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    1. Flying the Plane, Dodging the Train, and the Young Thieves

      by , 05-28-2011 at 05:08 AM
      Type: Regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      I think I did a mini CAT (cycle adjustment technique) this morning! I always get up at 7:00 in the morning, but today I set my alarm for 6:30 because I wanted to get up early to work on my speech for school elections. I was woken up by the alarm, but then I decided to sleep in some more. I fell asleep and had two dreams, the first of which was rather long. I'll write them as separate entries.
      Dream 1
      Flying the Plane, Dodging the Train, and the Young Thieves

      It was early in the morning. The sunless sky was casting a yellow glare on the scenery. I was outside my house, facing the road perpendicular to the driveway, which I was standing on. This driveway was situated off a small crescent road, of which came off the side of a three-lane road in a quiet neighborhood. The driveway wasn't in very good condition; the concrete was smashed in some areas, there were a few cracks, and there were also bits of rock and stone in places. The grass on either side of the driveway was clean and a nice green color, and the sidewalk crossing the driveway looked relatively normal, almost perfectly in line with the road.

      I started to walk off the driveway, and then I set foot onto the crescent. As soon as I took my third step down it, I was stopped by my mother, who had come up from behind me. She grabbed me by the arm and shouted accusations, including "get back in the house now or I'll tell everyone what you did!".

      Although I wasn't lucid, I exhibited some form of dream control. I hissed at her and immediately proceeded to shapeshift into a red, traditional-looking Chinese dragon. I didn't feel the transition, but I did see my arms and tail curl around, from the corner of my eye. I growled at her, and pushed off the ground, shooting into the air. I made an arc that was around fifty feet long, and then landed back on the ground. For some reason, I "knew" that I'd lost her, and she wasn't following me at the moment because she didn't know where I was.

      I was now on a country-like gravel road with normal city houses on either side, which almost made it look like a normal street. There were a few tall, gray, 40-story or so buildings in the back, mostly with large glass windows like you'd see in a big city such as Minneapolis. I didn't turn to see what was behind me, as I was looking ahead - there were telephone poles and their wires on either side of the street, going parallel to it (like they would do in real life). There were also some wires that criss-crossed and ended up going from one side to the other. A few wires were even hanging loosely down; these wires were so (impossibly, given the distance between the two sides) long that they were right on the middle of the road.

      Ahead of me, there was a small yellow plane, facing directly down the road and away from me. It looked like a Seagull Models "Yak 54". It was about four feet tall, not quite big enough to fit a person. However, the cockpit wasn't really in the plane but sticking out. I stepped into the plane, and when I was settled in the cockpit, only my waist and below was inside. My upper body was sticking out on top. The plane had a black-and-silver steering wheel like that of a car, but it didn't have just a few large connections between the outer ring and the inner circle; it had many thin connections. It reminded me of a ship's wheel. But this wheel was also pretty small, only two thirds the size of a dinner plate. I grabbed it, and the plane took off by itself. I didn't need to push any buttons or anything.

      I flew down the road, and I had to dodge a telephone wire that was hanging vertically downwards, a bit to my right. It didn't seem to be hanging from anything, it was jus suspended in air. I veered left, and now there were two wires crossing the space where I was about to fly. These, too, didn't seem to be connected to anything. I pulled on the wheel to raise the plane up, and I flew just over top of the wires, almost hitting them.

      After two or three minutes, I landed. Between the initial takeoff and landing, however, was a seamless blend of location. I was no longer flying down a road, but I was going down a train track along the side of a rocky cliff. Rugged mountains dotted the area; there was also one mountain especially close to the left side of the tracks. The rocks were grey with some brown, and the ground was also brown rock, somewhat dusty in areas. My plane had changed from being yellow to a deep orange color with a few indiscernible black accents. I was going down this track, flying just a few inches above it. I knew that my mother was coming after me on a train. I knew the train was yellow with black points, and some silver and grey; it looked like a CN Railway train except with the different colors.

      I also knew she was right behind me. I came to an entrance to a sort of "valley" on the cliff, and I jumped off my plane (which continued to veer down the tracks by itself) and ran around a big tall boulder to hide. I knew if my mother went through here, she would continue down the tracks without realizing she'd passed me. At this time, my sister came out of nowhere and knelt down beside me, behind the same rock. I told her, "Stay here, she won't find us".

      I knew the train was coming. The train itself made no noise whatsoever, but I heard metal vibrating on the tracks, which was almost like a thumping noise. My view had now changed from first-person to third-person; I cannot tell exactly when this happened, but it did. I saw the train, which consisted of at least five cars, turn sharply and come around the boulder to where we were. Instead of crashing into us, however, it veered right off the side of the cliff.

      My sister didn't exist in the dream anymore, so I went around the boulder toward the railway tracks. My plane was sitting right there for some reason, as if it hadn't gone flying down the tracks earlier. It was missing the seat and the wheel, though. I looked down the tracks, and the mountains/boulders had now changed to a more brownish rock, and there were tall buildings on either side, almost like an alleyway. The atmosphere got a bit foggier, as well.

