I am at a toy show. I am there by myself, but that doesn't seem odd. I am looking at classic toys. I find a model of the God-Phoenix from G-Force anime. I always liked that ship so I look closer to see how much it is. I notice there are some pieces missing, but they look like pieces I could make myself out of clay. And the price is way discounted because of the damage! I pick it up and see part of it slides open to reveal the interior. This is cool. There are little figures sitting inside the ship. I take the ship to the cashier to buy it. The cashier looks at the model, then at the price, then calls his assistant over. He gets angry at the assistant, saying he labeled the God Phoenix wrong. He reveals to me that the price is somewhere around ten times what it was marked. After briefly arguing I give up and leave without the model. I wonder if he priced it wrong on purpose to get people wanting it and unwilling to let it go when they find out the real price. I am angry and I walk outside, not paying much attention to those around me. Our of the corner of my eye I see a woman trying to hold a sick looking man up. My anger fades and I go to help her. When she looks up I see she is an elf... it's Suvaris from Skyrim! She asked where I'd gone, leaving my friend to her. I look and see the man is Roland Deschain from the Dark Tower books. I look around and I realize I'm not in Tucson anymore. It looks more like Windhelm. I help Suvaris support Roland to take him... I don't remember where we're taking him, but I hope he can get help.

    Suvaris, Roland, and I arrive at the Palace of the Kings. Suvaris says she won’t go inside. I tell her there is no reason not to help me get Roland inside. She says there is a good reason, but continues helping me as I get Roland inside. Ulfric is in there and asks who Roland is? Ulfric sees Suvaris even though she is trying to stay hidden behind Roland and me. Ulfric looks annoyed and asks what she’s doing here. I say she’s helping with my friend, who has been poisoned. Ulfric says he wants Suvaris out now. I tell Ulfric not to make me fus him. Ulfric says he will agree to a lot of things but he will not… I don’t want to hear another rude word so I turn and fus Ulfric in the face. FUS-RO-DAH! He flies into the wall. Suvaris looks shocked and asks what I’ve done. I say it's no big deal, all I did was fus Ulfr… I lose my hold on Roland as I get fus’d. I am thrown against a wall, now I’m fighting uncontrollable laughter. The fact I got fus’d back seems hilarious. Now I want to try something. I get up and ask if Ulfric calls that a fus, that wasn’t a fus, it was a gentle breeze. I annoy him into fus’ing me again, but I respond with Whiplash by Metallica. The force of the fus reflects back at Ulfric. I tell Roland I’ve learned something new… it IS possible to fus yourself! Then I crack up laughing.

    I take hold of Roland again and my laughter dies instantly. He’s burning up with fever. The poison has come back with a vengeance. Suvaris says to stop this nonsense, she’s leaving. She pushes Roland onto me and leaves. Roland is barely conscious. He calls me Susan and tries to kiss me. He is delirious. I tell him I’m not Susan… I’m Raven. It looks like Ulfric wants to be pissed but is more curious. He asks how I did that; how did I turn his shout back on him? It’s the whiplash effect, which will reflect any energy-based attack back at the attacker. To be honest I’d been unsure if it would work on a fus. Roland passes out. Ulfric motions to a couple guards (who surprisingly stayed out of our fus exchange) and they take Roland. I tell them no, leave Roland alone, I’m the one who attacked Ulfric, Roland did nothing… let him go or I'll fus your asses straight to... Ulfric interrupts and says they will take Roland to the court mage, Wuunferth, to get healing. He says a guard told him one of the elves was helping me catch a slave trader? Crap… I’m supposed to meet Ambarys to stop that orc! I look at Roland as the guards take him from the room. I hesitate. Ulfric insists Roland will be fine. I say I have to stop the orc and leave, only to wake up just outside the doors.
    lucid , non-lucid , memorable

    The Dark Tower: Slaves in Skyrim

    by LydiaIsDreaming on 12-06-2019 at 10:41 PM
    2019, 12-06

    The Dark Tower: Slaves in Skyrim

    Regular Dream - Video Game / Semi-lucid - Lucid Dream - Notes

    I am at a school. I am looking for my class. It seems I have forgotten where it is. I have some idea, but not an exact one. I need to look at my schedule, but I don't have that with me, either. The office should be able to give that to me, but I know I will be late. I head for the office. Even if I miss class today I will need it later. When I am on my way to the office I see an area that looks familiar. A circular building with rooms around it. Maybe I remember now... I count doors until I find the one closest to the main building. I peek in the window and see it is my class. With a sigh of relief I go inside. It doesn't look like the teacher is in yet. I sit at my computer and load up the project I'm working on. This is a programming course and my project is game related. I ask my neighbor where the teacher is. He looks at me like I'm an idiot and says this is a free study period, we just work on our projects. I feel a bit dumb. I drag a couple things around and edit a line of code then I compile. It looks good, I need a test. I put on a virtual reality headset to test my progress.

