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    CHiLLEN's Dream Journal

    1. Phone Call/Remembering The Lyrics/Dream Fragment

      by , 10-25-2013 at 03:37 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1:
      I'm on the phone to Tash S. I hang up by accident and call her back even though I knew I had pre-paid and usually a tight ass when it comes to calling people. Her Mum answers and say's ''is that you Dean? Tash has a guy around''. Tash is now talking to me, and I make it quick, cause I don't want to be rude and stay on phone when she has a guest.

      I'm at my old house in Crystal G's, but Tash lives here. She's in her bed room and the door is closed.

      Dream 2:
      I'm outside a house near St agatha's with Ash K and I'm trying to remember a chorus from a song. I write it down on the footpath with a weird substance? soapy? We both laugh about the lyrics I have written down, which are wrong, but Ash knows which song I'm talking about. I can see the song on youtube. The original of the song is sung by a Chinese band which is spelt similar to this ''A1L0UD733T''. There's an English version of the song which is sung by The Beatles. I play the English version and realize I was pretty off with my choice of lyrics.

      Dream Fragment:
      Collingwood beat Lions by 5 points (105 - 100). I see the MCG.

      I need to accept that I have woken up without moving and can try to DEILD. I try and bring on a scene and I notice a small scene of a tree with no leafs on it (Sky View).