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    1. My Mother is Trying to Kill Me

      by , 08-13-2011 at 08:19 AM
      Type: Regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      I'm currently away from home, which has benefitted my recall for some reason. I will be away for the next two weeks, so here's hoping I can finally get that elusive high-level LD and complete the next installment of the MDP. The other two were very shallow and uneventful. I'm posting these entries from my iPod for the duration of the trip, meaning possible typos and other formatting errors. I'm checking them over but something is bound to mess up and go unnoticed, so please excuse any errors.
      Part 1 - Gale

      I was in a basement of an unidentifiable house. This basement was square in shape with white walls and plush tan carpet. It was soft to walk on, which I couldn't feel with my feet, but I did see how the carpet sunk slightly with every step I took. The room wasn't well lit at all; it was dark except for one circular light right in the ceiling, which gave off a yellow glow that didn't quite fill the entire room. It was more of a spotlight. The light was shining down onto a polished wooden coffee table directly underneath it. I was still near the walls of the room, so I turned and started to walk towards the table. As soon as I took another step, the dream seamlessly skipped and I was now right by the table, on my knees, crouching down slightly to look at something that was underneath it.

      I saw Gale Boetticher, a character from the television series Breaking Bad, under the table.

      Gale was lying under the table on his back, his legs sticking out from one end. His eyes were open but not wide, and his mouth was slightly parted. The back of his head looked bloody, although it was in shadow (the rest of him should've been too, because the table was blocking the light from reaching him, but for some reason his body was well lit. I noticed that some of the skull on the back of his head was missing too. I knew that he was dead. I did not feel scared or ominous, but simply a vague sadness.

      The dream skipped again. I was now standing up. Gale was now lying on the table, still on his back with his arms hanging over the sides, and underneath in the carpet was a large, irregularly-shaped patch of blood that looked older. It was fully absorbed into the carpet. I wasn't sure why I was there with the body, whether because I killed him or because my mother did - you can understand why I considered these possibilities as you read the rest of this dream.

      Part 2 - Escape

      I was in a room downstairs in my house. The room was about 15x15 feet, and pretty much empty. There was only a queen-sized bed with a wool blanket of lighter cream color on top; it was small compared to the mattress so it didn't hang over the sides that much. The headboard was an antique-style rectangle of polished wood. The room didn't have a closet, even though it had a large one in real life. In the right corner of one wall was a very basic wooden door with no patterns or anything, and it was wide open.

      I knew my mom was in the house, and that she would be coming after me, furious and pissed off. She was trying to kill me. I was positioned a few feet from a small rectangular window on the wall, which was a good seven feet up and only two feet wide, much less tall. That was my only chance of escaping. I looked back at the doorway; she wasn't here yet. I had to get out now though. I knew that she wasn't armed, but she was capable of severely hurting me or killing me. I then looked up at the window, a good two feet above me, and jumped at it, pulling myself up easily with my hands (it was indented a few inches in the wall). The window itself was a plain panel of thicker glass. I punched it and it shattered as if the glass was thin and delicate; the pieces were thin too. I scrambled out on my stomach and into the my backyard, which was where the window led to. That's all I remember about this segment.

      Part 3 - Rooftops

      This was a shorter part of the dream. I was still on the run from my mother, but now my sister was with me. It was still daytime, and we were in a suburban neighborhood. The houses were all similar in nature, with modern stucco exteriors. There were only slight variations in the shapes and sizes. I was walking, rather fast, down the sidewalk of a longer road with my sister, with the houses on both sides. The road was just asphalt, there were no lines or markings or cars.

      I turned around and saw my mother coming out from around the side of a house. She was looking around a lot, and then her head suddenly turned towards me. Although she was wearing black sunglasses and was a good block and a half away, I could tell she was furious and that her look was sadistic. "Come on!" I whispered sharply to my sister, and I made a big jump up onto the top of a house. I didn't see my sister follow me and jump onto the house, but I "knew" she was right behind me. I also "knew" that my mom couldn't jump that high, but we still had to lose her. We ran down the (flat, although from the ground the roofs were all triangular) rooftops and jumped to the next one over and over. As we did, the viewpoint changed from first to third person. During third person view, the roofs we were traveling on became triangular again. We had lost my mom by the end of the segment.

