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    1. A Different Kind of Flambé - Cherry on Fire

      by , 08-22-2011 at 05:27 AM
      Type: DILD.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      I was half-asleep a few nights ago and got some nonsensical imagery of flames, elephants and fruits, cherries being one of them. I then got the random idea to set a cherry on fire in an upcoming lucid. I didn't plan on doing it this soon because I had more dated goals, but in this LD, my logic wasn't completely turned on and my memory of waking life events wasn't too good. When lucid, I thought about what I wanted to do for a few moments, and only remembered to do the cherry thing. If I had the awareness I would've done something else, but...

      A final note, I had this dream after waking up in the middle of the night for two hours, feeling really sick, then going back to bed when my stomach settled down. I did a few RCs and awareness sessions during this time. As for the dream itself, I was pretty tired and fell asleep right away, so I'm surprised I remember as much of it as I do.

      I was in my "house", except this wasn't quite my actual house. It was a single square room, probably only 15x15 feet, and it was darkly-lit so I couldn't see what kind of flooring it had. I did see the walls were a lighter blue with a slight green tint, and the molding around the ceiling and along the floor was white, and relatively plain. The room was divided in two equal sections by another wall, of the same color, that ran from one side of it to the other. It had a large, clean rectangular opening so that if you were to look at the wall, you'd see the other half of the room. The opening in the dividing wall must have been three feet tall and six feet wide, and positioned more to the left side. On the right was a basic open doorway, with no door.

      I was standing on one side of this wall and looking at the other side; it consisted of a basic kitchen countertop, white in color with dark wooden cabinets. There were no chairs or tables, or a fridge, just the counters. The center of the room had a warm yellow light shining down on it, which dissipated towards the walls of the room. In the half of the room I was in, there was little lighting except a bit coming in from a window. When you looked out the window, you could see a very dark, pale blue street with snow. That seems to be a common setting for houses in my dreams.

      I leaned up against the opening of the wall and put my arms over the foot-thick structure; I became lucid as I did this. I noticed the appearance of the opening change a bit; before it was just lined by the blue-green wall, but now it was lined with polished, lighter wood (bamboo-color?). It was like the lining of a windowsill. I counted my fingers, one, two, three, four, five... But I knew better than to assume anything by just using the finger check, so I plugged my nose and I could breathe; the air felt still and it was room temperature. I also noted the location I was in, and then realized it was a combination of my old house's living room and a kitchen.

      For stabilization, I took a few steps back and looked at the wood on the rectangular wall opening; I could see a few small holes in it, probably the size of thumbtack heads, but it wasn't littered with them. I then put my right hand on the wood and moved it along, seeing how it felt. It felt like polished wood, where there was a bit of friction and it took slightly more effort to move my hand. It was realistic; the more intensely I observed the wood, the cooler it felt. I then rubbed my hands together and tried to think about what my dream goals were; after ten seconds I remembered wanting to set a cherry on fire, so I held my right hand out in front of me, forming a fist. After doing this, I moved my thumb out to the right and my last for digits downwards a bit, imagining a cherry to roll up a bit from inside my grip. A maraschino cherry appeared; it was bright red like the real thing, but the stem was half the size it should've been, and it was very slightly transparent, making its color a bit lighter than normal. I looked closely at it, then started to use pyrokinesis. I imagined warmth coming from the cherry and saw that the places where my hand was touching it ripple outward slightly, and these ripples glowed orange. The left and right of the cherry then started to show a sleek flame coming up from either side; this flame was mostly red-orange but also had some yellow blended in.

      It took about a minute to get a flame to fully encapsulate the cherry, but I did it. The flame was very realistic and seemed to come mostly from the bottom and rise up and around the cherry, but a few smaller licks of fire came from in between the fruit and where I was touching it. I'd never seen so realistic flames in a dream before, so I was mesmerized! I didn't feel a burn from the fire coming from the cherry, but just a slight 'fuzziness', as if I was rubbing my fingers against a chalkboard.

      The cherry looked the same as it did initially, not burning or anything. But as the dream started to end, I popped the cherry into my mouth. It tasted like pure white sugar. The outside was crispy as if it had been charred, though when I was holding it before, it was soft and visibly unaffected by the fire.

      I tried a DEILD, but it failed because I accidentally opened my eyes!

      Updated 05-15-2023 at 11:33 PM by 28408

    2. You're Not Leaving!

      by , 08-15-2011 at 02:58 AM
      Type: DILD.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      This dream started in my house. I was in the hallway of the second floor, but one side of this hallway wasn't walled-off, and instead it had a half-wall that overlooked the first floor, which went out from underneath it for another ten feet or so. The walls were beige and the half-wall was topped off with a smooth, rounded section of dark wood. The floors, as they've always been, were hardwood. The first floor must have been twenty feet tall, judging from how high up the second one was.

      I was standing up against the half-wall, with my elbows resting on with wood on top. I wanted to leave the house but I knew my dad wouldn't let me; he was in an irritable mood. The tall wall I was facing had a large, vertical rectangular window made of one solid pane of glass. If you were to look below the window, you'd see the front door of the house. It was a set of white double doors with brass doorknobs. I peered over the wall to look down at them; it was fairly dark in the house though, because the lighting was dimmed. Light was coming from a room to the right on the first floor, on the wall adjacent to the one with the door, though. My dad was in that room.

      I looked out through the big window and it was clearly nighttime; the sky was pitch-black. The only thing I could see were distant street lights. I did see a two-lane road right in front of my house going perpendicular to it, but that's because it was right near the house.

