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    1. I lit a man on Fire

      by , 12-29-2013 at 06:59 PM
      fragment 1:

      I was outside and I spontaneously became lucid. Looking up at the sky, I saw a huge planet and I had the split second thought of it crashing into Earth. Oh no, not another one of those dreams. I decided to teleport to Denn, away from this place. Closed my eyes and imagined it, didn't work. So I tried to teleport to the other planet at least, that did work. I'm not sure why that made me feel any safer but it stopped the planet crashing from happening. I started flying around and I noticed the skies were getting dark. Tornadoes formed, but I wasn't afraid of them. I took control of them and made them move out of my way. Then I thought it might be fun to go inside one, so I flew really fast into a big one. Wind was rushing past me at extreme speeds and I kept spinning round and round, was fun! But it woke me up.

      dream 1:

      I was sleeping in my room when I noticed someone opened the door a crack, I got up and went to look and there was nobody there. I went out into the kitchen and I saw a man that looked really unhappy. I ran back to my room and tried to barricade the door, but it didn't work. He opened the door and sprayed me with lighter fluid then threw a match on me and ran away. I thought about chasing him but decided it would be better to turn on the shower and stop the fire. After the fire was out, I ran after him to stop more havoc but he already tried to light a cat on fire and then the kitchen on fire. I got my own lighter fluid and then I came up behind him as he was about to throw a match and sprayed him with the lighter fluid so that he was set on fire. His brother was outside and he kept saying to me that I had betrayed him and it was my fault, I ruined his life. In the dream world, I had apparently made a deal with him and made some kind of merchandise but it had the wrong name on it and nothing would sell. Some of the things I think up are really weird. The police came and handcuffed the guy's brother and me as well. Then someone also put handcuffs on the lead detectives ankles and I thought, ohhh so this is a dream. I rewound time a little bit until the police were no longer there and that guy was no longer burnt to death. I went outside with him and got the full story of why he was so pissed. Then the cops came but only a beautiful lady detective, wearing a short skirt got out of the police cars. After she walked past me, I rewound time a little bit more and then froze it. But I woke up before anything more exciting could happen .

      Updated 12-29-2013 at 07:10 PM by 66732

      nightmare , false awakening , dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid
    2. Another school nightmare and Beach Dream

      by , 12-23-2013 at 08:19 PM
      Dream 1:
      I was back in that same classroom as my previous dreams, I had entered a class late in the semester. I had no idea what was going on and I was late to class, so everybody was taking a test on something that I was supposed to know about. I actually did know a lot of the answers for some reason (it was related to biochemistry and physical chemistry). I only had completed 5/10 pages by the time everybody started to finish their tests. Woke up.

      fragment 1:
      I don't remember the beginning of this dream, I just remember that I was on a beach and my old best friend was there. I became lucid and started talking to him. He wanted me to show him some dream powers, so I turned him into a dolphin. He started swimming in the ocean and he loved it, he was laughing like a maniac, and with such glee. I went off to start an RPG and I expected him to keep up. Was kind of a lame RPG, honestly. I was supposed to find these bottles with secret letters in them along the beach and bring them to some NPCs to continue the plot. I did that and my old dolphin-buddy eventually caught up to me. While the NPCs were acting out some dramatic scene, I noticed my buddy was having more fun, so I thought I would turn myself into a dolphin as well. I started to transform, got the tail and the flippers, but then a mega-dolphin with a huge horn on its head came out of the ocean and scared the shit out of me. Both of us turned full human and ran to the shore. I don't remember part of it here, but we eventually got into this giant building with no roof. There was a low-cloud sky right above us. My friend took off flying into the clouds, I followed him. I noticed a giant hand of Zeus reaching down through the clouds. Reminded me of that Michelangelo painting on the sistine chapel ceiling, so I went over to touch it and suddenly lightning started coming out of the fingertips. Changed my mind pretty quickly. The clouds started to turn stormy, mass amounts of funnel clouds started forming. I knew that I didn't want tornadoes everywhere, that didn't sound like too much fun. So I turned the entire sky into an enormous ceiling, and each funnel cloud turned into a chandelier.

      I went to the 2nd floor of this building and there were a lot of my old, dead relatives hanging out up there with my old best friend. I started hanging out with them too, talking about stuff. Eventually my grandma that died about 20 years ago told me to come over, she looked at all the cuts and scrapes on my hands and wrists and told me that these were signs of the devil. Okay grandma . Then the dream ended, I tried to DEILD, I managed to do it but I don't remember what I did. Had a false awakening, wrote down the dream. Woke up for real, was disappointed that I had to write it all down again.

      Dream 2:
      I was back in that school again. The class had ended and I left out the front door. I lit up a smoke and some professor came up behind me acting all uppity and asked me for my name (smoking is banned on campus). I told him, "Hey man, I don't go to school here". He pointed to my backpack and I just walked away. He threatened to expel me and I just ignored him as he followed me. He was hanging out by all the cars, waiting for me to get in so he could take down my license plate # down no doubt, so I walked right by it. I wandered around the town for awhile until I decided it was time to go check if he was still there. I flirted with a couple girls on the way back. When I got there he was still waiting by the cars, of course. He saw me and started following me, I pulled out my phone to record him. He followed me off campus and then cut me and ran away, what a weirdo. I started walking back to my car and this gay guy started being all mean and discriminatory towards me, so I gave him a big hug filled with love and we walked down the street as buddies. I forgot about the car entirely and went into some restaurant. I sat down at a table and everybody was being racist towards me, I don't know why! I'm a white male, so I am part of the population that is almost never confronted by discrimination. It made me kind of sad to think about how many people experienced that kind of treatment on a daily basis. Then I woke up.