      Part 4 - Policeman

      It was in the evening, dark outside, and I was in a large community building, almost like the dining hall of a homeless shelter. I'm not sure what I was doing here because the dream didn't give any hints. I didn't see anyone that I knew (including my sister). I saw many people all gathered in different spots in the room, talking to each other; the whole room was like a convention. I don't remember many details of this place, except there were two full-story windows with many different pieces in them. Past the windows, it was very dark outside, and you couldn't see anything out there. But that wasn't the important part. I was near the entranceway, which was wide enough for three people to walk through shoulder-to-shoulder, positioned near the corner of where two walls joined; past this entrance was a hallway going perpendicular to it.

      I was about to walk through into the hallway. I was mere feet away from the door when a police officer suddenly walked up to me. He was a heavier-built man in a black police uniform, with very dark grey patches here and there. He was probably six feet, whereas I'm only five feet, four inches. He looked at me and said, "excuse me, can you come here please?" and gestured toward me with his pointer finger. Then he looked away slightly, down at the ground as if I were a kid and he was about to ask, 'what was that?'. I quickly walked past him and had to push his hand off my arm; he was barely gripping me yet I felt that could've been enough to get ahold of me. I got away though.

      Sometime after this, I hijacked a car and drove away with it, but I don't remember what kind/colour it was. I only know that I was going fast down a street, and that there was a man clutching the outside of the car, trying to hold on, and his face was sticking into the car through the open window. He was saying, "give me my car back!". I rolled the window up on him by pushing the horn section of the steering wheel.

      Part 5 - The River

      This segment began with me running up to a fence, grabbing the diamond-shaped links, and pulling myself over it easily. In this part of the dream, I was using superpowers, mainly super strength. As soon as I got over the fence and landed, I landed on a grassy riverbank; it was only ten feet until the river. This river, on both sides, was lined by trees but the part of the riverbank I was on had no trees; it was a small clearing.

      Needless to say, I made two floating superjumps, and on the second one, I got within a foot of the river. I jumped into it and the river dropped off sharply; I was now in deep water. From the outside, it definitely looked like it should've dropped off slowly because I could see the sloping rocks and pebbles under the water, but that was not the case. I turned left and started swimming down the river at a slightly faster than normal speed. Somehow I managed to keep my head above the water, even though I wasn't using my arms at all. I knew I'd have to go under, though, because I was afraid the man whose car I'd stolen, and my mother, would see me. I also knew that to go underwater, I had to be able to breathe underwater. I vaguely remember asking a fisherman for a spell that could do this, which he told me, and I remember actively trying to memorize it. When I spoke the spell, I had a Harry Potter-related vision. Harry was in his red "triwizard tournament" swimming outfit (from The Goblet of Fire). At that moment, I went underwater and attempted to breathe, with a slight fear that I wouldn't be able to, and that I would drown. But I was able to breathe. It was like taking in heavier air; it required more lung power. I arced deeper underwater where it became almost pitch black, and I saw two strange squids coming towards me. They were burgundy and had yellow eyes. When I saw them, the lighting quickly became a bit brighter and bluer, but I still couldn't see them perfectly. I grabbed the first one, which must have been the size of a seadoo, and pulled its tentacles off. There was no blood or anything; the tentacles came off in one big bunch as if it were a living toy made of two pieces. The connecting outline was wavy. I squished the other squid against the underwater "wall" of the river. Again, there was no blood.

      Updated 05-16-2023 at 03:30 AM by 28408

    2. Flying the Plane, Dodging the Train, and the Young Thieves

      by , 05-28-2011 at 05:08 AM
      Type: Regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      I think I did a mini CAT (cycle adjustment technique) this morning! I always get up at 7:00 in the morning, but today I set my alarm for 6:30 because I wanted to get up early to work on my speech for school elections. I was woken up by the alarm, but then I decided to sleep in some more. I fell asleep and had two dreams, the first of which was rather long. I'll write them as separate entries.
      Dream 1
      Flying the Plane, Dodging the Train, and the Young Thieves

      It was early in the morning. The sunless sky was casting a yellow glare on the scenery. I was outside my house, facing the road perpendicular to the driveway, which I was standing on. This driveway was situated off a small crescent road, of which came off the side of a three-lane road in a quiet neighborhood. The driveway wasn't in very good condition; the concrete was smashed in some areas, there were a few cracks, and there were also bits of rock and stone in places. The grass on either side of the driveway was clean and a nice green color, and the sidewalk crossing the driveway looked relatively normal, almost perfectly in line with the road.

      I started to walk off the driveway, and then I set foot onto the crescent. As soon as I took my third step down it, I was stopped by my mother, who had come up from behind me. She grabbed me by the arm and shouted accusations, including "get back in the house now or I'll tell everyone what you did!".