    I am now in Skyrim VR. I look around, surprised to see this instead of my project. I am in the New Gnisis Cornerclub in the Gray Quarter of Windhelm. I do a double-take as I see the man beside me is Roland Deschain from the Dark Tower books. There are people sitting around eating and drinking and chatting. Roland does a double-take, he seems as surprised to be here as I am. The bartender, Ambarys, tells us that our kind aren’t welcome here. The room goes quiet as everyone turns to see what is going on. I see everyone in the room is a dark elf. I tell Roland we have to find our way back to the beach anyhow, I am thinking to get Roland back to the right place at least. He says to wait, he hears something. He walks to the far wall, which seems to alarm Ambarys. Roland says someone behind that wall needs help. Ambarys says that’s absurd, there’s nothing beyond that wall.I use Aura Whisper to see if there is anyone back there. Laas-yah-nir… There are three people back there! I search the wall and find a loose panel. When I pull that panel the wall slides open.

    A blast of gas comes out of a small room. Two men and a woman are chained up in the room. The woman is weakly calling for help. The men are sleeping. As the gas clears the prisoners start waking up. Roland talks to the woman. She says she remembers very little… an orc needed help but then he blew something in her face and said she would make a good slave… A woman I recognize as Suvaris from Skyrim says, “Oh, Ambarys… slaves? You’re trading slaves?!” Ambarys says he’s just holding them until their owner comes back and takes them to sell them. That damn orc said they would stay asleep the whole time! Revyn Sadri asks, “What have you done?” Other customers are voicing their disapproval. Ambarys is surprised at their reactions. He says he did it for them! With the coin he makes he can make a better life for all of them! Suvaris says people like Ambarys are why things never get any better around here! I get the chains off of the prisoners. One man is disoriented, the other mutters expletives about an orc. They have only minor injuries, so I use a healing spell and fix that up.

    Ambarys is worried someone will tell the jarl about the slaves and he’ll be executed. I tell him to help me catch the orc and I’ll make sure he’s safe. He finally says he heard the orc talking to an outsider about a place he waylays travelers. A guard comes to arrest Ambarys. I say no, don’t. He says the jarl ordered it. I tell him to tell Ulfric that Ambarys is working with the dragonborn to stop to this slave trade bullshit, which is what he asked me to do. So unless the guard wants to explain how the slave trader got away… the guard asks how he can be sure I’m the dragonborn. I fus Ambarys with one word then ask how many people can do that? The guard says he will inform the jarl and leaves. Ambarys asks why I fus’d him. I say it was for getting hooked in this slave business instead of reporting the orc. He says he doesn’t care who is sold as a slave unless it’s a Dunmer. I hold my thumb and forefinger a centimeter apart and tell him he is that close to getting a full fus for being a racist asshole. He says it’s the Nords who are racist. I agree some are, and I fus them for it, too.

    I tell Ambarys to show me where the meeting point is. He says no, the orc will kill him. I say the orc would have to get past me first, and that won’t happen. Is he going to show me or was I wrong when I said he was helping me stop the slave trade around here? He reluctantly says he’ll show me. He needs to get something and I should meet him by the gate. I tell him to make sure and be there. He says he will. He goes upstairs. Roland is looking sick again. Suvaris asks what is wrong, I tell her Roland has been poisoned… Suvaris says Wuunferth should have a potion, just get Roland to the palace. She says she can help me get him there, but she won’t go in, her kind is not welcome. I tell her that’s bullshit; anyone is welcome there. She says I clearly don’t know how things work here. I say I do, and I know it is going to change really fast or the Thalmor are going to tear this place apart and break the tower and plunge Nirn and Mundus and all of the planes of Oblivion into chaos and… I think I said too much. Roland is getting worse, so I accept Suvaris’ help. But as she is helping me with Roland I wake up.
    non-lucid , memorable

    The Dark Tower: Hijacked Door

    by LydiaIsDreaming on 12-06-2019 at 05:10 AM
    2019, 12-05

    The Dark Tower: Hijacked Door

    Regular Dream - Video Game / Semi-lucid - Lucid Dream - Notes

    I am playing a game of Ratchet and Clank VR. I am wondering where I managed to find such a cool game. I am thinking it's a prototype and I'm testing it. The strange thing is I am not playing as Ratchet. I am Ratchet's partner. He has Clank on his back as usual, and I am also working with him. I still get to use all of the same cool weapons from a Ratchet and Clank game. We are on planet Pokitaru in some kind of factory. We are making our way through the factory to shut down the production of evil robot clones that are programmed to kill on sight. Right now I am thinking Dr. Nefarious is behind it. There are two levels up ahead. Ratchet makes use of Clank’s helipack and they take the second level. I am on the lower level blasting enemy robots that are coming from both sides. I glance up and see Ratchet cruise across an opening with Clank’s help.