      Looking down the tracks, I saw two boys. They were wearing clothes that looked like they were from the 1800s - grey pants and shirts, with jackets and messenger hats. I also noticed that one of them was holding the two missing parts of my plane. I ran at them, and they started to book it. The boy who wasn't carrying the parts ran faster, but the other one was rather sluggish. It was easy to catch up, push him forward a bit, and grab the two parts right out of his hands. "You shouldn't do that!" I scolded.

      The dream skipped again. I was now walking down the inside of a hallway. This hallway was probably five feet wide - not that large. However, it was very long. There were polished wooden doors (to dressing rooms, in particular) on either side; each of them were spaced about thirty feet apart or so. The lighting was dark, and pale greenish-blue, which cast a weird glow on the very pale, dark blue tiles spaced by white grout. I remember seeing small glowing yellow balls of light around the ceiling that provided some illumination, but not much. As I walked down the hallway, the doors turned into dark blue tents that were actually inside the walls. Basically, the entrance flap on the front of each tent was on the wall, and when you'd go through it, into the actual tent, that part was inside the wall.

      I passed these tents as if everything was normal. After a few moments of walking, I started to see people in huge, extravagant costumes. These costumes mostly consisted of a small white masquerade masks. Attached to the masks were huge, long, detailed feathers of many colours that spanned out and hid the shape of peoples' faces and upper bodies. On peoples' legs were heavy, baggy pants, which looked almost velvety. These pants were dark blue and black. Overall, these features made the people look a bit scary, but I wasn't afraid in the dream.

      I just kept walking.

      Updated 05-16-2023 at 07:53 PM by 28408

    2. Catch Her!

      by , 08-23-2010 at 08:16 PM
      Type: regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      I was in a busy chocolate store that looked like the picture below, but it had more nooks and crannies.

      Outside the store I could see a strip of average-looking mall, but I didn't go outside. After all, I was looking at different packages of chocolates. I looked for a few moments and then saw a package of milk chocolate Lindt truffles. I picked it up and began to look for a cash register. I couldn't find one, so I decided to shoplift. There was an exit on the left-hand wall of the store; it was a square archway that led into another room; more specifically, the store (or whatever it was) beside it.

      I walked through the door, briefly looking behind me as I did, and walked right into a swimming pool area with small tiles on the floor and a few people swimming around. Standing in the doorway, I then opened the package and proceeded to unwrap the very realistic chocolates. The plastic wrapping was twisted at the ends of each chocolate ball, just like in real life. I popped one into my mouth and ate it, then I took another one. This one was pretty much melted, so when I pressed on it just a little to unwrap it, it broke in half and chocolate spilled out onto the floor.

      I then heard shouting behind me. "Get back here!" I heard a man say in a rather deep voice, and this was the signal to get out now. I saw a door on the other side of the room, with one square window on either side. On the other side of the windows were trees and sky, so I knew it was the exit to the building. I briskly walked around the pool, continuously looking behind me, and then got to the door. I turned the shiny brass doorknob and when I pulled on the door, it caught, as if a chain was stopping it from opening on the other side.

      I turned around as the man, dressed in a suit, walked closer and closer...

      Updated 07-03-2011 at 06:36 AM by 28408

    3. Acid, Stone, the Cat's Tail

      by , 07-31-2010 at 05:17 PM
      Type: regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      I was at a conventional library. There was only one large room with bookshelves along the walls; in the middle there was a big blue mat with white plastic lounge chairs, like at the beach. The lighting was dimmer than normal.

      I saw the thief (dressed in a black shirt and blue jeans) that took my precious blue stone, and I was going to have to destroy it. He was going to do something bad with it, I could tell. I cannot remember how I got it back, but I remember standing in front of him with a small beaker of hydrochloric acid. I put the stone in and he just stared, upset, but he didn't try to save it. I walked away and went through the doors, still holding the beaker.

      The dream changed. I was now at home on the floor, experimenting with the hydrochloric acid. The carpet was tan and very plush, comfortable to lie on, while the lighting was normal this time around. I carefully put a bronze-colored coin into the acid and watched it disappear within seconds.

      My cat then came around. She was all gray, with a large white patch on her belly coming up the sides and along her face, and two white socks on her front feet (white coloration, not actual socks). Her face was extremely cute.

      A photograph of her.

      She walked, with a slight swagger because her belly was a bit larger than normal, right up to me and sat down. I pet her a few times, running my hand through her fur, and then she suddenly flicked her tail into the acid. She turned around and it was still inside, beginning to dissolve. As with anyone who's stuck something in acid, she started to scream, and I quickly pulled her tail out. There were little bubbles and pink spots on it, but no blood.

      Updated 07-03-2011 at 06:47 AM by 28408

      Tags: acid, cat, stone, thief