      Although I wasn't lucid, I exhibited some form of dream control. I hissed at her and immediately proceeded to shapeshift into a red, traditional-looking Chinese dragon. I didn't feel the transition, but I did see my arms and tail curl around, from the corner of my eye. I growled at her, and pushed off the ground, shooting into the air. I made an arc that was around fifty feet long, and then landed back on the ground. For some reason, I "knew" that I'd lost her, and she wasn't following me at the moment because she didn't know where I was.

      I was now on a country-like gravel road with normal city houses on either side, which almost made it look like a normal street. There were a few tall, gray, 40-story or so buildings in the back, mostly with large glass windows like you'd see in a big city such as Minneapolis. I didn't turn to see what was behind me, as I was looking ahead - there were telephone poles and their wires on either side of the street, going parallel to it (like they would do in real life). There were also some wires that criss-crossed and ended up going from one side to the other. A few wires were even hanging loosely down; these wires were so (impossibly, given the distance between the two sides) long that they were right on the middle of the road.

      Ahead of me, there was a small yellow plane, facing directly down the road and away from me. It looked like a Seagull Models "Yak 54". It was about four feet tall, not quite big enough to fit a person. However, the cockpit wasn't really in the plane but sticking out. I stepped into the plane, and when I was settled in the cockpit, only my waist and below was inside. My upper body was sticking out on top. The plane had a black-and-silver steering wheel like that of a car, but it didn't have just a few large connections between the outer ring and the inner circle; it had many thin connections. It reminded me of a ship's wheel. But this wheel was also pretty small, only two thirds the size of a dinner plate. I grabbed it, and the plane took off by itself. I didn't need to push any buttons or anything.

      I flew down the road, and I had to dodge a telephone wire that was hanging vertically downwards, a bit to my right. It didn't seem to be hanging from anything, it was jus suspended in air. I veered left, and now there were two wires crossing the space where I was about to fly. These, too, didn't seem to be connected to anything. I pulled on the wheel to raise the plane up, and I flew just over top of the wires, almost hitting them.

      After two or three minutes, I landed. Between the initial takeoff and landing, however, was a seamless blend of location. I was no longer flying down a road, but I was going down a train track along the side of a rocky cliff. Rugged mountains dotted the area; there was also one mountain especially close to the left side of the tracks. The rocks were grey with some brown, and the ground was also brown rock, somewhat dusty in areas. My plane had changed from being yellow to a deep orange color with a few indiscernible black accents. I was going down this track, flying just a few inches above it. I knew that my mother was coming after me on a train. I knew the train was yellow with black points, and some silver and grey; it looked like a CN Railway train except with the different colors.

      I also knew she was right behind me. I came to an entrance to a sort of "valley" on the cliff, and I jumped off my plane (which continued to veer down the tracks by itself) and ran around a big tall boulder to hide. I knew if my mother went through here, she would continue down the tracks without realizing she'd passed me. At this time, my sister came out of nowhere and knelt down beside me, behind the same rock. I told her, "Stay here, she won't find us".

      I knew the train was coming. The train itself made no noise whatsoever, but I heard metal vibrating on the tracks, which was almost like a thumping noise. My view had now changed from first-person to third-person; I cannot tell exactly when this happened, but it did. I saw the train, which consisted of at least five cars, turn sharply and come around the boulder to where we were. Instead of crashing into us, however, it veered right off the side of the cliff.

      My sister didn't exist in the dream anymore, so I went around the boulder toward the railway tracks. My plane was sitting right there for some reason, as if it hadn't gone flying down the tracks earlier. It was missing the seat and the wheel, though. I looked down the tracks, and the mountains/boulders had now changed to a more brownish rock, and there were tall buildings on either side, almost like an alleyway. The atmosphere got a bit foggier, as well.

      Looking down the tracks, I saw two boys. They were wearing clothes that looked like they were from the 1800s - grey pants and shirts, with jackets and messenger hats. I also noticed that one of them was holding the two missing parts of my plane. I ran at them, and they started to book it. The boy who wasn't carrying the parts ran faster, but the other one was rather sluggish. It was easy to catch up, push him forward a bit, and grab the two parts right out of his hands. "You shouldn't do that!" I scolded.