    I come to a door and go through it onto a beach. My blaster is out of ammo! I put it in an interdimensional pocket as I look to see where I am now. I see a man up the beach a short way. I head in that direction and I find the man is Roland Deschain from the Dark Tower books. He is getting quite sick from the poison of the lobstrocities. I healed his hand, but the poison remains. I use more healing energy on him to help him feel better, but it will not heal the poison. He will feel better for a while but will get sick again. In order to make him truly well we need medicine from Eddie Dean’s world. We soon come to a door with the words “The Prisoner” carved on it. This is the door! Roland, feeling quite a bit better if only for a short time, opens the door. Before either of us can react black tendrils reach through the door and grab both of us. We are pulled through the door and it slams closed behind us.

    We are on a vast and desolate plane surrounded by a strange group of assholes. Taheen and Can-Toi from the Dark Tower books, Thalmor from Skyrim, and Templars from Assassin’s Creed. A Taheen with the head of a bear says we should have let go of our quest for the Dark Tower, but now they will have to kill us. I focus on creating an Immortal Fire from the song Dark Power of Abyss by Rhapsody. “Suddenly, the unreal silence is broken by a lament… a lament coming up from the deepest, darkest abyss. And from the seven gates of the dark fortress, the dead come back to life to face them… this is hell!” The bear Taheen tells me to shut up, but it’s too late. “Immortal Fire, now rise, light my heart, light my way through the darkness, a guardian of space and time!” A wall of light fire explodes out from Roland and me, incinerating all of the enemies in its path. There could be more enemies, Roland is thinking the same. He runs for the door and goes through it. I follow him, hoping the beach is waiting for us on the other side. But instead of getting there I wake up.
    non-lucid , memorable

    Skyrim: Unknown Challenger Part 2

    by LydiaIsDreaming on 11-07-2019 at 04:58 AM
    2019, 11-06

    Skyrim: Unknown Challenger Part 2

    Regular Dream - Video Game / Semi-lucid - Lucid Dream - Notes

    I am back in the dream and lucid now. Hiei says he’s glad I got back before he had to kill Ulfric. I look and see Ulfric is still bound to the throne, but clearly alive. Now Hiei and I start fighting for real. I can hear Disturbed playing… “Need to get psycho, wanna hear you scream! Tell me to take you, scare you, fuck you, after we finish the show! It's not enough, you hunger for more? You're one twisted little fuck, and now you wanna get psycho with me!” I use Battery to call a bolt of lightning, Hiei teleports just before getting hit. He appears behind me and uses more of those tendrils, I cut through them with my blade. I use Enter Sandman by Metallica to create a vortex of light and dark energy that explode around Hiei… Hiei is gone and behind me just before it goes off. Hiei uses a dark energy blade to attack me, I block with my Alex Mercer blade. There is a dark energy explosion between us that forces both of us apart. Hiei looks like he’s having fun. He teleports again then I find the dark energy tendrils closing from all directions. I form my Alex Mercer blade into a ring around me with edges still as sharp as the blade. The circle cuts through all the tendrils before they reach me. Hiei is just too fast to hit!

    Then I remember I am in Skyrim VR, so I use a different shout… the Slow Time shout. “TIID-KLO-UL!” Everything around me slows down, which just means Hiei is moving at a more normal speed. “Hear me now! Feel my blade! There is no more time for apologies. Malevolent emotions take hold of me! Are you ready to begin your trip to the other side? Death is an old friend of mine!” Just because Hiei is moving a normal speed doesn’t make him easy to hit. We trade attacks for a bit longer until I send my Alex Mercer tendrils down into the stone floor to have them erupt behind Hiei. As that is happening, I attack head on with my blade to keep him focused on me. He dodges my blade attack but gets hit with the tendrils as they erupt from the floor. It looks like the tendrils tear him apart, but then he reforms right in front of me with a big grin on his face. He says it’s been fun, but he’s got to go. Don’t worry, Ulfric can live. He calls the bindings off of Ulfric and absorbs them. He then says he wasn’t using his full power, but he knows I wasn’t, either. He disappears from sight.

    Ulfric has come down to me and wants to know who that was. I tell him I’m not certain. Ulfric wants to know what’s to keep him from coming back. I say if he is who he looks like, he will honor his word. Ulfric seems to be trying to hide the fact he is worried that Hiei might come back to kill him. I tell Ulfric I don’t think Hiei will be back. Just to prove me wrong, Hiei appears. Ulfric backs away before he can stop himself, then holds his ground. Hiei laughs and tells Ulfric to relax, he’ll keep his word. He looks at me and says he just wanted to say I was right, killing Thalmor is loads of fun! Elven supremacy, such arrogance! And they are pathetic when they beg for mercy! He says they have scattered into the forest and now he’s going hunting. He disappears. Ulfric doesn’t seem convinced Hiei won’t be back. I give Ulfric a Witchblade with a light and dark energy shard. I say it can form armor, weapons, the energy crystals mean it can protect him from Hiei’s energy. He puts the Witchblade on and starts trying out the weapons and armor. The dark energy crystal absorbs the dark force fields, allowing everyone in. Everyone wants to know what happened, I wake before having to deal with any of them.
    lucid , memorable