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    CHiLLEN's Dream Journal

    1. The dog with a fire cracker, not a bone..

      by , 09-10-2013 at 03:16 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      (One of the weirdest dreams I've had. I only wrote notes down unfortunately, and can't recall it all )

      It was daytime.

      I was on a pier with Daz and my brother. There was a lot of random as fuck people.. really strange.

      I was in a room joined to the pier and Daz put a fire cracker in a man's mouth, who was the size of a small dog. When the fire cracker went off, I remember thinking that the guy would have been dead for sure.. I thought he would have been blown up. I had a look at the guy and he wasn't looking good. He was moving side to side and struggling to breath. Eventually he took his last couple of breaths, then passed out. I was worried for Daz, as I didn't want the guy to go down for murder.

      I was on the pier and a girl was cracking onto me. Everyone was different, and acting weird, but in a good way..

      I was outside at some kind of stall you would see at a amusement park. I could see a man trying to sell me a gun who was behind a glass. He was demonstrating what the gun could do, which shot plastic balls. I asked him If I could have a look at it before I thought of buying.

      I saw a few rowing boats go passed the pier, so I decided to jump in one and carry along. I was rowing through a small tunnel.

      I was naked, at a house with Josh D. I was looking through a paper which had all the interesting/strange people from the pier.
    2. Rock pool/Guide

      by , 09-08-2013 at 04:13 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      It was day time.

      I was in a group. We must have been doing a activity that involved someone showing us what to do. I remember being at a beach, and I was holding onto the end of the pier.

      We were lucky to get him as a guide, because he would let us extend the amount of time we spent doing the activity, without charge. The guide would leave us be and go away for an hour or two of jet skiing.

      I was at a rock pool with someone. I was slashing water over my face.

      This was a previous dream I had, and remembered it while trying to remember the dream I just woke up from.