      The dream skipped again. I was now walking down the inside of a hallway. This hallway was probably five feet wide - not that large. However, it was very long. There were polished wooden doors (to dressing rooms, in particular) on either side; each of them were spaced about thirty feet apart or so. The lighting was dark, and pale greenish-blue, which cast a weird glow on the very pale, dark blue tiles spaced by white grout. I remember seeing small glowing yellow balls of light around the ceiling that provided some illumination, but not much. As I walked down the hallway, the doors turned into dark blue tents that were actually inside the walls. Basically, the entrance flap on the front of each tent was on the wall, and when you'd go through it, into the actual tent, that part was inside the wall.

      I passed these tents as if everything was normal. After a few moments of walking, I started to see people in huge, extravagant costumes. These costumes mostly consisted of a small white masquerade masks. Attached to the masks were huge, long, detailed feathers of many colours that spanned out and hid the shape of peoples' faces and upper bodies. On peoples' legs were heavy, baggy pants, which looked almost velvety. These pants were dark blue and black. Overall, these features made the people look a bit scary, but I wasn't afraid in the dream.

      I just kept walking.

      Updated 05-16-2023 at 07:53 PM by 28408

    3. Extreme Deja Vu - Fugitive Status

      by , 09-10-2010 at 10:13 PM
      This is one of my
      Five-Star Dreams

      Type: regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      Every once in a while, I experience dreams that create intense deja vu sensations, which is pretty intriguing to me. This dream is an example of that.

      I had just walked into a public restroom. It was the kind you'd find at a McDonald's restaurant or a gas station; the cubicles were light, pale blue, and the sinks were white. As for the lighting, it was a bit dimmer than one would normally see in a public restroom, but it wasn't too noticeable and certainly wasn't an issue. The room itself was shaped like a rectangle; the entrance was along one of the longer walls, over to the right. Right when you'd walk in, there were four or five stalls in the light blue color in front of you, a few feet back against the other long wall. To the left, walk down the stalls and past them; you'd get to the sinks. They looked normal.

      I needed to go in a certain stall and get something I'd hidden there earlier. I entered the stall furthest to the right, against the corner of the room. For some reason, although I wasn't lucid, when I opened the door I expected a mirror to be on the back wall. The stall itself was fully closed, and there weren't any spaces underneath the dividers or door; finally, it was a bit narrower than a real cubicle but still spacious.

      I closed the door, sliding over a basic metal lock that was fairly rusty, and turned around to face the mirror. I can't remember exactly what I looked like, but I do know I looked fairly normal: blue eyes, brown hair, normal clothing (I can't recall what I was wearing, either). My hair was a bit messy, with some flyaways and stuff, but that was the extent of it. I looked into the mirror for a few instances, drew back, and then smashed it with my fist. Since I've used invulnerability so much in my lucids, I think it carried over into my normal dreams, and this one was no exception. I felt no pain, and saw no blood as my hand practically blasted into the mirror and into the concrete wall. The mirror shattered into larger-sized pieces and fell as one whole object onto the toilet. Behind it was a section that was punched-in because of me, and there was a small hole inside that area. I pulled a tightly-folded square piece of yellow paper out.

      The dream skipped and I was now in a mall-like setting: light-colored floor tiles, high ceilings, a few leather chairs in the aisle for people to sit down in. I was at the end of one wing of the mall, in a small Starbucks-like store right next to a major department store that was similar to Sears. It looked almost exactly like this (see the green sign on the left? That's where the store I was in was located).

      The Starbucks had a few bar tables against the walls, and a coffee shop-like atmosphere. The cashier desk was not against the wall like in a normal cafe, but by itself in the middle of the shop. There was nothing else around it; everything else, including the chairs, was against the bar tables. I was with one other person, a guy who was a bit older than me, and we were crouched down behind this cashier's desk, peering out the sides to see if anyone was coming. I knew that there was a big crowd coming after us, trying to kill us.

      I was also saying something extremely bizarre out loud. It wasn't just strange because I wasn't lucid, but also...

      "I've had this dream before... I know exactly what to do this time".

      I felt like I'd been in this dream before. I recognized the coffee shop, the mall, and the mob, and I also knew that another person would come and ruin my chances of escaping those people. I was expecting him to come, and I knew what to say this time so I wouldn't get caught. Last time, Jesse Pinkman (from the television series Breaking Bad) had come with a friend of his and asked where to hide the body of someone they killed. I'd told them to stash it in the car, which somehow caused the mob to find me and end the dream.

      Jesse and his friend appeared. They were both wearing dark gray hoodies and jeans, and Jesse was carrying a garbage bag with what looked like a body inside it. "Hey," Jesse asked with an anxious expression, "what do I do with this thing?"