      The dream skipped and I was now downstairs, right in front of the door. Right there, I became lucid. Wanting to avoid a possible scrap with my dad (because the dream had a slightly dark air to it), I called out to him; I sort of knew he was still in the room to the right. The light was still on, too, letting a flood of yellow into the main room, the one I was in.

      "Dad," I said, "I'm leaving now! I'll be back in a bit."

      I expected him to oblige and simply say 'alright', but that didn't happen. Moments later, I prepared to open the door and summon the indoor "arrivals" terminal of an airport, and that was when I felt an invisible hand on my shoulder. I didn't summon this hand; I'd simply forgotten all about my dad, but the dream obviously had other ideas. The hand freaked me out slightly but I shoved it off, saying, "dad, this is a dream and you have no business doing that. Get lost." I kept my cool because I was aware enough that I was dreaming, and that nothing could hurt me.

      "You're not leaving!" I heard him shout from the other room; his voice sounded hollow but not echoey at all. I gathered up my visualizations again and was about to open the door, when the floor gave way. It split in two, and I could hear the hardwood snap as I plunged right-side up into blackness.

      Okay, so I was pretty much totally unnerved now, but I still managed to keep my charade going. "What did I say?" I exclaimed, rolling my eyes as I fell down through the blackness. I crossed my arms. "Put me back, NOW!"

      The lack of visual input must have been what caused the dream to end.

      Updated 05-16-2023 at 03:22 AM by 28408

    3. Basement Animals

      by , 09-10-2010 at 10:27 PM
      Type: Regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      Ugh... This was terrible. Usually when I wake up from a nightmare, I just need to do a nose-pinch reality check to know I'm no longer dreaming and relax. But when I woke up from this one, even though I knew I wasn't dreaming, I just couldn't relax and get my heart rate down from the physical effects of the dream.

      I was in a well-lit swim apparel store, minding my own business, looking around at different items. The store was the size of an average kid's bedroom, and had flat, bamboo-like walls and light hardwood flooring. There were racks of different swimsuits and other accessories, and on the wall were suits as well. I was looking up at a grey and blue wetsuit on the wall, a few feet higher than I was tall. I jumped up in a rather slow fashion and got high enough to reach the hook; I floated up there for a few moments as I teased the hook away from the others, then fell back down, landing on my feet.

      I turned around and, without paying, left the store. The door was made of the same type of hardwood as the floor, but a bit darker; when I opened it, I walked into the basement of my house I'm currently living in. It was almost pitch-black, but I could still see the shapes of furniture in the gloom. I turned to the left and saw a door open; the room it led to was casting a pale orange light into the dark basement room, lighting me up. I looked around and nothing was illuminated except for me.

      I turned around and looked at the door again. Standing there in the entranceway, not moving, was a red fox, a bit smaller than fully grown. It was probably around two feet long and only half a foot high, and had a slightly browner coloration than a normal red fox would have. It looked at me in that instant with an almost menacing glare. I started to walk towards it and as I did, I said, "shoo". "Go away". Lines like that.

      Then it bared its teeth and leapt at my left hand, snarling in a frightening, high-pitched sort of way, and started to bite it. I felt pins and needles, numbness, and a bit of pain. I tried to forcefully shake it off, but as I did, I could feel my hand starting to fall off with it. The fox vanished and without looking at my hand, I noticed a small gray kitten sitting in the darkness, now slightly lit up with white light. It snarled and hissed, and leapt at my hand again, tearing it up more.

      I woke up.

      Updated 05-19-2023 at 01:15 AM by 28408

      Tags: bite, cat, fox, hand, store, swim, wetsuit
      nightmare , non-lucid
    4. Pokemon Handheld - Fight for the Sticky Hand

      by , 08-27-2010 at 06:17 PM
      Type: regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      I was in the car with my father; he was driving and I was in the front seat. It was a black infinity, even though we have a white one in real life, with a black leather interior and polished cherry wood accents. We were traveling along some city street with small, decrepit buildings on both sides, the kind of buildings that would host pawn shops and second-hand stores.

      I was playing a game on a hand-held system that looked like an original teal gameboy color. However, the screen was twice as big, as was the console itself. There was a pokemon game on the screen; it was three-dimensional and you controlled one pokemon. There was a mountainous layout like that of the Sims games, except with much more details and crisper graphics. The whole mountain was a bowl shape, with all the pokemon in the bowl part, along with other small hills and rocks. There were many other pokemon running around, flying around, and digging in the ground. It was sort of like mission impossible, as it was every pokemon for themselves, and they had to defeat all the others before they defeated them.

      I was a flygon in the game, and I was pressing buttons that were labeled "fly" on the console. The flygon would dive down and attack a pokemon underneath it, then come back up again into the air.

      The dream changed, and now I was a part of the game. I was on a small rocky hill covered with snow, looking for powerups. I saw things covered up in the snow, little coin-shaped light green circles with plus signs on them, and when I got near them, I'd absorb them and I'd hear a beep. I had no idea what they did, but they were obviously good for something.

      Then, I saw a large purple sticky hand in the snow. The hand was visible, but snow covered up the long part, and it disappeared onto a small hill. I picked up the hand portion and ran up the hill, to see an upside down u-shaped piece of rock, with the end part of the purple sticky hand tied up in it. There were two children, probably seven or eight, wearing heavy parkas with fur. They looked at me and said, "this is ours, get your own". I told them, "I'm already touching part of it, so it's mine".

      One of them walked up to me, puffing out her chest, and said, "no!" I leaned towards her and said, "if you want to fight me for it, fine, but I'll win." She punched me but I didn't feel anything because she was wearing thick mittens. I laughed and said, "bye", waving as I did. The two backed off and went away.

      I spent quite a while trying to unravel the sticky hand.

      Updated 07-03-2011 at 06:34 AM by 28408