      "Bury it," I said after a brief hesitation.

      They walked off, leaving me and my accomplice (just a guess) still sitting behind the bar. "We don't have to worry about the group of people anymore," I told him. "I fixed the dream."

      When I woke up, I realized I'd never dreamed of a scenario like that before, and the deja vu was generated entirely by the dream.

      Updated 05-19-2023 at 02:28 AM by 28408

      non-lucid , memorable
    4. The Chase

      by , 08-02-2010 at 06:15 PM
      Type: DILD.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      In this long dream, I became lucid once but decided to go with the plot of the dream.

      I was in the atrium of my school, a large, spacious central room with a triangular roof made of glass panels. You could hold a party in the room, it was so big. The doors were all lighter teal, and the tiles on the floor were large white and tan colors. On opposite sides of the room there were three doors, each to separate classrooms. The other two sides hosted the large main door and the back door, which both had large glass panels so you could see outside. I was outside the door of a classroom, leaning almost right up against the wall, waiting for the class to end. There were students walking past me but none of them acknowledged that I was there.

      There was a random borderless mirror beside me, and I looked into it. Most of my face was unseeable because there was a patch of fog on the mirror. When I moved my face to try and see it better, the fog disappeared and reappeared, again in front of my face. It annoyed me, so I stopped looking and just waited for the classroom doors to open.

      After a minute, the doors opened and I saw students from the grade lower than mine come out. There was a girl slightly shorter than me and with blonde hair down to her shoulders, and she looked at me as she walked past with the other students. "Hey, can I talk to you for a moment?" I asked her. She concurred and stepped away from the crowd, which was quickly ebbing away into the halls. "What is it?" I decided to play mysterious and not give her all the details. "Something's happened, and I'm not sure I can stay friends with you. I'm hoping you'll understand." Her only reaction was a dumbfounded expression and "what?"

      "I know that I'm not giving you a lot of details... I really think it'd be best if we weren't to talk anymore..." I decided to leave it at that, so I turned away and began to travel towards the front doors of the atrium. There was a set of stairs to get up to the second floor, and I was going to take them. "Hold it," I heard the girl say very sharply. "You're f***ing crazy. What's going on?" She began to press and press as I turned around to face her. She looked extremely mad, and her eyes were wider than they used to be. "Please, just go away," I told her firmly. "I'm sorry."

      She then lunged forward and tried to smack me across the face, but I fell backwards, getting up as quickly as I could but rather messily. She was breathing heavily now, looking almost like she wanted to murder me or something. "Come on," I told her again, almost jokingly, "this isn't worth it." I spun around and began sprinting towards the door, not looking back. Although from inside the building it looked light outside, when I actually got out it was dark. There was white-colored illumination from street lights though, which shone on a bumpy sheet of ice on the road. There was patches of snow here and there, covering up most of the grass outside. I saw a car which wasn't mine, but I figured I could use it to get away from the frightening student. It was a pale maroon-colored 60's vehicle that looked fairly worn down, but I got inside anyways. I pushed a large white button to the right of the steering wheel, between that and the radio consol. The car turned on with a "beep".

      I began to drive it, pressing down on the gas pedal to turn around (it was facing the wrong way), and began turning the steering wheel. However, the ice on the road made it very difficult to steer properly. The car slide five or ten feet to the side, and then again when I tried to back up. I couldn't drive in this thing, so I had to walk. When I got outside the car, the sky was brighter, almost as if it were seven in the morning. There was much more light now, so I got to the sidewalk and began walking down the street. Instead of apartment complexes and gas stations like in real life, there were single story houses along either side. I began to run again, and ran until I got to a juncture consisting of four small, white, modern buildings, attached together in a pinwheel fashion. The corners were touching but there was no way to get from inside one to the other without first going outside. I took refuge in one of them. There was black barbed fence surrounding them, except for a few medium-sized openings, and a few large green dumpsters. There were many cardboard boxes as well.

      Inside the building I chose to enter, there was solid tan flooring, and the walls were brick that was painted white. The whole building consisted of one room, which was littered with brand-new couches and television sets. I sat down in one of the chairs, which was comfortable. Only a minute or so passed before the student appeared in the door, which I thought was impossible. I told her to "stop" and she did, then I performed the finger-through-palm reality check. I really had to push my for my finger to go through, but it did, and then I knew I was dreaming. It only took a second to realize that I've never had a dream quite like this one before, so I decided to egg the student on instead of telling her to leave.

      "Keep doing what you're doing," I told her commandingly. "You're boss," she said. That made no sense until I woke up, but anyhow, she then began to advance on me. I felt my lucidity beginning to wane, so I ran at her and tried to punch her. She dodged it and my fist slammed into the bricks, creating a hole. I could see red but there was no blood on my hand, so it must have been the red bricks underneath the paint.
      I then lost my lucidity almost all at once, but I continued to hit her. "I said to leave me alone!" I said, rather aggressively, and managed to land a blow to her collarbone. She recoiled and touched where I punched her as if in pain. "A**hole", she called me, and slowly backed away through the door, slamming it shut. I finally managed to get rid of her.

      Moments later, she came back into the building with a large steak knife. I had a burst of panic, so I turned around and bolted towards a door that suddenly just appeared out of nowhere. I opened it and ended up in an alley consisting of a black dumpster, more black barbed wire, and brick buildings fairly close together. It was now daytime-brightness outside, so I could see everything. I began to climb up along the barbed wire, which didn't injure me at all. I must have been fifteen feet off the ground when the girl appeared outside, swinging the knife. I held my hand out for her to stop, but as I did, she took off my index finger. I shouted "ouch", although there was no pain. I looked at the stub of my finger and although it was flat and red, there was no blood coming out. The girl had vanished.

      The next thing I knew, I was back on the ground, holding what was left of my finger. I sat down cross-legged and leaned back against the black wire, looking up at the sky because I wasn't sure what to do next. Then someone appeared; she was a woman in her thirties with long brown hair, wearing a casual dress. "Hey, what's wrong?" she asked me. I showed her my finger. "Someone attacked me."

      She pulled out what looked like a finger puppet, but it was very plain; the only thing on it was the color grey. She took my finger and put it on, and it filled up exactly what part of my finger had been cut off. She took a small sewing needle and some yellow thread, sewing it on painlessly. When she was finished and I had a look at it, I could move my finger again. When I looked up, she was gone.

      Updated 07-03-2011 at 06:45 AM by 28408

      lucid , memorable
    5. The Hills and an Explosion

      by , 06-20-2010 at 05:57 PM
      Type: regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      I was chasing a group of people who were threatening to blow up our city. They were far from our sight, way down the path I and a friend were traveling along, but we weren't stopping until they were caught. The location was hilly, with green grass and a pale blue sky, dotted with clouds. We were running along a gray path with brownish accents. This went on for miles, we both knew.

      We ran for a few minutes and then, just over the horizon, the group of people we were chasing appeared. My friend, a girl my age who had ginger hair tied up in a ponytail, a few inches taller than me, pulled out a strange-looking gun and began to shoot. We saw three of the people drop dead, but there were still two more. She finished them off easily, too.

      I heard one person shout out before dying, however, and I knew the battle wasn't over. After all, they told us, "this isn't over, we still have our secret weapon." Before we could realize what was happening, a huge shadow loomed over us and we looked up to see a massive ship hovering a few yards above us. It had two red doors on the bottom that were tracking us with red light, following us as we walked back and forth trying to shake them off, and we both knew this wasn't good. We were going to die.

      "Run!" I told my friend who began to bolt down the field, the opposite direction, away from the people who she'd just killed. I followed her. As we ran, I remembered that I had an explosive device in my pocket. Not one that could kill me, though, but the enemy. I pulled it out and it looked like a regular shiny black ball. I stopped, the ship catching up with me in a matter of seconds, and my friend continued to run for a few moments until she realized I was stopped. She turned around and yelled, "what are you doing?!"

      "I'm destroying this ship!" I told her. I took the bomb and looked up, the red lights still tracking me, and realized (somehow) that I had to throw it into the center of the ship where the three blue ovals were. I built up power, as in a video game, for a few moments and then threw it directly where I wanted it to go. It stuck to the ship like a magnet, and I heard beeping. Suddenly, though, one of the red lights opened up. They were doors and lights, I realized.

      Two small, cylindrical bombs began to drop out of the ship, one beside the other. The top half of each bomb was navy blue, and the bottom was white. A strip of silver separated the two colors. They exploded on contact and I died.

      I was now watching myself from third person, above the ground, similar to the distance the ship was from the ground. As the smoke and fire cleared, I saw ashes on the ground where I used to be standing. I felt myself being pulled up towards the sky, so I had to stop looking down, and I began to accelerate faster and faster. My vision became a pale navy and there were tiny streaks of white light going past me swiftly.

      The dream ended.

      Updated 07-03-2011 at 06:53 AM by 28408
